
There are non-toxic rat poisons that aren't actually poison, they just bind them up due to their unique digestive system. Pretty much any of the ones where the main ingredient is corn meal.

None of them work in my opinion though, rats get wise to it too quick. Best luck I've had is rotating in and out of snap traps with varying baits, and supplying the same food as bait freely to get them comfortable with it.

Bucket trick works pretty good too, though with the size of my rats, I use a 55 gal barrel.
Gross question, but... here it is. When a rat falls in a barrel of water, does the body float or sink? I could use my rain barrel b/c it's right near my hay bale garden where I saw a rat IN THE BALES. How very disgusting is that, especially since I had a wonderful crop of sweet potatoes growing there, that I'm very sure have been completely destroyed by the rat(s). but, if I baited the rain barrel, with the water level down about a foot, would I be able to see the dead rat in the morning, and would I need to drain the barrel if I remove the body each morning? Would floating a bit of peanut butter on a bit of styrofoam in the barrel do the trick? Or would I need to do the rolling soda can trick????
Gross question, but... here it is. When a rat falls in a barrel of water, does the body float or sink? I could use my rain barrel b/c it's right near my hay bale garden where I saw a rat IN THE BALES. How very disgusting is that, especially since I had a wonderful crop of sweet potatoes growing there, that I'm very sure have been completely destroyed by the rat(s). but, if I baited the rain barrel, with the water level down about a foot, would I be able to see the dead rat in the morning, and would I need to drain the barrel if I remove the body each morning? Would floating a bit of peanut butter on a bit of styrofoam in the barrel do the trick? Or would I need to do the rolling soda can trick????
i float a piece of wood covered in PB, the body will float until it gets too saturated, then it sinks and all the hair falls off :sick
I've never found one sunk, so I presume they'll always float for as long as their bloated. As DNL said, i'm sure eventually it'd sink.

I'd do the rolling can thing over a bait island, the island gives them something to try launching from and they can jump pretty high. I usually catch them dry, with just a little feed at the bottom and a board over the hop... they go under the board and all but the largest can't jump back out.

As for draining the water, I don't see the need unless you have animals drinking it.
Thanks. Yeah. She's turning into quite the mouser. I'm sure she'd have equal fun with a rat. I'm quite proud of the girl. She's living up to her heritage (supposedly JR terrier mix, though she looks more like a mini Dalmation, with the spots, and the long legs, lean body.) She will also lie on the lawn while the flock forages around her. Not so prone to want to see the birds run as she was last summer.
I survived my hernia surgery. Unfortunately I've been week as heck since then. Managed to make it out to the coop yesterday and basically passed out for an hour and a half afterwards. The wife has been taking care of the chickens and the ducks. She's doing really well but because she's such a neat freak she's going crazy cleaning everything. LOL.
Still haven't found anyone to take Oson my F1 or F2 Easter Egger. Or my Ameraucana Silver. I know that one is pure-blood but cause of coloring is considered just an EE.
I'm sorry to hear about everyone's predator problems. I think the fact there are 4 dogs around here is only reason I don't have more of an issue here.
found mouse or rat tunnels by the grow-out coop along with mouse signs in the house. (That time of year and my lazy fat cat does nothing.)
Hoping I can get a bank loan for the roof after it got trashed recently. Insurance coverage was a complete joke.
Meeting with the dad of one of the wife's friends about at minimum fixing the leaks before winter. Then the bank maybe next week when I am cleared to drive.

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