Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

wierd double post sorry

VERY cute chick and handsome fellow developing so it's quite alright!!!
Well, there are certain things you can cull for before that time. Like she said, clean shanks, they're not miraculously coming in at 6 months or ever, GONE! Wry tail, gone! Squirrel tail, unless it's only one or two stray sickle feathers and the back has good length, GONE! Poor color, like straw or golden hackle/saddle feathers (except for my stupid Pip
) GONE! Any deformities like cross beaks, split or slipped wings, gone! Some people say with the split wing that that can change. I had one roo here that showed it at a very early age, and it never changed. I think I could see it in him at around 5 weeks, GONE! With the lack of space and the price of feed these days, I can't afford to be generous any more...just saying.

split wing does not change, but you need to check to see if there is a follicle there.....if not there will never be a feather in that place. White earlobes seems to be a problem in this breed as well.

We drilled holes in the 2' x 4's and banged rebar into the ground. Worked really well and much cheaper than the metal stakes

ahhh...thats an interesting thought! I'll have to do some thinking on whether I could pull that off with the crazy winds we get here sometimes. If it would work, that sure would save me a whole heap of work and money!
Here is a Blue Copper gal that I am going to keep and you can see the second Splash pullet behind her hiding her fluffy self. I will try to get more photos of her (the splash) today....yesterday she was being a pooh.

This Blue Cpr pullet does have leg feathering....lightly feathered at that and not street sweepers, but it is something to work with. I suspect she will be very dark once matured. She was very very light pale blue when hatched. I was for sure that she was a he for about 2-3 weeks after hatch, but I was pleasantly relieved.
This was her as a chick.

Apologies for poor image quality. I am having to reduce the size of the photos so much to upload them that they are turning out very grainy looking.
I'll sure be hoping she gets some copper in soon lady! Of the girls so far this year, about 70% end up starting to color up about 3 weeks of age. Me thinks Gigantor and Big Boy are responsible for that!
OH! Pinkchick your birds have a fan! Me! Those are just beautiful birds! Than you for sharing the eye candy!
Ok...since I posted pics of my black birchens, I figured I better get some up of my blue birchens. These are photos of just 3 of my girls. There are still a couple more, but they are too quick for me and my camera. I'll keep trying tho!

first two girls. My favorite so far is the girl on the right, but doesn't have silver in her neck yet.

same two girls, just flip flopped

the girl with the coloring on the left from the first photo

same girl from above, with another lighter blue gal

same light blue girl from above

and here's my favorite girl again, different angles. for those that have seen my birdies over the last couple years of work... seeing progress with them?
Kim - love the stink eye pic!

Cheryl - I LOVE your pens - I'm working up a plan for a very similar row house, but was thinking of keeping everyone on wire floors in the run part (wood floor in the coop part)

Anyone have opinions on keeping the birds on the floor (and with what footing?? I'm seeing dirt, wood chips, and a bigger gravel like Cheryl's coops)
I live in northeastern, PA - so very cold, snowy and/or wet a lot of the year...
Would like to have a walkway or roof of some sort, so I can be under cover while doing my chores

Walt - do you know the genetics on the white ear lobe?
I had a gorgeous roo coming up, but he started showing a tinge of enamel white....
No one else here has/had it - so where did it come from?? double recessive?

Vicki - LOVE the blue birchen girls - especially love the coloring of the ones with the prominent lacing!
Need advice and opinions on a low pressure watering system.

I'm working up plans for a row house (or double row) and thinking I'll do chicken nipples b/c I love the 5 gallon buckets I have...or not, if someone has a better plan!

Anyone have one they love?

Also looking for advice on making this drip system work in the WINTER (down to -15 at night)
I have a frost free faucet to start with, but need to get the water down the PEX tubing and into the waterers without freezing up.

I use bird bath heaters in my 5 gal chicken nipple waterers...but how do I keep the water from freezing between here and there?

heat tape?

Was also hoping to keep the electric bill in control - so tips for heat/flowing water without breaking the bank would be awesome, too!

I'm hoping to plan this house out so that all needs are met - water, food, flooring/bedding/cleanliness - ease of use!
Would love to get opinions or anecdotal stories!
Kim - love the stink eye pic!

Cheryl - I LOVE your pens - I'm working up a plan for a very similar row house, but was thinking of keeping everyone on wire floors in the run part (wood floor in the coop part)

Anyone have opinions on keeping the birds on the floor (and with what footing?? I'm seeing dirt, wood chips, and a bigger gravel like Cheryl's coops)
I live in northeastern, PA - so very cold, snowy and/or wet a lot of the year...
Would like to have a walkway or roof of some sort, so I can be under cover while doing my chores

Walt - do you know the genetics on the white ear lobe?
I had a gorgeous roo coming up, but he started showing a tinge of enamel white....
No one else here has/had it - so where did it come from?? double recessive?

Vicki - LOVE the blue birchen girls - especially love the coloring of the ones with the prominent lacing!
thanks lady! I'm very pleased with how they are coming along! I just PMed you again!

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