MarineCorpFarmr Egg BOMB, A new Beginning! Follow along in his journey to a new flock!



1 of these little speckled eggs just hatched. Definitely was NOT a turkey. Apparently I was right to begin with when I said it was 1 of my rainbow birds laying yet another odd

thats a huge NOT A TURKEY EGG!!! 


Here it is next to the turkey eggs. It's actually about the average size for my chicken eggs.
Been a crazy couple days. Got the bator packed packed right now. Managed to pick up 6 dozen light Brahma eggs yesterday. So far ive pulled 9 goose eggs. All clears. All the rest have looked good. Going to carry the hodge podge mix of ducks I have left up to the sale tomorrow and start anew.
Been a crazy couple days. Got the bator packed packed right now. Managed to pick up 6 dozen light Brahma eggs yesterday. So far ive pulled 9 goose eggs. All clears. All the rest have looked good. Going to carry the hodge podge mix of ducks I have left up to the sale tomorrow and start anew.
Well yall... after yet another trying few weeks, we have moved to a more permanent spot :) we are now on a nice little 5 acre tract all our own. Means alot more work ahead. Fencing starting from square one.. We have a guy coming out monday to trench for power and water to the barn and coop, and to begin on getting posts in the ground.. Another busy busy busy day tomorrow trying to line up posts and getting water line all glued up. Fingers crossed

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