
Oh no! So no matter what we do she will always have to be on a leash! If a fence can keep a cow in I would of thought it would of worked for her! We live on rock bed so we we're hoping that would of worked! Anyone want a 5 mth puppy! Aarrggggg

I've owned three Pyrs and volunteer with Big Fluffy Dog Rescue. Believe me it is a breed thing. Love them though.
Finally gave in and bought a game cam from Dicks sporting goods. Especially after all the tracks and few dig marks and this morning the fresh poop a foot from the back of my coop. Granted I'm pretty sure nothings getting in the coop, made sure that was really reinforced when I built it. Still makes me nervous though. Can't wait to get it home and set up.
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The warmer weather brought back the rats, -everywhere! Found a tunnel into the hoop coop. I'll need to finish the hardware cloth underground wall this summer.

Found a live rat running around in the chicken run of our "shack" coop. There's some digging in the run, but it looks like attempts to get out. We had the run door open all day the day before, and DH had spotted him running around the outside, and we think he came in and got trapped inside. They are so fast. No luck with our attempts chasing him with a shovel, and nothing in the trap overnight. I'll need to dig up the corner where there was a security breach this winter and see what I can do. Maybe we'll put out the game cam tonight.

Compost heap is full of new tunnels. I still have some of the poison you gave me, SCG, so I think I'll try that in the hoop coop, since the shack coop rat family wouldn't bite. I hate to think about how many rats are out there.....
Nothing like going to the coop this morning at 5 to find blood everywhere over the poop board. Counted the chickens 3 times in a panic, they were all there. Started to look at each one individually then. They must of got in a squabble last night after I shut them in around 6:30, cause one of their combs were all covered in dry blood. Brought her in the house and tried to clean her up some and set up the rabbit pen I separate them in. I don't see any tears in it but will have to clean her up some more later when my mom can can over to my house and hold her since my husband had to leave for work. What do you guys normally do for bleeding comb injuries?
Ya it still bleeds a little off and on and others were interested so that's why I separated her from the others but still with them. Hoping when I recheck her a little later it will be done bleeding so she can go back out.

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