Making the most of it.

Well it's beer:30.... So maybe it's not but when you are unemployed anytime can be time for beer. Got a lot done... Sprayed and cleaned the outside of the house... Raked chicken mess, continued on the coop.... Not one of the girls paid rent today.... A watched chicken never lays!!!!! Or so I think. The man works late tonight and the boys are super busy becoming Instagram famous and working hard at shooting zombies... Gonna relax in the sun for a bit with a coors light at hand and see if something calls to me to do. I don't know if anyone reads this but I sure get enjoyment out of it... If you do- stir up the pot a bit!!!!! After all who wants to read the workings of a mundane house wife!!! Lol
Not sure if I'm gonna spend much time outside today except for feeding and watering the girls.... It looks awfully cloudy and the news said we might finally get some much needed rain today.... This has been the hottest and dries summer I remember around here!!! Fingers crossed for rain today.
Today was a great day!!!!! Ethel finally layed again today!!!! Got the yard picked up of paints and extra wood and other miscellaneous before the very small sprinkle came. Lol so much for our rain fall!!!! But the cloud formation was beautiful.spent the evening with the folks and we had fun cracking and cooking and eating our first ever laid eggs!!!!! So orange and tasty!!!! They didn't last long but mom cooked some awesome London broil and mashed tators too.... Of and apple pie. My tummy might have been stretched a bit for pure gluttony
I'm happy. I can't wait for the other girls to start laying so I can share... Two eggs were double yolk... All were beautiful but now I'm down to none. Have a great night folks!!!!
Thinking about my compost and researching the recipes to see why I can't seem to get it cooking..... Maybe it's not deep enough... Wondering if I should build a bin to stack it higher..... Or just wait it out.... Maybe I'm not watering it enough in this heat... Maybe the chickens tear it apart to often (their favorite place to scratch) what to do.... What to do
Awwwwww just read an article that explains the different types and styles of compost and how long it takes to turn into compost.. Well the free standing style I picked takes up to three months to cook!!!!!!!! I might have to rethink my ratios a bit but now I know!!!!! Good ol intertron!!!!!!!!
It's usually pretty dry where I live so I have to water down my compost. I only turn it once a week or so, too often and it won't cook.

Too much grass in the summer, to many leaves in the fall, but eventually it all breaks down.

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