May Hatch-a-Long!

I set my classroom hatch on April 22nd. Friday was day 18, so before I left I added water and took out the egg turner. I came in this morning to have a silent baby layed out, I thought he was dead but when I took him out he started chirping. This is my first time! I have tried to give him save-a-chick water but he doesn't seem to be drinking. He did have a poop though. He isn't moving around a whole lot but when I make noise he chirps very loudly and for a while until it gets quiet in the classroom again. I am concerned because he seems so lethargic. This is what he looks like all the time... any thoughts? another has pipped and is chirping from in the egg!
They are exhausted after hatching and it isn't uncommon for them to sleep a lot. Dip its beak in the water a time or two; sometimes you have to show them where the water is And encourage them to drink.
you need to put boots on it and give it vitamins right down the'll be fine


you can fix this ShadyHill!
here is a link about making chick sandals:
I would make an electrolyte solution and add some chicken vitamins (eg PolyViSol or NutriDrench) to the water and dip it's beak in. that should help perk it up. I have fixed many feet with sandals. good luck!

Today is day 18 for me... hmm should I lay them on their sides now, or after dark, when I can candle them and pencil their air cells? of course I should probably wait, but I wanna do it now!

So I made little flat pieces out of an index card and used electrical tape to stick his feet to them. More difficult than I thought!! They're flat and I got it's toes? spread out some, but not near as splayed as they need to be. I probably try to fix that in a day or two. He's still so matted and poor looking. Definitely not poor acting. He's a loud, feisty booger, but just looks pitiful.

Edited to add, he is eating/drinking on his own though.
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Ack! I have an early pip, or 2! It's only day 18 (maybe 19 if you count the setting day). I'm excited but nervous. I went to put them into lockdown today, and heard chirping and saw one had pipped. That got me all scared b/c I'm not pro opening the bator after they've started hatching, but I had to raise the water level, the wells were down after the weekend. (I'm a teacher hatching at work.)

Also feeling nervous, b/c both pips are more towards the middle of the egg. Like I said, they pipped before lockdown, so the automatic turner was still going. And the one I candled had a large air cells, so I'm nervous now. Esp since last year I lost almost all the chicks to bad air cells.

Please send me good hatching vibes this year. Last year I had to help for the first time, and it was an awful mess, and I don't want to help again, or go through all that.

They are exhausted after hatching and it isn't uncommon for them to sleep a lot. Dip its beak in the water a time or two; sometimes you have to show them where the water is And encourage them to drink.

I agree, thinking it's just sleepy still. Is it more awake yet?
Ack! I have an early pip, or 2! It's only day 18 (maybe 19 if you count the setting day). I'm excited but nervous. I went to put them into lockdown today, and heard chirping and saw one had pipped. That got me all scared b/c I'm not pro opening the bator after they've started hatching, but I had to raise the water level, the wells were down after the weekend. (I'm a teacher hatching at work.)

Also feeling nervous, b/c both pips are more towards the middle of the egg. Like I said, they pipped before lockdown, so the automatic turner was still going. And the one I candled had a large air cells, so I'm nervous now. Esp since last year I lost almost all the chicks to bad air cells.

Please send me good hatching vibes this year. Last year I had to help for the first time, and it was an awful mess, and I don't want to help again, or go through all that.


Are these bantam? They can hatch pretty early sometimes, and, it is ok for the pip to be in the middle...just so it isn't near the very top. The air sac does a drop down, and gets larger when close to hatching.
Yes, they are. And the pip isn't on the pointy end, so we should be good.

Good to hear. I will worry less, and give them their time. Thank you.

No more progress yet- maybe tomorrow morning when I come back we'll have a couple fuzzy butts!
So I made little flat pieces out of an index card and used electrical tape to stick his feet to them. More difficult than I thought!! They're flat and I got it's toes? spread out some, but not near as splayed as they need to be. I probably try to fix that in a day or two. He's still so matted and poor looking. Definitely not poor acting. He's a loud, feisty booger, but just looks pitiful.

Edited to add, he is eating/drinking on his own though.

aww sounds like he's doing well! I love the feisty ones ;)

the sandals are hard to put on... I have my husband hold the chick while I put them on. I put my thumb under the foot to spread the toes out, and stick the tape on top of the toes. then cardboard the bottom and stick it down, and then I trim it with baby scissors :)

Ack! I have an early pip, or 2! It's only day 18 (maybe 19 if you count the setting day). I'm excited but nervous. I went to put them into lockdown today, and heard chirping and saw one had pipped. That got me all scared b/c I'm not pro opening the bator after they've started hatching, but I had to raise the water level, the wells were down after the weekend. (I'm a teacher hatching at work.)

Also feeling nervous, b/c both pips are more towards the middle of the egg. Like I said, they pipped before lockdown, so the automatic turner was still going. And the one I candled had a large air cells, so I'm nervous now. Esp since last year I lost almost all the chicks to bad air cells.

Please send me good hatching vibes this year. Last year I had to help for the first time, and it was an awful mess, and I don't want to help again, or go through all that.


large air cell is good! that means it lost all it's water and is close to hatching. the air cell gets a dip in it right before hatch, that makes it look very large. keep us posted!
Evening of Day 17 now and performing "lockdown" preparations tonight. What's the earliest you've had a chick hatch? Nothing is happening, and I know that's normal, but I still am having trouble waiting another couple of days.
I had Speckled Sussex (shipped Ebay eggs) hatch on day 18 last month.
I am sooo bummed now though- I candled last night (day 16) and had to toss 12 eggs (out of 18) due to them being all light inside and air sacs loose and broken. I tried not to bother them until then....they were shipped and sat for 24 hours, didn't turn for another day...temps and humidity have been spot on what I always have/use. I think USPS X-Rayed the box again or tossed it around. (This is the 2nd box of eggs I bought from the seller.) I had 1 chick hatch for the Easter HAL (out of 11) and now have 3 normal looking ones and 3 probably clear, but i left them since they looked iffy....I just want some Silver Birchn Marans. Now I'll look for chicks or grown birds, or egg nearby to pick up.
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