Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I can sex mine at a day old. And i have been right 99&
Of the time
Along with my bantams
But most time i forget to. If i keeping any
So i have to agee with the Marans can be sexed.
But then i have seen people that will not let you sex the chicks
I just walk away if they don't let me

If the person is selling straight run chicks, why would they let you sex the chicks and pick all the pullets. If I were selling straight run chicks I would pull out what I could get first and that would be what you could purchase. Pullets sell for more than cockerels or even straight run.

Just wondering how many day old chicks you have sexed.
I'm looking for a Black Copper Marans Pullet. I lost mine in a freak small coop fire this past Wednesday night, Mine was four months old and would love to get a four or five month old if anyone is willing to sell me one or two. I live in Mount Bethel Pa. I miss my little baby. I would call her and she would run from where every she was at full speed, and then jump onto me and wait for her treat. She loved her live meal worms. I miss her.

The coop fire was caused by a heat lamp. It was plugged in, but not on, and during the night it was knocked down and turned on. I lost 16 of 25 birds from Carbon Monoxide.

I sex over 2000 a year. I hatch eggs 9 monthd a year. I have a cabnet incurbator . It has 3 sheff.
I have been doing chickens seen i was a young girl. I am 60 now. I hatch others peoples eggs as
well as mine. And went i sex chicks i am buying .i also buy rooster. But i pick the ones i want.
Acording to what colors they will be. And the ones i buy from . Kown me.and i never buy all there pully.
That is just rude. Just cause i know. Dont not mean i am a pig about it. Went I buy. I usually buy 5 pulley 2 rooster Just enough to start a small flock. .Thank you
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Are there any leg issues with French Wheaton Marans that typical of the breed. I acquired four a couple weeks ago. Cockerel was quarantined separately upon receipt because he limped. Yesterday a pullet was noted to have shaky leg that could barely support her. Pullets are point of lay.
Are there any leg issues with French Wheaton Marans that typical of the breed. I acquired four a couple weeks ago. Cockerel was quarantined separately upon receipt because he limped. Yesterday a pullet was noted to have shaky leg that could barely support her. Pullets are point of lay.

Sounds like you might have Mareks in your birds. I would not buy fowl unless they were vaccinate at hatch for Mareks.
Cockerel recovered too fast for even light case of Mareks. Pullet not going down like they typically do with Mareks. My flock is typically closed and Mareks is not vaccinated for. Affected birds normally culled. I have Mareks coming in from songbirds so cannot keep it out. Simply keeping resistant birds. The Marans are from outside my efforts. Cockerel was quarantined several hundred feed away from vulnerable birds at home while balance are at a high school hours away.

This is Lady Mary and her best friend (Australorp)Lady Rosemond. They're pretty much inseparable. Just getting into this chicken thing & I'm having such a great time learning about all the different breeds. My Mary (blue copper Maran) is super sweet & curious

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