May Hatch-a-Long!

Hey guys, I'm new to BYC and this thread. I am having some random eggs hatch tommorow or the next day. I candled them right before lockdown, seems like all 5 will be fine. I am using a brinsea mini advance incubator. Anyone else on day 19 or 20?

I'm on day 20, and have one hatching. :) I am worried about these eggs. Very very dirty eggs. I've never gotten such dirty eggs in the mail. They are OE's and some that look to be a marans or a mix, but they are dark..I can't see into them well at all, one because they are dark, and two, because they are sooo dirty. Serious..the worst I've ever gotten. Sand on most of them. This tells me that they were collected from the ground too. :/ Oh dear. I'll be lucky if that one hatches. I have not put any other eggs in this bator with them...nope!
Hi all! Just stumbled onto this thread! I've enjoyed reading a few pages. I have my first broody with 5 eggs due to hatch on May 21 or 22!

Hi ace!
I'm on day 20, and have one hatching. :) I am worried about these eggs. Very very dirty eggs. I've never gotten such dirty eggs in the mail. They are OE's and some that look to be a marans or a mix, but they are dark..I can't see into them well at all, one because they are dark, and two, because they are sooo dirty. Serious..the worst I've ever gotten. Sand on most of them. This tells me that they were collected from the ground too. :/ Oh dear. I'll be lucky if that one hatches. I have not put any other eggs in this bator with them...nope!

I don't know that I would worry too much about eggs that had been collected from the ground. I had a duck hide her eggs on the ground under our deck one summer. Her clutch was found by one of the hens, who immediately proceeded to add to the number of eggs already there. The duck would literally cover the eggs with dirt each day until she was satisfied with the size of the clutch, at which point she uncovered them and proceeded to hatch them all out - both ducklings and chicks. As these were Welsh Harlequins, the incubation period was within 2 days, and so it all worked out. Good luck on your hatch and keep us posted.
I don't know that I would worry too much about eggs that had been collected from the ground. I had a duck hide her eggs on the ground under our deck one summer. Her clutch was found by one of the hens, who immediately proceeded to add to the number of eggs already there. The duck would literally cover the eggs with dirt each day until she was satisfied with the size of the clutch, at which point she uncovered them and proceeded to hatch them all out - both ducklings and chicks. As these were Welsh Harlequins, the incubation period was within 2 days, and so it all worked out. Good luck on your hatch and keep us posted.

Same here. My Rouen last year, and her daughter this year like to bury eggs in the coop, or mud. And they have hatched just fine. Had 7/8 so far. 8/8 due the 24ths and 8 (possible 2 duds) due the a week and 1/2 from now. We even had freezing temps after they were layed, before collection and they made it.

I candled tonight and pulled 1 clear and 2 maybe blood rings. Not bad from 63 eggs I don't think. In a slap job cooler bator. These are my pure RIR and WLH. With meats and BSL in with them.

My newest toy, the last 2 hatches are enjoying it now. Rather than use a chain or rope I decided to just have daughter make 6 in. feet and if I need to I can add 2x4's under to raise it. But don't think I will need to. Not 100% Ohio brooder, but close enough for me.
It's so exciting to see how everyone's hatches are coming along! Today is day 21! I have had 5 more polish babies join my little early bird and have at least 10 others pipped or zipping! Happy hatching everyone :)
Chicks started hatching out of the 2nd incubator, we had a early bird hatch at 1:00 am this morning. And now have 4 total hatched, and several more pips :) Yay They are all Serama chicks.

hooray! congrats!

It's so exciting to see how everyone's hatches are coming along! Today is day 21! I have had 5 more polish babies join my little early bird and have at least 10 others pipped or zipping! Happy hatching everyone

very nice!

I am on day 20... so far, just 1 pip! it's the green one!!! I knew it would be first :) soooooo impatient

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