
To those wanting to raise hogs- congrats on being wise about doi.g it in Spring/Summer first! Our first ones we have raised this past winter. We looked for piglets all last Spring/Summer but it was September before we found some locally that were available due to the slaughterhouse owner putting dibbs on every litter as soon as they were born. We rolled with it and all these months later we have learned that our large hog lot on a downhill grade was not ideal for the amount of rooting they do and that nobody (hogs nor humans) like it when rain follows snowmelt turning the shelter area into 7" of soupy mud
It WAS nicely sloped for drainage until they rooted it into a dip bowl shape that held all the rain water on this mountain it seemed. Alas, you learn as you go. One hog is ready to go but our efforts to get it out of the lot, up the steep hill and onto the truck a few weeks ago resulted in hog screams that'll bust your ears and the hog peacefully laughing at us in the lot at the end of the day. He is now still enjoying food every day instead of being in our freezer until we get a chute built
Have fun and I bet yall get better feed conversion.
Hi enjoying getting caught up on all the topics. I have started maintenance on the coop. Cleaned it out thoroughly and put the door back on the run. I had taken it off because there was so much snow I couldn't open it at some point. And I actually sno blowed the run all winter. The big window finally broke so I want to redesign it today. But my egg production problem still ongoing. I know the Leghorns give me an egg every day. But I'm not getting any brown eggs so are the other 4 not doing it anymore or are they just laying them and eating them immediately? They are all 2 years old. I want to save my 2 Leghorns and cull the other 4 and start all over. Is that terrible? The black sex links are huge. The typical big fat hens. They are definitely the chief egg eaters. Does anyone know of chicken butcher in Waterboro area? Now that I've made the decision I want to get going on it. I also want to try different breeds this time. Anyone tried/had Buttercups?
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They aren't winter hardy so I guess forget them. But they sure are pretty. I wonder about a flock of leghorns. I'd get plenty of eggs but with all the big personalities will they just be fighting all the time? Thoughts?
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Hey everyone! I've been MIA for so long and feel terrible about returning only to plea. I finally have finances in place to get some ducks and do you think I can find any locally? Nope. I'm not even that picky in regards to breed. Just 2 or 3 established ladies (6 months to 2 years old) that don't fly. If anyone has any or knows someone, I'd love to hear from you. I'm in Fryeburg and forced to stay within 45 minutes of home (7 months pregnant with twins). Anyways, missed you all and I promise to swing by later to catch up.
My backyard--a river runs through it!! The pen is dry but everything outside of it is a swamp. I found an egg yolk & a flattened shell in the nest box tonight. Also found egg yolk on the roost this morning. No shell so I'm hoping maybe the egg broke when it dropped on the roost.

I'm happy to announce that we've had successful integration of my new roo, Ragnar! None of the girls have challenged him. I thought some of the 2 year olds would but they've been good.

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