Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I think some people are very sceptical of food items they are not familiar with. Personally I thought it was awesome when I found out there were chickens that layed colored eggs. They do seem to be a big hit with the kids too.
I love the colored eggs! I think it's so neat to have all these different shades in my egg carton! (or should I say on my skelter)

We aren't near as cold as you. Our lowest is -19 with no wind chill but that was a few weeks ago. The frigid storm has passed us now. On friday it was in the 60's here then saturday it was down to 6 and snowing all day. It's back up to the 30's today. Crazy swings in temp here. Great for the garden pests though!

Our chickens don't seem to like their redesigned coop. The last 2 nights a lot of them have been roosting outside the coop when we go out to put them up. They used to all be inside when we'd go out. I don't know if they are just enjoying the warmer temps or there is something wrong with the coop. I'll have to watch them.
I love the colored eggs! I think it's so neat to have all these different shades in my egg carton! (or should I say on my skelter)

We aren't near as cold as you. Our lowest is -19 with no wind chill but that was a few weeks ago. The frigid storm has passed us now. On friday it was in the 60's here then saturday it was down to 6 and snowing all day. It's back up to the 30's today. Crazy swings in temp here. Great for the garden pests though!

Our chickens don't seem to like their redesigned coop. The last 2 nights a lot of them have been roosting outside the coop when we go out to put them up. They used to all be inside when we'd go out. I don't know if they are just enjoying the warmer temps or there is something wrong with the coop. I'll have to watch them.

I agree I love the colored eggs! That's why I have EE's and olive eggers ordered. Can't wait! It was down to -35 with the wind chill the other night. Brrrr
What all have you changed with the coop?
OK... I am so confused.
I went out to do my chicken chores and there were 6 eggs in 2 diff. nests. I took them all out and BeeBee my black bearded EE went into the nest. I did my chores and NO other chicken went into the nest. I peeked into the nest from a window and saw BeeBee standing in the nest hunched up and I've seen others do that and that's what it looks like when they are physically laying the egg but I couldn't see the egg from the window. Then I watched her step out of the nest.
I walked around the side of the coop, opened the lid to the nests and it was a GREEN EGG!!!!

So all this time I thought BeeBee had been giving me a cream egg and actually she wasn't laying at all and she just started last week. I assumed it was Izzy that laid the green egg last week but it must be hers!! I KNOW Izzy lays a green egg. She was my 2nd to lay at about 19 weeks but she must still be not laying.
So it took BeeBee almost 10 full months to lay an egg. LOL. They're funny.
Hopefully Izzy starts laying again and I have 2 green layers.
Now I just need a couple white layers and a blue and olive would be nice but I won't get to picky.
I actually ended up getting my 2 welsummers :) My friend whom I split the order with was fine taking the EE so I will get both of the welsummers that were available! And when I called to split our orders up so we didn't have to distinguish whose day old chicks were whose, I also added another Olive Egger to my order so now i am getting 3 because.... well... chicken math. haha

Oh, sorry if i typed that wrong or if it was confusing, I got female chicks not the started pullets... I've thought of going the older pullets before but I was too worried they would be really skittish :/ I liked my last batch I raised from chicks, I can catch most of them very easily and they come a running when I call (or sometimes just when they see me haha). Im glad I can drive there to pick up- its a 2 hr one way drive but I'd rather do that than have them floating around through the post office... Your lucky you got green eggs from your EE's! I cant wait to get my olive eggers :)
My fault there. I thought you meant started pullets to jump start your egg laying. Chicks are a lot of fun! I wonder if you'll stick to your number of chicks especially once you get there.
I wish I could see Meyers from the inside.

I love the colored eggs! I think it's so neat to have all these different shades in my egg carton! (or should I say on my skelter)

We aren't near as cold as you. Our lowest is -19 with no wind chill but that was a few weeks ago. The frigid storm has passed us now. On friday it was in the 60's here then saturday it was down to 6 and snowing all day. It's back up to the 30's today. Crazy swings in temp here. Great for the garden pests though!

Our chickens don't seem to like their redesigned coop. The last 2 nights a lot of them have been roosting outside the coop when we go out to put them up. They used to all be inside when we'd go out. I don't know if they are just enjoying the warmer temps or there is something wrong with the coop. I'll have to watch them.
Mine hate change too, chickens are weird.

