
Rumford has a paper mill. It stinks. Really!

Maine has few jobs except for the coast where tourism reigns.

Also, Mainers do not like people from "away". I've lived in Maine for 8 years now after moving here from southern New Hampshire and I'm still considered an outsider. Try northern New Hampshire where the natives are friendlier.

Wow, really? I'm from New York and have NEVER been made to feel that way. I swear Maine people are the most hospitable people I have ever been around!

I grew up in Rumford. It is a great place to raise kids, but there isn't work there. I moved closer to the coast. I would move back in a heartbeat if there were work..
Has anyone ever succeeded in cohorting chickens and turkeys? LoL. (Seriously though, I think they have diseases that they can give each other or something?)

actually turkeys can get black head from chickens and chickens get "vaccinated" (if you will) for mereks from turkeys. the chickens will survive and do well but the turkeys don't do so well.

I had 20 turkeys in a pen along side a pen with 15 chickens. They would stand on their respective sides of the fence and stare at each other. No sicknesses. turkeys went to freezer, roosters, too, chickens laying just fine..
Sometimes, some of the chix would jump in with the turkeys just to stir things up..
have you ever been to rumford? did you sniff the air? it's a paper mill town. I suppose it's a smell you get used to, I'm glad I don't have to get used to it. now if you like rumford but want less smell, mexico is right next door, a bit further from the mill.

Sorry Hoppy, but Mexico is DOWNWIND from the mill. Rumford Center, Rumford Point, Hanover, North Rumford, that's the way to go. North and west of the mill..
have you ever been to rumford? did you sniff the air? it's a paper mill town. I suppose it's a smell you get used to, I'm glad I don't have to get used to it. now if you like rumford but want less smell, mexico is right next door, a bit further from the mill.

Sorry Hoppy, but Mexico is DOWNWIND from the mill. Rumford Center, Rumford Point, Hanover, North Rumford, that's the way to go. North and west of the mill..

I only pass through, the smell doesn't make me want to stay too long.
Hello everyone!
Just popping in to say hello again, after another round of computer shenanigans (UGH! We have the worst luck with electronics of every kind!)
I am so sad we missed the last Augusta swap, I was really hoping to get there and hopefully find a couple more hens to add to the flock. But it has been so very hectic and crazy here!!
Our flock is down to just 7 now. I was really lucky to be able to rehome our 2 extra roo's to a great home where they are pets. They were the sweetest roos ever! They could hop up in our laps and fall asleep, the kids carried them around the yard and played "house" with them. But with such a small flock to begin with, and the number of boys being almost as much as the number of girls, I really felt like I owed them the chance to find some more space...Then lastnight when I went to put everyone up I was short 1 chicken. Of course it was everyones favorite, the sister of our 2 sweet roos. I looked for over an hour, in the woods, in the yard, in the driveway, at the luck. I left the extra coop and pen open, in case she came back. I felt awful. It only got worse when my husband left for work this morning and told me he found her and it wasnt good. So we lost the last of our 3 sweet babies we got as day-old chicks.

Anyway, hope all is well with everyone and I hope that I am able to check in with everyone more often!!!
I lost one the other day too. whatever it was that got it, moved fast. I was outside, saw all the birds (that one in partcular) went inside to get scratch feed - not 2 mins- then no sign of him when I locked everyone up and not a noise. everone was pretty much into the pen whick tells me it might have been a flyover. well that was their last outing until spring. I don't really have enough chickens that I can lose any more. thankfully I over planned on the roosters and still have 2.
I still have the 3 hertiage turkeys available if anyone is looking. I did hear from someone that my bourbon red hen is indeed a bourbon red- I guess they a lighter colored as young birds and darken with age. so 1 bourbon red, 1 black slate hens and one royal palm x ? could be a sweetgrass (they say) tom. take them for what thats all worth.
I bought them on here as pure but that RP is not what I compare to photos.

oh, and if your not busy this weekend, I will be at the longfellows greenhouse art show (puddledock rd, manchester, maine) with my stained glass, carved emu eggs and some stained glass stepping stones and jewelry.
there are several other artist that will be there. it's in the area between greenhouses inside so should be warm and sunny inside regardless of the weather outside.
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sooo....I dont suppose......

Anyone has any hens in the 20ish week old range??? I would really like to add a couple more to our flock as we get ready for winter.

would REALLY REALLY love some cochins if anyone knows where I can get some of those??

I know, I know, its a long shot. But I might as well try, right??


Also want to throw out there that the 3rd annual NYD hatch thread just got started. It's a lot of fun to participate in, lots of contests and prizes and chatting.

I was a bit worried last year that it was the wrong time of year to be hatching, but I had nearly POL pullets by the time the first swap rolled around and they went quickly.

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