
neighbors... SeaChick's daughter here, we have since moved to Cumberland.
how much ventilation is needed (suggested) in the coldest of winter. With temps below zero for possible extended times, is it best to just to "button it up" good. i have a new coop, uninsulated, and will have a light for winter. I dont have much for ventilation now, should i wait till spring to put in ? Also, whats the best method for dealing with freezing water ? Heaters ? Drinking schedules ? thanks......
Seeings you are in New England, I'll suggest that you do not button up to snug as our birds have MG, aka to folks, a cold, and lack of air exchange will make them sick. Build up of humidity and amonia can cause us damage...
To be honest, I have a 4x8 coop for 5 hens, a storm window that is not covered and the only insulation we placed on it was tar paper on the inside of the shed and shingles on the exterior wall. I also allow my girls out in the pen on 'warmer' days. If the sun is shinning, they get to go out around noon to 2, then place them inside to re-warm their surroundings. The only insulation is the cardboard on the ceiling to keep their warms down.
As long as your perches are wide enough so they can keep that middle toe warm and under your feathers all should be well. In winter we do use a 40 watt bulb in the evening to gain a bit of egg production and a heated waterer.
Personally I feel that the folks that feel they need heaters in their coops set their birds up for failure when the power goes out. It seems to do that a lot where I am, if I heated the coop, then they would not be physically prepared, and can die.
So use care when your deciding to do the extras for your girls. Not that you shouldn't, but being cautious in Maine winters is how we keep our critters alive!
The one thing I do, is use fat & finish, or higher protein/fat content food, give my 5 a couple cups of this in the mornings with 'hot' water and they eat it up like oatmeal! It seems to keep them insulated, er, energy enough to give them warmth.
I do not believe that corn as many say makes them any more warm then regular food. Perhaps its takes more energy to grind it down, but until I hear old timers say that, mine still get corn summer/winter, spring/fall!
Good luck and build your coop like you want!
Hi everyone, We are from Pownal. We have 2 Reds and 10 Black Astralops. It was a very cold winter last year and we didn't insulate there coop. It is a shed we got from Lowes last year 8x10. I wish we had insulated this year. They have a heat lamp in there and it is just to keep there water from freezing. If there water gets warm in the summer they won't drink it. They prefer cold cold water. They are free roaming and hate the cold but love walking on the ice and sliding. They will search for it and then they all just go skating around. I love my peeps and wouldn't trade them for anything.
cold up here in the northern part of the state. my coop isnt insulated either. i do have a heat lamp in there for them. i bought a water heater-er but havent hooked it up yet. for now, i just go out twice a day and exhange frozen water-ers. next warm day i am hooking up the heater tho.

did you find the owner of the lost bird? i live in patten, not far from houlton, but it isnt mine !!!! good luck !!
Welcome. I think you have unusual chickens that enjoy sliding around on the ice. Mine will not walk on snow or ice. Before the first snow this year, I had not closed the chicken door to their coop and some snow drifted inside, nearly across the full width of the coop separating the food and water side from the living side. There were only two foot prints in the snow when I looked, they had all either hopped over or around it to get to food and water. (The door is now closed to keep the wind out.)

The coop is uninsulated and unheated except for the water heaters. The chickens do just fine even during the coldest spells.
Greetings fellow Mainers,

I've been out of the chicken loop for a couple of years and am finally getting around to re-connecting with some chickens. Now that we are determined to be fox proof and keep our chicks safe and on our own property instead of at my Grams. It is chicken ordering time. Though in all honesty I get sooo confused with all the companies out there to purchase from for the day olds, that my head spins.

In my mind I really want Buff Orpingtons (because they are sooo beautiful), Dorkings, Speckled Sussex, Wellsummers, and Ameraucana's though I think that may be too many breeds to have at once. Gah.... So many pretty birds to choose from, Mainly I like unique, rare, pretty and docile birds. So I can go out to the coop and enjoy the clucking, let them scratch around in my garden some and wander when I am home to watch them.

Must decide soon.....
(that is me hitting myself)...

Alright have a great day all.


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