Mealworm farming

I've now got three large bins of worms and one of beetles, out in the garage where it's warmer and further away from me :) . The growout bins are interesting to watch, for sure. Lots of skins on top, carrots disappear like Gilligan into quicksand, and if I trail my fingers through the top inch, wow, does it wiggle! :)

They're going through the substrate like gangbusters as well--logical, since it's the food and the veggies are the water--and I'm going to have to add more again soon! :)

The chickens (knock on feathers) haven't discovered this treasure trove as yet (just as well, no lids), although they know where the beetle bin is and spend a while each day giving themselves headaches pecking on the outside. :)

I'm ALWAYS wearing my mask around the mealies now. Even just a light stir gets me wheezing, so it's a necessary evil. It's also handy as heck when I feed in the evening to prevent my breathing in bugs--they're awful in the rabbitry.

Anyway, that's the update.... :)
I'm going to keep the Mighty Mealies seperated from the mealies I bought from Amy. The Mightys are pupating by the dozens and I'm starting to get beetles. I'll keep you posted as to whether they reproduce or not.
I've now got three large bins of worms and one of beetles, out in the garage where it's warmer and further away from me :) . The growout bins are interesting to watch, for sure. Lots of skins on top, carrots disappear like Gilligan into quicksand, and if I trail my fingers through the top inch, wow, does it wiggle! :)

They're going through the substrate like gangbusters as well--logical, since it's the food and the veggies are the water--and I'm going to have to add more again soon! :)

The chickens (knock on feathers) haven't discovered this treasure trove as yet (just as well, no lids), although they know where the beetle bin is and spend a while each day giving themselves headaches pecking on the outside. :)

I'm ALWAYS wearing my mask around the mealies now. Even just a light stir gets me wheezing, so it's a necessary evil. It's also handy as heck when I feed in the evening to prevent my breathing in bugs--they're awful in the rabbitry.

Anyway, that's the update.... :)
Okay I've ordered my mealworms from Amy and they should arrive in a couple of weeks when orders are caught up.

How far in advance could I set up the substrate? I don't want to have them come and have no place to put them. But I also don't want to have to dump everything because I did it too early.
YEA for me!! I finally got thru this whole post... took me months! We are enjoying our little farm. One note, we (as I think someone else did too) kept ours in the oven. We have a gas oven so the pilot keeps it warm in there. (My husband keeps the house kinda chilly in the summer) We are using 2 plastic shoe box size but will probably just go to more 1 box set ups. Oh yeah, I have a little reminder note to remove the worms before heating the oven! Appreciate ALL the wisdom and chuckles on this post...actually the whole site! Well I took so long to write this, more has probably been posted and I'll be behind again.
Okay I've ordered my mealworms from Amy and they should arrive in a couple of weeks when orders are caught up.
How far in advance could I set up the substrate? I don't want to have them come and have no place to put them. But I also don't want to have to dump everything because I did it too early.
I just keep my substrate in the freezer and then when I need some I microwave it, stir by hand to feel temp and move hot spots around and go from there.

edited to add: I would have your boxes etc. ready to go then you just have to add substrate
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Okay I've ordered my mealworms from Amy and they should arrive in a couple of weeks when orders are caught up.
How far in advance could I set up the substrate? I don't want to have them come and have no place to put them. But I also don't want to have to dump everything because I did it too early.
You could do at t/m said, or you could go ahead and set it up so it would be ready to just add your worms whenever they get there. I can't think of any reason why you would have to dump it during that short amount of time.
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Worked (not played) with the worms again today. They didn't not have enough ventilation (I knew that, jut didn't have time) and started to mold..... so I pulled out all the pupae, hundreds if not thousands, and I sware they were turning in front of my eyes
every time I was done I would go back there were 10-15 more, without looking. everyone is clean now. I put a big bin in the firdge, I need them to slow down. I fixed my original bin that was 2 tiers. I don't think I ever saw babies in the bottom, but at least the frass can fall through. I think it is official, I have a bazillion now
still afraid to feed them out
I want more.....

So now all the pupae and beetles are on the top tier with new bedding and feed and a few stray worms. The bin that all these came from is now TEAMING with big worms.... I still have to clean that out, after I cut more holes in these bins. I think I am going to just cut a BIG hole in the top and cover it with screen. I already have holes on the sides I drilled. So that should work. So that is 7 bins now with the 2 tier and the one in the fridge. I think when I clean the bottom bin I will have 2 more big bins.... I am going to leave them alone for a LONG time now. Work worms, work.....

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