March 13th 2016 Hatch-A-long

Incubation is always fun. I still remember my very 1st hatch in 1984. I got back from visiting the Museum of Sci & Industry in Chicago, where I had just spent over an hour watching their giant incubator. I decided to build my own incubator for my science fair project. My father (an electrical engineer) helped me design and build it. The local feed store donated the eggs. My simple still air incubator hatched 17 out of 24 eggs. All chicks lived & were given to a nearby farm. (As a teen I was very disappointed my parents wouldn't let me keep them.) We donated my styrofoam/duct tape incubator to the farm as well.

By the mid 90s I had my own classroom/lab and hatched chicks from time to time. (I discovered many creative ways to use eggs & chicks in my lesson plans. I also found ways to borrow incubators from the Ag Educ dept & get school grants to pay for eggs.) A little over four years ago I discovered backyard suburban hens were possible here. I also discovered that one can buy more than Leghorn eggs. Ever since, I've been spreading my addiction to several other teachers - as well as my own children.
When I started this post. I was not sure how it would take off. Thank you for all your posts and inputs for everyone. I candle tomorrow on day 14. I hope this weather stays in the 50-60 range. I know its March.
I will post tomorrow what our eggs look like.

There are now 2 pips, and the first one got a little bigger...started chirping a little bit....Maybe we'll get to see some zipping action going on later!!
It hatched!!!

Looks like a GLW cross with the black around his eyes.
We now have a chick and 2 pips! Can't wait till they start I may not get any sleep tonight!
So I figured out why I wasn't getting very many eggs a day.

Apparently I have a broody hen again. Guess I'll go ahead and let her see what she can hatch. I'm not so sure there aren't some guinea eggs in there. The problem is I have buff orpington and barred rock hen under a mottled houdan rooster. Guess they could be cute.
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I cant get my humidity up past 56%. I filled both trays in my Styrofoam incubator and added 2 sponges that are wet. Temp on metal screen is at 95-96. Temp was 101-102 on top of egg turner. Do you think I will be OK?
There's often some tweaking to do when you make changes on day 18.

if desperate for more humidity, you can add water soaked feminine pads. Cheap & disposable. You can pour water onto it (&/ or the sponges, rags, etc.) via rubber tubing w/o even opening the incubator. I think we live in a dry house b/c I'm always adding water daily to get it between 60-70%.

The first two chicks are still in incubator -- not completely fluffy (I'm guessing humidity) -- but are hobbling and jumping all over the place which is causing some major shifts in the rest of the eggs. I watched them knock around two that have pipped and now those pips are facing the floor. Should I go ahead and take these two out -- even though not completely dry -- and put them in the brooder so that I can put the pipped eggs back "face up"? Worried about them not getting enough air.
You are more likely to have issues with the hatch if you open the incubator at this point. I have found that the bumping around does not bother the ones who are zipping and sometimes encourages them a bit. They will keep rolling them around and they shouldn't have a problem with air if you have a wire bottom on the incubator.

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