Mearns Quail Hatching

Well tell him I said hi.Do you know if he is still raising any pheasants.I thought I saw an ad of his saying he is selling out of them,but you never know.I am in need of a Mikado male if you know anyone that might have an extra.
In N.H.,Tony.
Can anyone advise where I can purchase Mearns quail hatching eggs. I'm at 7000 ft elevation in NM with pinion pine and juniper with high plains buffalo grass fields. I'm trying to establish a habitat to introduce mearns quail, any help, thanks in advance.
Hello Uncle Frank. Can you share with me your mearns breeder that you get your hatching eggs from. See post #22 and thank you in advance. Vincent
I agree. I found some on eBay finally and bought 9 eggs for $291 plus shipping. The same seller has listed 2 or 3 auctions for them (6 eggs each auction) and they always go for over $200. Hopefully I get a few more to hatch today92
291$ plus shipping? Do they lay golden eggs or something?????????????????????????????????????????????
I think they are as close to golden eggs as you can get. I seen this morning that a different seller on eBay has them for $360 ( 6 eggs). Apparently not many breeders around. I've found a couple hatcheries that sell the adult birds, but they go for $600+ a pair. I suppose a lot of it has to do with the chicks needing to be taught how to eat.

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