Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Thanks, Wynette!
That's great info!

Does size matter for the egg shows? or just mainly color and then shape and consistency?

The round egg has been laying for @3 weeks.
The other girls just started last week - is the egg shape the shape they will lay forever or could it change as the eggs get larger?
Good to know, Wynette! Thank you. And thank you, Cadeau, for sharing that pic. I've learned something else new about Marans today.

(so much to learn ....
I am wondering why the round shape is preferred to one that is a little more pointed on one end.

The reason I ask is because sometimes it is hard to tell which end should be up! My personal preference is an egg that looks like and egg. There have been times when I have turned one over and over and finally just gave up and stuck it in the carton because I couldn't tell which end was up.
My thoughts and my actions exactly!

I believe the rounder shape helps a slower movement through the canal though, which increases pigmentation/darkness. Honestly my more "egg shaped" ones do indeed turn out lighter.
My thoughts and my actions exactly!

I believe the rounder shape helps a slower movement through the canal though, which increases pigmentation/darkness. Honestly my more "egg shaped" ones do indeed turn out lighter.

Well.... that makes sense. We all want those darker eggs.

My husband tells me the same thing.... that I never know which end is up!
My thoughts and my actions exactly!

I believe the rounder shape helps a slower movement through the canal though, which increases pigmentation/darkness. Honestly my more "egg shaped" ones do indeed turn out lighter.

Huh! Well that does make sense!!

So....what makes a bird have the reddish-brown spray paint, rather than the dark brown?
Genetics? Which lines?

Which is preferred - I can't find my color chart.
Going to have to order a new one...
So you mean red vs brown? I don't know, but I sure do realize that most of my Black Coppers are redder than my (blue) Wheatens.

I always aim for a redder hue though, because I find that the more orangey or brown in color - The less likely the egg is actually of good color or will breed for good color. (as in, dark color)
The Spherical egg talk gave me a good laugh, Last year I brought up the fact the egg should be Spherical on the big Marans site and some were almost ready to jump from the empire state Building. This is info from the French Marans site.

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