Mealworm farming

I would use WHITE chalk not colored and draw a line around the ants will not cross the white chalk line.
I would also use peppermint essential oil. Place the oil on a cotton ball rubbing it around the entry ways and/or put the cotton ball in the window seal and leave

We tried this once and it doesn't work for the ants at our house. They were getting into our cat's food so we put several white chalk lines around it in circles. Then we watched the ants crawl all over and across the chalk lines right into the food bowl.
I would try ant spray or sevin dust outside around the house. We are having more ants this year too. Our mild winter has us battling lots of bugs with which we don't normally have problems. :(
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If I don't seperate the beetles from the pupea will they cannibalize the pupae. I'm just putting the beetles and pupae together in an upper bin at this time. Also, any ideas what might happen if I combine Mighty Mealies from Grubco with normal sized mealies from Amy?
If I don't seperate the beetles from the pupea will they cannibalize the pupae. I'm just putting the beetles and pupae together in an upper bin at this time. Also, any ideas what might happen if I combine Mighty Mealies from Grubco with normal sized mealies from Amy?
You don't need to separate them (I don't), cannibalism is very low in this species. Personally, I wouldn't mix the Mighty Mealies with those you got from Amy. I am very skeptical that the Mighty Mealies will ever reproduce. I know Grubco claims they don't treat their mealworms with hormones, but there are a lot of things that mimmic Juvenile Hormone in insects that one could treat them with to prevent or postpone pupation to achieve a larger sized mealworm and still claim that they don't treat with hormones. I'd be very curious if anyone else has seen successful reproduction in the Mighty Mealies. I'd feed them to the chickens and use those from Amy as the basis for my mealworm colony. That's just my opinion though and I'll note that I have no personal experience with the Grubco Mighty Mealies, I've only read about them. Hopefully, some one with direct experience can offer some insight.
What are the temps for the room to keep your mealworm farm ? I have pupae in a separate bin and still no beetles!!!!!!!!!!! They are in the living room where temps are 70, should it be warmer??
What are the temps for the room to keep your mealworm farm ? I have pupae in a separate bin and still no beetles!!!!!!!!!!! They are in the living room where temps are 70, should it be warmer??
The warmer the better. I kept mine on top of the bator and they took off. Some people keep them IN the bator. My hubby is giving me his bigger shop. And when we get me moved in there the worms will live in that room, as it is always warm with the incubator, hatcher and brooders going all the time.

I think 80's is best. Can you put them on top of the fridge? It is always a little warmer there.
thanks Hemmet and Taylor ... Im visiting a earthworm farm on monday - Im in Mexico so they should produce most of the year. The thing is... the worm you guys talk about dont know even how they look like or where to get them... I'll let you know how these worms work if I do get them, thanks again
I have pupea and beetles!
Great to see pictures of your set up! I am using the screen as well, but when hubby put it together for me he put the screen on the outside and not on the inside of the container and eventually the weight (although not much) eventually cause the screen to fall off and all the contents to fall through to the container below so I am essentially having to start over again with sorting out the beetles from the mealworms. The problems with my set up is that I am using the three drawer system that sits in a tower, so every time I pull the drawer open with the beetles in it, little pieces fall through the screen when it is open, I'm always worried that there will be baby wormies falling through the outside of the containers that I will never be able to see until it is to late. So if I want to open that drawer, I have to remember to open the drawer below it as well, which I can never remember to do!
You could tie the handles together or put a piece of duct tape on the drawers or handles. Not so much to pull them together but simply to remind you to pull them together!!!

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