
Hello folks. Nice to find the Maine section here at BYC. New to the site. Hope to talk to you all soon. Any great threads I should read besides this one?
Welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself: What you got for birds? Do you garden? When I first joined BYC, I simply typed in any key words or topic in the search bar, and just started reading. Some topics that might interest you:

Deep litter management in coop and run
Fermented feed
Any of the Learning Center articles, including:
Hatching Eggs 101 (an excellent article about all things related to ensuring a healthy hatch)
Brooding chicks in the coop
Heating pad brooding
Sprouting grains or using fodder
There are lots of interesting gardening threads.
In the social section, I frequent the Prayer Warriors and the Leukemia threads. Lots of good people there.
Hope you have a speedy recovery @combatfuzzball!

Welcome birds and the bees!! Wonderful people on this thread! I’ve learned so much!!

so far so good with everyone back in the coop. The 6 chicks are growing like weeds. I think I may have at least 2 Roos in the bunch. They were chest bumping the other day. Then the black one grabbed the yellow one by the head feathers and that one was screeching. I let it go on for a little bit before I picked up the black one. The yellow guy is a Rhodebar from a friend’s birds. His dad is a fairly docile bird—not aggressive towards people at all. The black one is a BA/Lav. Orp cross from my birds. His dad was a jerk to me but did his job well & protected his ladies. I guess I’ll have to wait and see which one turns into a little turd first before I decide who the keep. I think my mama hen has an impacted crop. I’ve been doing some research and think I have a plan. Has anyone ever dealt with that?
I think my mama hen has an impacted crop. I’ve been doing some research and think I have a plan. Has anyone ever dealt with that?
yes, i massaged it 2x a day, put her on crumbles only, grit, acv in water
seems to have cleared but still not quite 'right' i think i need to do a little more for her but just giving a little more time

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