Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I've had chicks in the house since Nov 2010. I put up the incubator a month ago and washed my hands of all this egg hatching business....
At least I wash my hands of it till next Spring . . . . . .

Well, that is what I thought UNTIL......
The person I was saving eggs for didn't connect with me for a pick up last weekend......
NOW the incubators are back out and there are 42 eggs set - - - MARANS and Delawares.

I think I have STUPID tattooed on my forehead

I just got ALL the chicks outside! What am I thinking?
Okay now that we're on page 1777 I have some serious reading to do... but in the meantime... I have one adult rooster that I ADORE, and then I hatched out four more roos from eggs I bought this year (he didn't sire these, fortunately.) I'm not crazy about any of their looks. I'm tempted to cull them all except my roo from last year, but then I worry, what if my really nice roo is shooting blanks or something???
And what if one of those young guys throws hens that lay super duper egg color? How long do you guys hang onto roosters before you make a decision whether they stay or go? Do you do test breedings or even bother? These guys are about 4-5 months old. One is a nice big fellow and I like his temperament, but he's way too red. Another one has less red but still I think has more red near the chest than the standard calls for, and he's sickle hocked which bugs me. Two are downright small but they're from a little bit later hatch than the two big ones; one has a floppy comb, the other one has nice color other than being small, but he's really shy and hides. The two bigger ones hatched from darker eggs than the smaller ones.

What do you think? Do you keep any roosters around that aren't super-nice just to expand your gene pool, or do you just keep buying and hatching until you find "just the right guy"?

Also, how many hens do you guys allow per rooster to ensure fertility of your eggs? And how long would you keep them in together before you would expect to pick up fertile eggs?

BTW Marquisella, I LOVE that design!!!!!!
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. Unfortunately, I can't help you with your questions, I'm a newbie to all of this, I just wanted to welcome you! I know someone can help out, though. I am learning so much here. All you guys are awesome!
Hey Everyone!

Been dodgin the heat just like you Debbi.....its out of control hot, humid and very still. It feels like I'm suffocating when I go outside....blech. I am not built for heat at all.

Thanks for the kind words about my failed hatch on the shipped eggs. It made me feel much better. I did have some consolation since my oldest batch of chicks from Valentine's day have started laying. There are 13 pullets total in that pen that are 2 to 3 weeks apart and I've already gotten 4 eggs. One of them is a gem of an egg. Nice and dark and pretty rounded. The others are nice, but its funny how everything fades in the presence of those deeper hues...

Been clearing and weeding like crazy in the garden in the early mornings til it gets too hot to be out. I harvested a dozen cabbage yesterday and about 2 gallons of beans yesterday. This morning I harvested about 10 lbs of broccoli, my last kohlrabi of the season, another cabbage, almost a gallon of peas, a shopping bag full of swiss chard, and a gallon of basil leaves to make pesto and dehydrate.

I am getting ready to do my next sweep of culling through all this spring's chicks. I'm seeing some that can easily go, but am still happy with some of what I'm seeing. I feel bad for them with how hot it is tho. I've been taking them treats like watermelon and etc and giving fresh water several times a day...I'm just hoping for a break in the weather soon.

I hope you are all doing well and see I have a bit of reading to catch up on. welcome to all the newbies! Good to see so many new faces

It all depends on what you want, need, how much space you have, and how long you want to convince yourself into thinking that maybe that roo will improve with age. Ask me how I know!
I have a small space, and TWELVE ROOSTERS! Way too many, and I am culling as I type. All but three will be gone by next week. Are you interested in showing or breeding towards the SOP? Then take my advise, and cull early! Cull as soon as you see something pop up that is not right, such as the "floppy" comb, it won't get better. By 5-6 weeks of age, you can see things like bad combs, lack of shank/toe feathering, too slight in build, and many may have too much coloring or mossiness. Take my advise, I am learning the hard way! Cull early! Don't get attached to them, only having to feed them hoping they will improve! Lesson learned here, and I pass this adivse on to you because you asked for it.
As much as I love my boys, I can't justify feeding them any more! Unless you have lots of room and lots of money...CULL! That goes for hens/pullets too.
Thanks Debbi! I'd really like to breed mostly for egg color, BUT, the idea of keeping a bunch of substandard roosters around and trying to track out several generations from multiple roosters is daunting to me -- especially if I decide to show at some point -- which is a possibility. Nothing personal against the little guys but I don't think I will miss them once they're gone. The thought did cross my mind today though, I wonder if my red roo isn't a black copper at all and maybe I'm misjudging him? I did end up with one red hen in that hatch so I wonder if my order was wrong? I'm going to have to look things up. The hen is lovely, she's kind of like a New Hampshire but with shank feathering. She hasn't started laying yet so time will tell!

Math Ace -- 13 hens holy cow!!! Serious testosterone in that boy, awesome!
Oh and hi Arizonachicken!
I'm in Chino Valley, AZ! I just found out I have breast cancer so I might be heading your way to check out treatment centers, surgeons etc.
Hmm, can you post some pics of the red hen and roo? Sounds like you may have a couple of Black Tailed Buffs there. Sports do crop up from time to time. Sorry to hear of your bout with cancer. Hang in there, stay positive, and focus on YOU! Prayers going up for your recovery!

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