
So long BYB and chickens.  DW does not want the birds around.  Too messy, too much time invested in taking care of them, they are dirt bathing in her flower gardens, their pen takes up too much lawn, spending too much money, and the list goes on.  So the birds went to brother and sister-in-law.  The coop and run and feeders will go to my son.  I enjoyed my association with all of you, and the things you taught me.  I miss the rooster's actions and vocalizations but I will get over it. I hope the other roosters at b-i-l's don't kill him.

Sorry to hear that striperon. I hope you get to visit your birds and that your rooster comes out on top!
So sorry to hear that striperron! I hope can visit your birds from time to time. Take Care!
Caught 5 rats Wed. & 3 last night. Setting the traps again tonight and the game cam. I hate to say I have a new skill but setting traps without snapping a finger off is a plus!
I hope you're all enjoying this incredible weather! I spent the whole day out puttering around, and got a sun burn. I never intend to let that happen... forgot to get the screen on. Planted an other tree. The pile of "yet to be planted" is getting smaller! I hope they survive where I'm, putting them. The water table is high. Hubby mowed the lawn. All the birds are loving the huge lawn clipping salads they have been served. He dumped the double bags about 10 times. Some in each coop, and a huge mound in the run. Chicks stuffed themselves on the grass, so I gave them some extra servings of grit from the driveway.
The weather is (now was) great! I am really far behind on planting though. An entire hoop house needs to be prepared and planted. I'm hoping things will catch up if I get them in sometime in June...
My seedlings were pathetic this year also. It seems that I can either hatch eggs, or grow good seedlings. I did start them, but never got them transplanted. Didn't harden them properly, either. So, I had styro cups with any where from 4 - 8 seedlings in each cup. Tomatoes, several varieties did ok, and actually perked up and look kind of ok in the garden. Amazingly, my peppers seem to have thrived on the abuse. Flower seedlings were in 6 packs and did ok. I think that next year, I'll plant tomatoes and peppers right in the 6 packs to avoid the need to transplant.

My youngest babies are growing like weeds. I watched them put themselves to bed last night, and it was a riot. They are flitting around in the old coop like a bunch of parakeets! They are flying all the way across it, and back and forth from loft to floor. Such purposeful little beings at only 3.5 weeks old! Been off heat for a few days. I may need to start an other batch to cover all the folks who want these chicks. Will most likely need to wait until I get back from Guatemala in late July though, so hubby won't have to tend a chick nursery while I'm gone.

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