
I'll have to talk to the girls, I was actually planning to start hatching soon to be ready for show season, they however are taking a break it seems. one of my girls is trying to hatch air and the others are not even laying even for 6 eggs/week.
(but boy wasn't I excited the day I got 3 eggs - then the dry spell hit)
I'll have to talk to the girls, I was actually planning to start hatching soon to be ready for show season, they however are taking a break it seems. one of my girls is trying to hatch air and the others are not even laying even for 6 eggs/week.
(but boy wasn't I excited the day I got 3 eggs - then the dry spell hit)

I have an incubator full of eggs right now.

Bantam cochin and d'Uccle eggs.

Trouble with this time of year is eggs getting too cold in the barn before I get out there to pick them up.

Also, fertility is down....maybe the roosters get cold you know whats

But I keep trying.

I've put eggs under my elderly white BC hen since she's in love with a nesting box.
Not that I'm trying to rush Spring or anything but I have been looking at Holderreads website trying to figure out what I want to order for next year. I know I want more Saxonies and some Indian Runners. Since they are already taking orders for 2012 I think I will make my choices this weekend and place an order next week for April. That way it is done and over with and I won't have to worry about it.
UGH! We arent getting any eggs here either!!! And our poor chickens all look like they have chicken-mange! But it is oddly reassuring to know that we aren't the only ones, lol! My husband was not a happy man when I had to put eggs on the shopping list. I think he may have actually snuck out to the coop to lecture the ladies about doing their jobs...

joanie_maine I am looking for the LF, though I do accidentally have one bantam.....It really is Hoppys fault that I have her to begin with!! See, she had this frizzle that I just had to have and it wasnt really age/size compatible with any of my other birds, so I HAD to get it a friend!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, it all works out cause my frizzle (Aunt Deb...but HE needs a name change soon) is the most entertaining chicken in the flock. And his little bantam buddy tries to copy everything he does, which makes it even funnier!! Maybe I should change their names to Pete and Re-Pete....
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love it, pete and re-pete
I know, it's my fault but who can't smile when they see a sizzle??I had one person tell them they were "just wrong" but I caught that person smiling at them so I know they might be wrong, but if they can make you smile, that makes it all right.

and big show in oxford mass sunday (sorry thought it was saturday) the boston poultry expo which is america's oldest and first poultry show, must be something to see from what I hear. wish I could go or at least have someone thinking of me and bring me back something nice. oh the wishes i could make.
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I've been getting 8-9 eggs a day steady for the last 2 weeks. Not bad out of 19 but I know out of the 19, 4 are old (over 2 years, wifes attached to them as pets) 2 are roosters and 3 are only about 2 months old. I do have to hit the coop today or tomorrow with a caulking gun and some weather stripping tape around the inside door jam. I think it's time to cover the front of the eves now too, leaving the underside of the eaves open for ventilation. Time to really winterize and fill all the drafts.

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