
87jmchugh, I used 1 ml tuberculine syringes that came with 1/2" needles. they worked perfectly for the chicks. Vaccinated 48 yesterday with no mishaps, just make sure the vaccine goes under the skin and not into the muscle.
Good luck with the hatches, everyone!!

Cknldy - you're a good person for trying with the chicks! I hope they pull through for you. The talk of the conditions chicks/ducks are in at feed stores reminds me of a post a few pages back (I think maybe LG said it?) about how nice it would be if we could have enough breeders in Maine to meet demand so we weren't so dependent on hatcheries. I know it might be wishful thinking/unrealistic, but I'll definitely be buying locally from reputable stock next time around!

I'm loving the warmer weather, hearing the birds chirping so loudly now, and even the smell of mud. Spring IS coming!
....The talk of the conditions chicks/ducks are in at feed stores reminds me of a post a few pages back (I think maybe LG said it?) about how nice it would be if we could have enough breeders in Maine to meet demand so we weren't so dependent on hatcheries. ...
Well, I have purebred Barred Rock, and of course the infamous Rock Stars. I didn't intend to be, but I could be a supplier for hatching eggs.
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DH helped me enclose the "playground" that's attached to the run with some deer netting. We've increased their space but some of them were flying up & over the fence then couldn't get back in. So funny to see them run to me as I round the corner of the garage and ask them why they are out. Most times are more than happy to follow me back into the coop.
Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Jasmine laid a green egg, and someone else laid a brown egg...and Granny Annie was checking out the nest boxes. Then I found the Geese' new hiding spot with 2 goose eggs and 3 duck eggs. OH HOW I LOVE SPRING!
I heard from someone that you can twist the spurs off a rooster... is this true? My guy is pretty aggressive when it comes to romance, and they all have pretty naked/sore behinds!

Not much new on the chicken front. Still looking for silkie hens/pullets! My Ameraucana somehow managed to figure out how to escape the run, so I'll have to figure out where she snuck out. I'm thinking she limbo'd under the gate, but I'll have to investigate more when I get back home. I got her back into the run before I left, fortunately. I just get to work all muddy, lol.
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Well, I have purebred Barred Rock, and of course the infamous Rock Stars. I didn't intend to be, but I could be a supplier for hatching eggs.

Jazor, I'm waiting with bated breath to see how these Rock Stars turn out! You and I aren't too far from each other either.
It didn't look to good this morning in the brooder. Honestly I didn't think any would make it. After tending to everyone I stayed outdoors from 11 until almost 4:30. The three are still alive:) I put them at the waterer just in case but one took off running! Such a beautiful site. And surprise...after I wiggled my finger under the food two of the chicks started to eat:) I am so happy to see it. 30 minutes later and they are still pecking away. The third one needs to jump in line with the others but alas it may not perk up enough. For now just the fact that it drinks while at the waterer is good.

I've watched a video of a woman just twisting off a long spur. Chicken never even made a noise. Didn't bleed either but walked much better.

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