May Hatch-a-Long!

Beautiful colors
Thanks! I like a colorful egg basket. And it comes in especially handy this time of year.
They are!

Have some Lav Orp eggs that were 4 weeks old i set as a test..candled today and all but 2 look good to hatch next Saturday.
Now i ordered some beautiful Buff laced Brahma eggs from Heidisgran.. they should come soon and i wasnt going to ha tch any chicks but 2 hatches this year!This will be 4 and 5. Hatching addiction hits again

I am already planning my June, July and August hatches...... Since my Rouen Hen laid her first egg today I am hoping to maybe hatch a few of hers so we have more babies..... My husband is not amused, but I so want to have extras to sell.
I have seven Appleyard eggs in the incubator set to hatch out the 8th of May (if all goes well). I am crossing my fingers because this is the first time I have ever hatched out eggs. I candled them yesterday and could see a dark blob with veins branching out on all of them!!! I think they are all alive and well!! :)
Well, out of the 24 welsh eggs I set, 22 of them are developing and looking very healthy! One of them was a clear and one was an early quitter.
I hope they all make it! Good luck to everyone on their hatches :)
Candled the duck eggs this morning and I tossed another 3 as clears. I am down to 45 eggs. pretty sure we will be tossing a few of the turkey eggs next week. Still have to hand turn 3 eggs, but that is better than hand turning all of the eggs.
Just set 38 eggs. Barred Rock, Dominicker, and Rhode Island mixes. Gonna try leaving them in cartons this time. Anybody else doing this? Pros/Cons ? Not sure yet the best way to turn them right now.
I am hatching guinea eggs, 15 of them, for a friend, set Friday the 18th in the evening, 28 day set, hatch due May 9. I have never hatched guineas, this will be interesting. Also set 7 Muscovy duck eggs with them, they are due to hatch May 16th. I am using an R com 20 incubator. I had trouble with it saying the water was empty when it was not. Some wonderful person on here suggested seeing if the 2 pins in the water tank made connection with little pins on the lid, one did not. Fixed with a little piece of tinfoil on the pins. Works perfect now. Thank you for that! Last hatch April 10th 12/18 set 1 not fertile, 3 never hatched, 1 died during hatch and 1 died at day 2. 12 are doing well, 7 Wheaten Marans, 5 Easter Eggers.
Well, today is lockdown :D
Sadly, one of the ducklings died in the eggs yesterday afternoon.. Fully developed, beautiful little female Welsh Harlequin duckling. It's always so much harder when they're so far along. May her little spirit rest in peace <3

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