Male or Female Bronze Turkey??? 14 weeks!

Chester is a girl, do you have one of baby? After I enlarged the pic I saw Iwas incorrect about the mixing. Charlie is still growing in his colors, when they have their juvenile feathers they are lighter than when they are adult. They look beautiful. Unfortunately you run across people who may just be in it for money and will tell you anything to make you want to buy, this happened to me when I first started out and I ended up with half roos and half hens iin my chickens
.. I would suggest doing some research or like you are doing post pics and ask people on here. I do not know how experienced you are with chickens or turkeys and do not want to offend so I will let you lead the way on the questions.
Hi everyone, quick update..Charlie has the beardy thingy on his chest. I couldn't find one on Chester or baby. But I do believe Charlie must be slightly older than the others. No more than a week though. Below is Chester


And here is baby, who is rather camera shy.


No offense taken! I appreciate any advice you have. I've only had my "flock" so to speak for 12 weeks and am still learning, and very nervous about winter coming up. In the post i quoted the top two pics are the same but they are of Chester. The bottom two pics are of Baby. Thanks again!
Baby looks to be a hen as well, thats great news. A trio is perfect. Why are you worried about winter? Is there anything specific you are concerned about?
There are a few things about winter....I worry it will be too cold, and that their house we built won't be warm enough. Their house is nothing fancy but it does the job so far, its 8x10.We have been collecting things to insulate it with and are planning on using heat lamps. Is that too much? The farmers around here laugh because they say they will be fine without all of that. The other thing is I know they will want to be outside during the winter even with snow on the ground, but we are in New Hampshire and are bound to get a ton of snow. What will they scratch at and eat outdoors then? How will I keep their little feet from freezing off?
There are a few things about winter....I worry it will be too cold, and that their house we built won't be warm enough. Their house is nothing fancy but it does the job so far, its 8x10.We have been collecting things to insulate it with and are planning on using heat lamps. Is that too much? The farmers around here laugh because they say they will be fine without all of that. The other thing is I know they will want to be outside during the winter even with snow on the ground, but we are in New Hampshire and are bound to get a ton of snow. What will they scratch at and eat outdoors then? How will I keep their little feet from freezing off?
I was just reading this when I came back here and saw your concerns.

heat lamp is a severe fire hazard, be very very careful.

They will be just fine without het lamps, they acyually will do better. I monitor temps inside the coop and if it gets below freezing I wrap the outside of the coop in plastic sheeting. Make sure their water doesnt freeze and they have plenty of feed and your good. With the snow if they dont like it they will not go out in it. I like to shovel a path for them so on warmer days if they want they can get out and walk around. There really isnt anything to find but they will scratch around and maybe find stones or little frozen bugs. In the coop if their is not enough ventilation then they can get frost bite on toes and wattles just make sure you have good ventilation but no drafts and you wont have a problem.

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