March 7th hatch along. Newbie :)

17 fluffy chicks are out & dried off!
Out of the 27 I started with 2 were not fertile, 1 hatched & didn't make it, 2 pipped but no zip & died in shell. They were coming out at the wrong end and just didn't seem to fight it out. There are 5 left that appear 1/2 developed. Overall I'm happy with the incubator. Getting it washed up & ready for the next round! Anyone have guinea hatching eggs for sale?
Oops... Here the photo!


  • 2018-03-30_00.23.03.jpg
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I moved the egg Crashers to the temp brooder :) there's 5 so far. A few pipped but didn't zip :( I wonder if they got knocked around too much. But I'm happy so far and there's movement in a couple others yet. :)

I know this is an older thread, but Simone I was wondering how you liked using the humidikit with your incuview? I've had a hard time managing humidity in my incuview, especially when I've opened the lid to remove chicks and also at night when I'm asleep. It seems with this set up, you could open the lid and humidity would rise quickly again. Also, isn't it an issue to block the only air vent?
I'm really liking the humidikit! it makes things much easier and I just have to refill the bottle a couple times a week. when I do open the lid to candle or remove chicks it goes back up quickly. (within a min) I was told that the humidikit acts like a oxygen concentrator does, it pumps in Oxygen with the humidity? So far no problems on that end. I have been leaving my turner in (I shut it off and remove the turning arm) but it does seem to help with the egg crashers. :)
I'm really liking the humidikit! it makes things much easier and I just have to refill the bottle a couple times a week. when I do open the lid to candle or remove chicks it goes back up quickly. (within a min) I was told that the humidikit acts like a oxygen concentrator does, it pumps in Oxygen with the humidity? So far no problems on that end. I have been leaving my turner in (I shut it off and remove the turning arm) but it does seem to help with the egg crashers. :)
Awesome! They're expensive but maybe I can get I one eventually. It would have been very helpful with my current hatch.
Posting information for my first hatch using the Incuview w/humidikit. A couple small issues to start with but the folks at incubator warehouse were very helpful to get it fixed up. Everything is now working great and eggs are in ready to go. I'll post more info & updates here as we go. Any questions please ask, I'll try & answer.
I just purchased the HumidiKit and having a terrible time understanding the instructions. I'm a newbie and hatching quail for the 1st time. From what i am reading, I think I wasted a lot of money. Tried to get ahold of customer service at Incubator Warehouse but not successful. Between COVID and Memorial Day weekend, I guess they are short on staff. I'm only 4-5 days into incubation and humidity is holding around 45-50% without the aid of the Humidikit. So, for now humidify is fine. Any advice would be helpful.

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