Marans - SOP discussion thread

I recently bought 6 BCM chicks out of supposedly good bloodlines, 5 of them are 5 weeks old, the other is 2 .5 weeks old. On close inspection today I noticed that two of the older birds are showing what was identified in a earlier photo as "mossy"; i.e brown edging on feathers... they both have quite a bit on their wings, and one also has a lot on back of the neck. Is this something that may go away with time? Although I don't really have plans to breed any of them, I had hoped to keep the option open.

Hi, The BCM is a variety that is still in progress of development and needs a great deal of work. It is relatively new here in the US, from what I understand, and therefore some of the stock has been bred to other breeds at some time in the past and can have faults that need careful breeding to eliminate.. Hope you enjoy your birds, and while they may be destined for the egg layer flock, know that most birds are. GL
Well, if you decide on Golden Salmon Marans remember...they are a totally gold bird. No silver genes at all. They have no hypostatic genes. Just e+/e+ s+/s+ (-). A Golden Salmon Marans is not a Gold Duckwing(silver gene), nor a Golden Duckwing(silver gene), nor a Red Duckwing(Mahogany gene). The proper names for this variety are Golden Salmon *or* "Black-Breasted Red cock with the salmon-breasted, stippled hen.". It is a duckwing fowl, but that's as far as it does with using the word duckwing in its name or to describe it.
To add to any current confusion the Silver Salmon is correctly called a Silver Duckwing. However, it is incorrect to call the Golden Salmon any name which uses the captial letter D in the name. The Golden Salmon Marans is a duckwing, but not a (insert color) Duckwing.
Karen in western PA
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I recently bought 6 BCM chicks out of supposedly good bloodlines, 5 of them are 5 weeks old, the other is 2 .5 weeks old. On close inspection today I noticed that two of the older birds are showing what was identified in a earlier photo as "mossy"; i.e brown edging on feathers... they both have quite a bit on their wings, and one also has a lot on back of the neck. Is this something that may go away with time? Although I don't really have plans to breed any of them, I had hoped to keep the option open.
For me, it usually means that the chick is a cockerel....
Well, if you decide on Golden Salmon Marans remember...they are a totally gold bird. No silver genes at all. They have no hypostatic genes. Just e+/e+ s+/s+ (-). A Golden Salmon Marans is not a Gold Duckwing(silver gene), nor a Golden Duckwing(silver gene), nor a Red Duckwing(Mahogany gene). The proper names for this variety are Golden Salmon *or* "Black-Breasted Red cock with the salmon-breasted, stippled hen.". It is a duckwing fowl, but that's as far as it does with using the word duckwing in its name or to describe it.
To add to any current confusion the Silver Salmon is correctly called a Silver Duckwing. However, it is incorrect to call the Golden Salmon any name which uses the captial letter D in the name. The Golden Salmon Marans is a duckwing, but not a (insert color) Duckwing.
Karen in western PA
Karen, I've been rolling this around in my head for a while. I think I finally got it. THanks for sharing.
Karen, I've been rolling this around in my head for a while. I think I finally got it. THanks for sharing.
More than welcome, Arielle
The more folk who understand this, the sooner we can stop all this mis-naming nonsense which is affecting proper understanding of breeding procedures for this variety.
Don't hesitate to carry the fight to the trenches

Best Regards,
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I've managed to read every post in this thread, and first I want to say thanks for all the pictures!

I would also like to know if there is an online or book source with the genetics available anywhere. People frequently mention the alleles, but I have no idea what alleles control what, what the dominance/recessive/codominant/etc factors are, what is polygenetic and what is mono, or any other aspects of poultry in general, much less the marans specifically. Can anyone here point me to a good source for chicken genetics?
I've managed to read every post in this thread, and first I want to say thanks for all the pictures!

I would also like to know if there is an online or book source with the genetics available anywhere. People frequently mention the alleles, but I have no idea what alleles control what, what the dominance/recessive/codominant/etc factors are, what is polygenetic and what is mono, or any other aspects of poultry in general, much less the marans specifically. Can anyone here point me to a good source for chicken genetics?
Try this.... it is over my head, but maybe if I read it 50 times I might can make something of it. I had to use Chrome and then translate it. Debbi posted it on the Marans thread a few days ago. 
I've managed to read every post in this thread, and first I want to say thanks for all the pictures!

I would also like to know if there is an online or book source with the genetics available anywhere. People frequently mention the alleles, but I have no idea what alleles control what, what the dominance/recessive/codominant/etc factors are, what is polygenetic and what is mono, or any other aspects of poultry in general, much less the marans specifically. Can anyone here point me to a good source for chicken genetics?
Here is one and it is very easy to understand.

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