March 2024 “Asking For a Friend” Hatch-A-Long 🤫🐣

Sorry you had to remove so many!

:celebratecome on eggies, get your grow on!
🥰 Go Fern B1-17!
Plant Growth Spinning GIF by Florent Tailhades
Hi All :frow

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was nice and clear here, but the wind has been atrocious 🌬️

My broody hatched out 5 of her 10 eggs, so they have been cute to watch zip around 🐣

I candled this evening and ended up pulling four (stopped developing) from bator one. Luckily, no one had claimed them. They were #’s 2,4,21 & 22. Two that did look iffy were #7 (@Wyorp Rock ) and #16. Left the dark eggs in that I couldn’t see a whole lot, but did have reasonable looking egg sacs.

In bator two, I only pulled two, #3 and #14 (@HorseGirlAbby 😞). Numbers 11 & 15 looked iffy, but not claimed.

I’m not sure I’ll be candling again, as my daughter is being induced this weekend (2weeks early), so I may be busy ❤️. Thanks again for your support!

@fluffycrow @junior67 @Aardyn @Debbie292d @CloneFly @GreenJay @Devyn Nagy
Hi All :frow

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was nice and clear here, but the wind has been atrocious 🌬️

My broody hatched out 5 of her 10 eggs, so they have been cute to watch zip around 🐣

I candled this evening and ended up pulling four (stopped developing) from bator one. Luckily, no one had claimed them. They were #’s 2,4,21 & 22. Two that did look iffy were #7 (@Wyorp Rock ) and #16. Left the dark eggs in that I couldn’t see a whole lot, but did have reasonable looking egg sacs.

In bator two, I only pulled two, #3 and #14 (@HorseGirlAbby 😞). Numbers 11 & 15 looked iffy, but not claimed.

I’m not sure I’ll be candling again, as my daughter is being induced this weekend (2weeks early), so I may be busy ❤️. Thanks again for your support!

@fluffycrow @junior67 @Aardyn @Debbie292d @CloneFly @GreenJay @Devyn Nagy
May I have a different egg from bator two? Not sure what's been claimed yet or not...maybe #16, if that's available?
Hi All :frow

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was nice and clear here, but the wind has been atrocious 🌬️

My broody hatched out 5 of her 10 eggs, so they have been cute to watch zip around 🐣

I candled this evening and ended up pulling four (stopped developing) from bator one. Luckily, no one had claimed them. They were #’s 2,4,21 & 22. Two that did look iffy were #7 (@Wyorp Rock ) and #16. Left the dark eggs in that I couldn’t see a whole lot, but did have reasonable looking egg sacs.

In bator two, I only pulled two, #3 and #14 (@HorseGirlAbby 😞). Numbers 11 & 15 looked iffy, but not claimed.

I’m not sure I’ll be candling again, as my daughter is being induced this weekend (2weeks early), so I may be busy ❤️. Thanks again for your support!

@fluffycrow @junior67 @Aardyn @Debbie292d @CloneFly @GreenJay @Devyn Nagy
Congrats on the grandbaby coming!!!!

Hopefully the rest of the eggs keep doing great
Hi All :frow

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was nice and clear here, but the wind has been atrocious 🌬️

My broody hatched out 5 of her 10 eggs, so they have been cute to watch zip around 🐣

I candled this evening and ended up pulling four (stopped developing) from bator one. Luckily, no one had claimed them. They were #’s 2,4,21 & 22. Two that did look iffy were #7 (@Wyorp Rock ) and #16. Left the dark eggs in that I couldn’t see a whole lot, but did have reasonable looking egg sacs.

In bator two, I only pulled two, #3 and #14 (@HorseGirlAbby 😞). Numbers 11 & 15 looked iffy, but not claimed.

I’m not sure I’ll be candling again, as my daughter is being induced this weekend (2weeks early), so I may be busy ❤️. Thanks again for your support!

@fluffycrow @junior67 @Aardyn @Debbie292d @CloneFly @GreenJay @Devyn Nagy
Sometimes the "iffy" still turn out o.k.! But who knows...

Congrats on the broody hatch, 5 healthy chicks running around is great.

Oh my! A new Grandbaby?!! That's wonderful.
I hope your Daughter and the baby come through just fine.
Sometimes the "iffy" still turn out o.k.! But who knows...

Congrats on the broody hatch, 5 healthy chicks running around is great.

Oh my! A new Grandbaby?!! That's wonderful.
I hope your Daughter and the baby come through just fine.
Thank you much. All prayers welcomed 🙏 My three year old doodle bug is going to be a big sister, and MY baby will be done birthin’ them babies 😂👶🏻🤰🏻
Hi All :frow

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was nice and clear here, but the wind has been atrocious 🌬️

My broody hatched out 5 of her 10 eggs, so they have been cute to watch zip around 🐣

I candled this evening and ended up pulling four (stopped developing) from bator one. Luckily, no one had claimed them. They were #’s 2,4,21 & 22. Two that did look iffy were #7 (@Wyorp Rock ) and #16. Left the dark eggs in that I couldn’t see a whole lot, but did have reasonable looking egg sacs.

In bator two, I only pulled two, #3 and #14 (@HorseGirlAbby 😞). Numbers 11 & 15 looked iffy, but not claimed.

I’m not sure I’ll be candling again, as my daughter is being induced this weekend (2weeks early), so I may be busy ❤️. Thanks again for your support!

@fluffycrow @junior67 @Aardyn @Debbie292d @CloneFly @GreenJay @Devyn Nagy
Babies everywhere! 😁 Hope delivery is smooth, congratulations on the new grandbaby!

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