Making the most of it.

Yes, Cost has really went up. Doubled in some brands.

@lindalouly , Congrats on the upcoming wedding! We want pics
It's been a long week..... Today it took everything in me to get out of bed.... Lots of out side stresses in life, but I come here to unwind not worry. Still only have little miss Ethel laying. My compost looks like it's getting there. Read and article today about Minorca hens.... Alice is a Minorca. It says they won't be ready to lay until her comb folds over... Don't know how accurate that is but she is 22 weeks old with s big straight comb. Would really like another girl to start laying soon... My boys go through two dozen eggs in one meal... But I will be patient. Had my nephew here for a couple of days. He just hung with my boys but it's hard to not feel inadequate when you know he comes from a great well kept family.... Yeah, I'm struggling a bit but I will come out of it... I live a life that is different of that of my family who I love more than the world. They are always supportive and loving but I stick my family into this small 800 square foot home.... There are bonuses of course... The school field lines our back yard and my kids friends are always over and feel welcome... Our yard is big but I know that so many worry about our lack of space... It gets hard at times but I do know my kids are well loved, taken care of.... Bathed, fed and sheltered.. We just can't afford the cost of a home that can fit us as the rest of the world fits.... I'm rambling on... Should focus on the good
my kids can't wait for me and Devin to marry. They love him already but it just finalizes it all. Speaking of Devin,,, man, I wish I could help him. He has been learning a new trade and working hours that are unbelievable but gets paid commission. He puts his heart and soul into taking care of this family and providing financAlly for us.... I know it's a strain... Well enough of that. I'm done for the day, got another made up dinner tonight to feed the crew. Good night
Well I thought I was done but apparently not. I just don't understand life sometimes.... I have worked since I was 15 years old and babysat before that. My first husband left us after 7 or 8 years.... I forget exactly and I worked hard to be a single mother of three awesome boys. My family picked up my slack of 48 hours a week at haggens. My folks always babysat for free and my sister in law took kids to doctor apt. Found out my third was deaf and made and took them in for dental issues... My sister, brother and brother in law tried to replace the missing elements in their lives.... I have the best family in the world. The one thing I could always say was at least they were taken care of financially with medical by me.... I met the man of my dreams that taught my boys to do all I lack in. They are super football stars because of him and learned to ride bikes shortly after meeting him a long 8 years ago. I try. He tries. We have great influences in life but I still don't understand the weekly struggles. We get hit one punch after another.... Starting with my sickness ... Leaving my job and not getting unemployment after 16 years of being an awesome employee... Losing it all through my body..... Losing my self respect and pride... Losing everything and the state not seeing because the manager at the time was a well defined ***** that knew the ways of conniving... Trying to battle this bitterness... After all it was haggens that put this disease in me in the first place. Hiatus hernia of lifting too much weight with my pregnancies.... My insides fighting against each other causing a horrific effect of my mucosa and esophagus and intestines..... I hate to hate.... But man I am struggling.... 15 years lost.
So ..... I was in a huff but Feal so much better... The mystery casserole I made came out good with devins pairing of a lapenette and salad... (The casserole had a lot of strong seasoning in it) we went outside and chatted and watched the girls and ended a not so great mental day on a high note!!!!!!!! My belly is full!!!! My heart is full! My son kicked but at football practice and everyone is good! That is what it is all about!!!!! Good night and God bless!!!! I got stories to watch on the boob tube!!!!!!
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