Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Use what I call a huddle box for transitioning off heat and/or outside.

Make them a 'huddle box', put it in the brooder after turning off the heat(you might have to 'persuade' them to use it, just like with the MHP),
then move it out to the coop with them.
Cardboard box with a bottom a little bigger than what they need to cuddle next to each other without piling and tall enough for them to stand in.
Cut an opening on one side a couple inches from bottom and big enough for 2-3 of them to go thru at once.
Fill the bottom with some pine shavings an inch or so deep.
This will give them a cozy place to sleep/rest, block any drafts and help hold their body heat in.
Hey, Ruby!!  They are most likely telling you that they're done!  By 4 weeks a whole brood wouldn't fit under Mama Broody Hen either, but they'd still want to be close by for security, or if there was suddenly a vacancy when little brother or sister went out exploring.  ;)   Depending on your outside temps of course, but I'd go ahead and move them out, especially if you can rig up the pad out there somewhere for them until they acclimate in a few days.  They'd appreciate the warm boost, but most especially they'd be grateful that there's something familiar in these strange new surroundings.  Turn it on 1 or 2 - they don't need a lot at this stage.  And honestly if you can't actually run the pad out there, take off the pad where it connects to the power cord, set up the cave with lots of straw, pine shavings or whatever, and fool 'em.  They'll think they have the pad, their collective body heat will warm the space bit, and they'll have the security they want while they get used to their new digs.  Nothing wrong with conning them a little bit.

@Stan R
 Your dues are paid!  What a great outdoor setup!

Thanks, Blooie! I can run a cord outside. I'm going to check the temps then depending on that I'll move them out or wait till next weekend! The funny thing is...look at my next post...:)

Use what I call a huddle box for transitioning off heat and/or outside.

Make them a 'huddle box', put it in the brooder after turning off the heat(you might have to 'persuade' them to use it, just like with the MHP),
then move it out to the coop with them.
Cardboard box with a bottom a little bigger than what they need to cuddle next to each other without piling and tall enough for them to stand in.
Cut an opening on one side a couple inches from bottom and big enough for 2-3 of them to go thru at once.
Fill the bottom with some pine shavings an inch or so deep.
This will give them a cozy place to sleep/rest, block any drafts and help hold their body heat in.

So funny that you said this!! Our weather has been up and down. But 2 days ago we were sunny and 70. So I used a box with shavings to transport them outside for a few hours in the afternoon. When I brought them back, I just put the box with the chicks in the brooder and tilted it so the could hop out on their own. Well I left the box in there On its side and last night instead of sleeping near the mph they put themselves to bed in the box! That's when I realized they might be done with mph because for a few nights they didn't sleep under it but next to it. Then last night they opted for the box on the other side of the brooder!
Sigh. Two more dead chicks this morning :( I think one was the one that wouldn't eat, she was under MHP and then the other was over by the feeders and waterer. So weird. Praying for no more losses :(

Do I need to be concerned? Like something is sickening them? With the BO dropping dead the other day and now this other seemingly healthy one dead by the feeders??
Panic!! Panic!!!! I can't find my heating pads anywhere! We have ripped this place apart and there is no sign of either one......I have eggs in the incubator! I've looked in the coop, in the garage, in the camper, on the deck, in the house - it's like the heating pad fairies have come along and absconded with them!! Maybe they have a flock of baby fairies they want to brood! How can I, the world's biggest Mama Heating Pad fan, not have heating pads???? Oh, woe is me....

@MesMama I have no idea what's going on with your chicks and I'm so sorry this is happening to you!! I'm sure you've checked the obvious - stale, out-of-date food, pasty butt, trauma of some kind? It's a sad fact, one that we don't like to think about, that sometimes chicks die and we never do find out why. I know, that answer has never satisfied me, either.

I am actually considering @lazy gardener 's poll on the use of Mama Heating Pad. What do you all think of these questions? Any other suggestions?
1) Whether or not they currently use it
2) Where they heard about it (this thread, others talking about it on another thread, or perhaps @Beekissed 's "Natural Incubation Thread", Patrice Lopatin's original video on YouTube, or @aart 's pseudo heating plate thread)
3) Would they or have they recommended it to others
4) Are they active members on the current MHP thread
5) What they like and/or dislike about it

What do you think? Could we word it in a way that would head off anyone getting into snarky comments (either pro-MHP or anti) and be totally respectful to those who just won't be swayed? After all, we aren't trying to "convert" anyone, just to fill in some blanks about how widespread the use is becoming. Goodness knows I've had more than my share of PMs scolding me for not caring if I killed every chick on the planet, telling me I'm a total idiot to think this was safe, and I'm over that. I just delete the nastys when I get them and don't even respond. I'm just in the thinking-about-it stages right now and might decide it ain't worth the flap it might start, I dunno. I'm wingin' it here.
Good advice, Perchie. But how come the only question I keep asking myself is "Where was the last place I had them?" If I knew that they wouldn't be lost!
I think you should do it! I know I've recommended it on a few other threads and other times others have beat me to recommending it! I know @bruceha2000 is pretty adamant about recommending it and I've seen someone else a few times too but cant remember

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