March 2017! Hatch with us!

Yes he is very pretty. But with only 4 hens and him not quick enough, he is kinda mean sometimes to me. I think it's because he never gets any.
Hahaha poor guy!!
I got 4 out of 5 chicks yesterday and today this is the only pic I could get of 1. The mamas were having no part of me messing with their babies I'll try to get some more tomorrow
Love seeing all your pictures. I'm so impatient for babies. :-( Silver the silkie is doing a good job sitting on her nest and luckily the other egg layer in the group is laying far enough away from her that she's not adding them to her pile. I remove the new egg every day and give it to the pig for a treat. She will get up and eat and drink right? I haven't seen her leave the nest. She just sits on it looking super determined.

The turkey eggs are doing okay. All six are still alive and moving. One's air cell and membrane looks like it's pulling down, so I don't know if it'll make it to the end. I'm crossing my fingers. I have no problem helping if needed either, so I will get that sucker out if it makes it to day 28. Just over the halfway point now.
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Ok I have my incubator going and was out giving two sweet ladies a needed Rooster for the one they recently lost today while waiting for them to arrive I went ahead and fed and watered the chickens. Here came my little bitty Dutch hen off of her nest so while she was buoys eating and drinking before she got back on her nest I snuck over and took a quick pic of her nest lo and behold she has 11 eggs!! I have never seen a hen spread out that far to cover so many eggs ! She's not bigger than a quail! And the eggs are about twice as big as a quail egg but here is her little nest I'm so proud of her! I'll have some chicks soon
Ok I have my incubator going and was out giving two sweet ladies a needed Rooster for the one they recently lost today while waiting for them to arrive I went ahead and fed and watered the chickens. Here came my little bitty Dutch hen off of her nest so while she was buoys eating and drinking before she got back on her nest I snuck over and took a quick pic of her nest lo and behold she has 11 eggs!! I have never seen a hen spread out that far to cover so many eggs ! She's not bigger than a quail! And the eggs are about twice as big as a quail egg but here is her little nest I'm so proud of her! I'll have some chicks soon

I got lucky and was able to see under all 3 of my broodies today too! OEGB still only has the 7 Serama eggs that I gave her. My broody Serama gathered 8, before I blocked the other girls off from her, and my chocolate orp had 19!! I had marked the first few, but apparently she had contributions! So I brought several inside and candled, threw away 4, left her with 15. :th

2 lav orps have hatched so far in the incubator. Only a few eggs left that have not at least pipped. Going to be a long night. Lol
Hi all!i have 12 eggs all mixed breeds that have gone into lockdown today!!! Im so nervous and excited. Its my first time and ontop of it all hubby built his own incubator so it really is nerve racking! E.D.D 15th march. Fingers crossed
Hi all!i have 12 eggs all mixed breeds that have gone into lockdown today!!! Im so nervous and excited. Its my first time and ontop of it all hubby built his own incubator so it really is nerve racking! E.D.D 15th march. Fingers crossed
Hehehe now comes the hardest part the WAIT for that first pip!! My first time was last month it scared me mine piped 2 days early i about freaked out

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