Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Lisa, I agree that the tail is much less pinched and if she were a Marans would have about the right amount of Lower body soft feathering. The easiest way to improve the pinched tail is use a male with a more open and spread tail.

We are ready for me to get to the point of all this ..... We are ready to arrive at our destination!

A few days ago, I was asked "Lisa, Why would you want to use ANY of these boys in a breeding program?"

I started with some pretty rough looking girls and mated them to this boy....




He is looking a little rough right now because he is molting. There are big black feathers all over the coop / pen and they can only be coming from him. .. .
This a picture of him taken about 6 months ago....


This boy weighs in at 8 3/4 lbs. So he brings some bulk to the table. He has a nice beefy chest and a nice wide tail. His comb could be better, but it is not as bad as the hens.
His faults are his high tail and short back. Fortunately, the hens have really long backs, so the offspring have had nice backs.... not too short.

I am very happy with the improvement I have seen in the F1 generation. Now, I am looking to see which of my boys would contribute something to improve the F2 generation.

I see some things with potential in the two remaining cockerels that I have growing out. Specifically, the son of this rooster has a more balanced copper color AND a longer back. Although, his tail is still too high. BULK .... I am looking for a cockerel from this rooster that keeps all his daddy's bulk PLUS brings something new to the table - - ie long back, more balance in coloring, no white feather in the wings, lower tail angle...... These same items are what I am judging the other cockerel by that is not related to my stock.
Im not sure if it's the picture or what but that rooster looks like it has brown feathers in the vent area? Makes me think wheaton influence. Black coppers should not be showing any brown in that area. I also agree that his back is rather short and comb could use some work. Very nice size on that boy though at over 8 pounds! Curious to hear what the others say.

All of his coloring is looking off compared to 6 months ago. I don't know if it is due to the summer sun, the cracked corn treats, or old molting feathers.
I will be watching to see what happens after the molt. What is interesting is the white feather issue he has had for a year is almost changed to all black.... Just in time for him to lose the feather and uuuuuh start all over again
Ok Ya'll, I have a BCM that is 23 weeks old and has begun to squat when approached (from Pink supplied eggs) - Should I be looking for an egg any day now? or may it be a few more weeks... I know this fluctuates, just curious!
All of his coloring is looking off compared to 6 months ago. I don't know if it is due to the summer sun, the cracked corn treats, or old molting feathers.
I will be watching to see what happens after the molt. What is interesting is the white feather issue he has had for a year is almost changed to all black.... Just in time for him to lose the feather and uuuuuh start all over again

Lisa, why not post the other males and the females you are going to use with them and explain why you think they will be compatible to each other. Please say what relationship they are to each other as it does make a difference in these color mixes.

revised to say, how many young males did you raise from this male this year and did any of them have white in wing and tail.
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Let's start with how many males did this boy sire this year .. . .

He was the father to 15 males.

I lost two to fowl pox when they were around 14 weeks old. Now, everyone gets the vaccine - No if, ands, or buts!
I sent one to freezer camp because he was meaner than a rattlesnake!
I sold one because he crowed louder than anyone else on the property and he crowed non-stop! He did make it past the Juvie molt and had the white feather issue.
I gave 6 away as meat birds when they were about 8 weeks old. I culled these based on combs, leg feathering, and being blue copper instead of black copper.

I did raised 4 to the 4 month mark.
Two of them were Ok, but nothing just screamed keep me. The one I really like because he was so big. . . A Beefy bird like daddy only with a long back. He just didn't seem to have the marans body though. The last one was this boy . . .


I thought his copper was too light.

I like the Copper on the boy I have kept and I like his longer back....
This is a picture of him around 13 weeks of age. He is very young and has a lot of growing to do before I make any decisions about him.


So, to answer your question . . . I only raised one bird past the point of the juvie molt to know whether the white feather disappeared.
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Does anyone know what group Black Copper Marans ended up in? I am trying to do entries for the first time since they were accepted and don't know what group to put
A few days ago, I started the conversation out with Cracker - - - Pink's splash. I was wondering which male might be the most compatible for her.

The dark marans, Mr. Dark . . . .he is very different from what I am used to seeing and really don't know what to think about him.
He does have MAJOR leg feathering going on and Cracker is barely feathered.
He has a FUNKY tail compared to what I am use to seeing. He looks shallow to me compared to my Beefy chested and wide butted Tsunami.
He is not from my stock, so I don't know what to expect. I am just waiting to see if he developes into a tank.... or .... always leaves me wondering where the rest of him is

Here is the cockerel in question...



I should point out that he is only 2 weeks younger than this boy ...


When these two boys are standing side by side.... you have to feel there is something missing from Mr. Dark.....
I wished I had weighed them before I sold the one BCM.
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Hi Tannis!!

I'm not a show person, but I'm thinking it was the "Continental" class?? You might want to PM Walt to make sure. Good luck, and we need pics!!

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