
Lots of catching up to do on here!

I'm sorry to read about the losses over the Winter, well pump issues, illnesses and surgeries but I hope things are brighter for everyone, especially with Spring finally here!
Spring is here. Eighteen Pekins in the brooder along with seven Blk Australorps, one EE and one Domunique. The chickens are mine but the ducks are for a friend who also wants me to raise chickens for her (a dozen Delawares coming in next week plus a few extra Silkies for me). Turkeys are due at the end of the month. None of the breeds I really wanted are available so I made due with what I could get. Not really complaining since I like the Australorps but it is frustrating when everything is already out for the year or not available until fall.

Plus just to add some extra fun to the summer I am going to raise two pigs for the freezer. I have a couple people already lined up who want some locally raised pork. Should be an interesting endeavor.
My trees arrived yesterday. I believe there are 15 of them. What on earth was I thinking? The instructions say that they should be planted right away. I'm totally incapable of processing that information when I look out the window! The best idea I can come up with is to buy an other bale of Pro-Mix, and pot them up. I have 2 huge mountains of slash, that are still buried under snow that need to be burned before I can even think about planting those trees. If the weather had cooperated last fall, we could have burned last fall...

Chicks due to hatch next Saturday. Need to make a basket to rig a bunk bed for hatching in the incubator b/c there are too many eggs for them to be able to lay flat. Then, need to make a chick pen in the big coop.
Plus just to add some extra fun to the summer I am going to raise two pigs for the freezer. I have a couple people already lined up who want some locally raised pork. Should be an interesting endeavor.

I want pigs badly. I had a dream last night that 2 pigs magically appeared on our farm and I was trying to hide them from BF.

That is a very funny dream! :lol:
My trees arrived yesterday. I believe there are 15 of them. What on earth was I thinking? The instructions say that they should be planted right away. I'm totally incapable of processing that information when I look out the window! The best idea I can come up with is to buy an other bale of Pro-Mix, and pot them up. I have 2 huge mountains of slash, that are still buried under snow that need to be burned before I can even think about planting those trees. If the weather had cooperated last fall, we could have burned last fall...

Chicks due to hatch next Saturday. Need to make a basket to rig a bunk bed for hatching in the incubator b/c there are too many eggs for them to be able to lay flat. Then, need to make a chick pen in the big coop.

Ours arrived at an inopportune time last year. I kept them in the garage where they didn't really get direct sunlight and watered the roots every couple days. I held them captive about 2 weeks or so. Not that I think we're going to be thawed in 2 weeks, but "planted right away" is also unnecessary.

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