May Hatch-a-Long!

<-- is jealous of anyone who can have roos...or drakes, or toms!

Sorry. Yes I can have them, but living in the middle of nowhere has it's advantages
Got the baby chick out cleaned off, which ended up being very easy. The membrane was tight and dry. Only stuck a little at it's head. Put it back in the incubator overnight. Doesn't seem like it's doing too good this morning.
It's moved, but it doesn't look like it has stood yet. I probably waited too long.
Mine are hatching now but having trouble getting humidity up for some reason. Odd cause its rainy and very humid here rigjt now. I turned the fan off and misted the inside and the eggs lightly. I don't guess that would hurt the eggs.
Well, my cat couldn't handle the noise in the incubator last night and broke into it when I wasn't looking. I caught her trying to escape with a chick in her mouth. I made her spit it out and I don't think she hurt it but the trauma had been done and it died about an hour later.

As far as I can tell that was the only one that had hatched. I think I can see an external pip through the vent holes but it's pretty quiet in there this morning.
Well, my cat couldn't handle the noise in the incubator last night and broke into it when I wasn't looking. I caught her trying to escape with a chick in her mouth. I made her spit it out and I don't think she hurt it but the trauma had been done and it died about an hour later.

As far as I can tell that was the only one that had hatched. I think I can see an external pip through the vent holes but it's pretty quiet in there this morning.

Oh no!! I hope the rest of your hatch goes well.
Mine are hatching now but having trouble getting humidity up for some reason. Odd cause its rainy and very humid here rigjt now. I turned the fan off and misted the inside and the eggs lightly. I don't guess that would hurt the eggs.
Try putting a moist (but not soaking wet) paper towel in with them. It helped with mine.
Final tally- of the 14 eggs that made it into Lockdown:

Five of five Olive Eggers hatched
Seven of nine Welsummers hatched.

Of the two Welsummers that quit, one was malpositioned, it looked too large to turn (almost no air sac). It couldn't internally pip in the position is was in. It had absorbed all it's yolk sac. That might be a humidity problem. The other looked to have died pretty close to the end also. It also had a smallish air sac. It was in a good position but it still had a large amount of yolk left to absorb.

Those plus one infertile Welsummer egg, one early quitter Welsummer, and 8 unfertile Wheaten Ameraucana's and that's the 24 eggs I set back in April.

Bummer about the Ams. Although I was seeing fertile eggs from the hens in the pen with that Rooster, I have since noticed that none are fertilized. He's young (about 11 months) so I'm not sure what's going with him......

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