
That was a heck of a storm! We're fine at my place - miraculously no trees down near the house, only in the woods, and all the chicken structures held up. We did lose power but only briefly, last night.
I hope everyone's power comes back on before the cold returns full force!
Wow, you had it very lucky then. I'm glad it was all good in your area.

I know it's a long shot, but does anyone in the area raise and sell Basque hens (Euskal Oiloa Marraduna)? They are completely sold out online (Greenfire, Meyer, etc.).

Question for Mainers - getting a new coop this summer which is enclosed (wood) as I have problems with rats digging into the one I have which was open on the bottom (a wonder coop) until I put down 1/2 inch hardwar wire. My question is any advice on what to put as a foundation? I am thinking concrete to prevent rats tunneling. I have to do something anyway as the area is not level.
Question for Mainers - getting a new coop this summer which is enclosed (wood) as I have problems with rats digging into the one I have which was open on the bottom (a wonder coop) until I put down 1/2 inch hardwar wire. My question is any advice on what to put as a foundation? I am thinking concrete to prevent rats tunneling. I have to do something anyway as the area is not level.
If you can afford concrete, you could go with that, but they'll still go through it. Down at the nearby poultry barns they were breaking through the concrete to get into the grain mills. Rats don't typically go through the hard wire cloth and if you can cover your bottom with tin, they shouldn't chew through that either.

Personally, with rats, it's best to just poison them. I get this One Bite stuff that I screw onto a board and put it into this fully enclosed run that is attached to my coop (no chickens, cats, or birds can get in there). That typically will take the population out until new ones move in.
I've gotten some great birds from Darling Poultry (West Gardiner) and from Feel-N-Froggy Farms (Plymouth). There's a lady in Lubec, Noelle Barbaro, who sometimes has really nice Chocolate Orpingtons available, but I don't think she's very active as a breeder these days.

The Maine Chicken Enthusiasts Facebook group is a great place to start your search if you use FB.

If you aren't picky about breeds, people seem to always have backyard mixes available. I usually sell mine for $5-10 depending on how old they are.
I've gotten some great birds from Darling Poultry (West Gardiner) and from Feel-N-Froggy Farms (Plymouth). There's a lady in Lubec, Noelle Barbaro, who sometimes has really nice Chocolate Orpingtons available, but I don't think she's very active as a breeder these days.

The Maine Chicken Enthusiasts Facebook group is a great place to start your search if you use FB.

If you aren't picky about breeds, people seem to always have backyard mixes available. I usually sell mine for $5-10 depending on how old they are.
Hello. On these first two breeders, do you know what breeds they have? On the lady in Lubec, she is no longer breeding. In fact, I believe she has gotten rid of a lot of her birds. (This is due to her husband's health problems, I believe?) I was very interested in her birds and she often came my way. If she didn't quit when she did, I was going to get some Icelandics and Black Orpingtons off of her.

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