May Hatch-a-Long!

I'll join too!

After my successful first ever hatch that produced 25 beautiful quail, I am going to try to hatch some of my chicken eggs. I want the hatch to coincide with the receipt of my order in the week of May 22 from Meyer, so that I can combine hatchlings with the Meyer chicks. So I am planning to set about 12 chicken eggs on May 1. They'll be barnyard mixes, i have a pure bred Ameraucana rooster and Marans, Ancona and Welsumer hens. The Marans and Welsumer offspring should get me olive eggers, I'm not quite sure what to expect from the Ancona/Ameraucana mix but I think they should be producing blue eggs (since the blue egg gene is dominant and the Anconas lay white eggs with no pigment, it should express itself, I think. Interesting experiment either way.

Meanwhile I have two broodies sitting jointly on 5 eggs (same crosses) but since they are first time mothers (they're 9 months old), I'm not sure this hatch will be successful. They already broke 3 of the 8 eggs I gave them. However, I did see a chick in one of the Ancona eggs that remained. We'll see! These eggs should hatch in about 1.5 to 2 weeks (I didn't write down the date I put them under them).
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One of my eggs is cracked, not good to set it?

I have oyster shell out, but some shells are soft :/.

Never set a cracked egg. If it goes bad, it could ruin your whole hatch. Are your hens young? If they are, it can take a while for them to lay consistent normal eggs. If not, I'm not sure? It's good you're giving them oyster shell though. Do they appear to be eating it?
I am on day 2, incubating 18 silkie eggs:) I did not candle them before setting. Right now they are in cut up egg crates. I am wanting to transfer them out to use the turner.
What are your ideas on auto turners? I am using an old Turn-x incubator. I set shipped eggs. Which is why they are set in the egg crate.
I am worried I won't have time to turn regularly. I work 9-12 hour days and have 4 kids. But I am worried about the turner causing damage and the egg positioning. I won't be able to have the fat end up because it is a flat wire rack that moves them.
Glad I found a hatch-a-long I could join up with.

Just set 7 Bantams in my Brinsea-mini. Due on my birthday, May 14th!

I'm a preschool teacher and I've been hatching eggs in my classroom for several years now. I love coming back to BYC each year as we set our eggs.

Last years hatch did not go well. First time I used shipped eggs, and they were all saddle celled. Only got one out and with helping. This year I went local, so I am hoping for a good hatch.
I'd like to participate in the May Hatch-a-Long as well :) I purchased some chicken and turkey eggs and they are due to hatch on May 2nd. I have 3 incubators running: Little Giant with fan and autoturner with 42 eggs in it, Brinsea with autoturner with 9 turkeys eggs and 6 chicken eggs. I also have an older Little Giant incubator still air no turner with 2 cracked chicken eggs from shipping. I decided not to do the usual thing and throw the eggs away but instead I used unscented wax to fix the cracks on the top on both of them and when I candle them last week there is something inside. Total I have 50 chicken and 9 turkey eggs :)
I might have some Guineas hatching in May, but I have some Brown Leghorn eggs coming in soon so I'll be setting some of those, and perhaps some Peafowl eggs as well.

Blessings -

~ Aspen
Never set a cracked egg. If it goes bad, it could ruin your whole hatch. Are your hens young? If they are, it can take a while for them to lay consistent normal eggs. If not, I'm not sure? It's good you're giving them oyster shell though. Do they appear to be eating it?

Two are a year and 6 are 6 monthsish.

The oyster I have them yesterday is no longer there.

Thank you!
Due to strong winds, the power went out last night. My valiant hubby braved the winds to bring our generator up to the house and connected an extension cord outside and ran it in to my incubator so that my little ducks wouldn't die!! I candled them to make sure all was well and saw one of them was moving!!!!! I am so excited :)
Yea!finally I can join! I was going to set eggs in March to hatch before Easter vacation...but my dad didn't want to take care of them. So he ordered 12 BLRW eggs off ebay and I am saving I should have about 2 dozen. I'm not sure about the fertility of mine since it looks like the roos didn't mate one hen..ever and the other not very often but one is bald almost so we will see! I'm only keeping a couple. He wants 1boy and4 hens...I just want to replace the 4 my neighbor dog killed.

H...and I am slipping a couple silkie eggs in too... I have a grey and black roo and 2 white hens...the kids want these..but dh is like... why?? ;)
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