Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Hello Pink Chick and all that are on this list ,
I wanted to celebrate a New with you folks. Yesterday I brought home four new blue Birchen and Blue Marans . I have one silver rooster and what I was told were three hens. They are 6 months old laying . The one "hen" I would like to post pictures of to get your opinions concerning her sexual identity? Her comb is that of a rooster which I would not be up set to have. Would you folks entertain the thought of giving me your opinions regarding her sexuality? .

A tragedy has struck our home. Two of our babies which were Japanese Bantams who were light silver and my beautiful little Americana pictured as my avatar were killed by a fox last night. I am on the way to our chicken store to buy a device to electrify the out door coups as we speak.
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let me know when you want some eggs. I will hook you up!

:D That is SWEET!!!!!! Set me up buttercup!

Are your Blues laying really well for you right now? What varieties do you have available currently?

This calls for an Eco-glow brooder!

give me a bit. I have an order to fill and they are slacking too. I have olive eggers and I can send some from the birchen pen too. I will pm you after church.
my first marans :) hatched last week. 4 blue copper and 4 splash copper
Thanks for checking in with me.....I wish I had some news from the Fish and Game, but I have not heard a word from them. Yes, the camera's finally got a picture, it is a mountain lion. Has only been back twice, instead of nightly like it was last week........however, it is not finding any chickens in the coop because they have taken to sleeping in a tree right outside the back of my house. I don't mind that they are sleeping in the tree, but I sure do mind the pooh in my walk way and they will start to mind it when the tree looses the rest of its leaves. I have a heck of a time trying to get them out of it at bedtime, so I have just left them be for now but that won't be the case in another couple of weeks when the weather really starts to turn. By hook, crook, or net they will be sleeping back in there coop. This getting them down of the tree is for the birds.........pun intended.
My brother in PA had a peacock that was roosting in a tree by their back door. At dusk, when he wanted the bird to go in the coop, he told the bird to get down and was throwing rocks (or maybe it was sticks) at it. Anyway, he hit it! And the bird got down, and now all he has to do is tell it to get down and it does. Heck, if you can train a peacock, you can train a chicken LOL. I'm sure there is something you could hit those birds with that won't hurt them but give them the idea that is not a good place to roost. Plus I would think the mountain lion would have no problem climbing the tree and getting the chickens there.
I hope someone else comes by to advise you. I do not have enough experience with Birchens and still not 100% clear on how silver works. I only have a couple years semi- experience with experience lies only in hatching and raising them long enough to see faults that I did not want to try to deal with.

I will say this and don't know if I am correct but...if the BCM are from the same parents as the Birchen male....then I believe that they could carry the silver and this is where I digress and wait for folks like Gilavina to give thought as she has worked hard with her Birchens now for a few years and would be able to steer you in the right direction.
No thats the plus my bcms are from different breeders than the blues and birtchen. Actually three different breeders. My older bcm roos are from out of leeds the blues Montevallo and my older bcm hens a more local.
received 21 black, blue, and duckwing marans eggs yesterday from April Howington in Texas -- setting them in the incubator today, can't wait to see how they turn out! am hoping to get some additional birchens from her in the springtime...

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