OK... I am so confused.
I went out to do my chicken chores and there were 6 eggs in 2 diff. nests. I took them all out and BeeBee my black bearded EE went into the nest. I did my chores and NO other chicken went into the nest. I peeked into the nest from a window and saw BeeBee standing in the nest hunched up and I've seen others do that and that's what it looks like when they are physically laying the egg but I couldn't see the egg from the window. Then I watched her step out of the nest.
I walked around the side of the coop, opened the lid to the nests and it was a GREEN EGG!!!!

So all this time I thought BeeBee had been giving me a cream egg and actually she wasn't laying at all and she just started last week. I assumed it was Izzy that laid the green egg last week but it must be hers!! I KNOW Izzy lays a green egg. She was my 2nd to lay at about 19 weeks but she must still be not laying.
So it took BeeBee almost 10 full months to lay an egg. LOL. They're funny.
Hopefully Izzy starts laying again and I have 2 green layers.
Now I just need a couple white layers and a blue and olive would be nice but I won't get to picky.
Another green egg layer? I hope so for you! That's be great. I hope that one of these days you'll have two together to compare.

So I have another layer as of today. My Golden Buff Ginger laid her first egg today! I looked in this morning to collect the eggs and Izzie the leghorn was in one box, Zany the Cuckoo Maran in another and there sat Ginger in a 3rd box. I'm glad they are using all of the boxes now too. By the way, of my twin Cuckoo Marans it was Zany not Cuckoo who laid the egg a few days ago. I get those two confused. Not that any of you were keeping track, but I am so just in case.

Here is my morning nest box count. I've gotten 5 eggs so far today. The new egg from Ginger is the top right, it actually is tinted a little purple too. It is beside my RIR egg and White Rock egg. The two on the left are my CM's egg and Light Brown Leghorn egg which is huge and I think, it's a double yolker.

I got chicks for the variety of colors too. It is hard to believe some people are scared of the colors. The more colors the better for me!
I live only 20 minutes from Meyer hatchery. It's neat inside, everything you see online is in the store there. They also have their own feed store which they mill everything themselves. I will be going over again in March to pick up my chicks I have ordered.
My fault there. I thought you meant started pullets to jump start your egg laying. Chicks are a lot of fun! I wonder if you'll stick to your number of chicks especially once you get there.
I wish I could see Meyers from the inside.

Mine hate change too, chickens are weird.

Another green egg layer? I hope so for you! That's be great. I hope that one of these days you'll have two together to compare.

So I have another layer as of today. My Golden Buff Ginger laid her first egg today! I looked in this morning to collect the eggs and Izzie the leghorn was in one box, Zany the Cuckoo Maran in another and there sat Ginger in a 3rd box. I'm glad they are using all of the boxes now too. By the way, of my twin Cuckoo Marans it was Zany not Cuckoo who laid the egg a few days ago. I get those two confused. Not that any of you were keeping track, but I am so just in case.

Here is my morning nest box count. I've gotten 5 eggs so far today. The new egg from Ginger is the top right, it actually is tinted a little purple too. It is beside my RIR egg and White Rock egg. The two on the left are my CM's egg and Light Brown Leghorn egg which is huge and I think, it's a double yolker.

I got chicks for the variety of colors too. It is hard to believe some people are scared of the colors. The more colors the better for me!

Those are such pretty eggs! I love the variety of colors. By the sounds of it, you'll be getting lots of eggs in no time.

OK... I am so confused.
I went out to do my chicken chores and there were 6 eggs in 2 diff. nests. I took them all out and BeeBee my black bearded EE went into the nest. I did my chores and NO other chicken went into the nest. I peeked into the nest from a window and saw BeeBee standing in the nest hunched up and I've seen others do that and that's what it looks like when they are physically laying the egg but I couldn't see the egg from the window. Then I watched her step out of the nest.
I walked around the side of the coop, opened the lid to the nests and it was a GREEN EGG!!!!

So all this time I thought BeeBee had been giving me a cream egg and actually she wasn't laying at all and she just started last week. I assumed it was Izzy that laid the green egg last week but it must be hers!! I KNOW Izzy lays a green egg. She was my 2nd to lay at about 19 weeks but she must still be not laying.
So it took BeeBee almost 10 full months to lay an egg. LOL. They're funny.
Hopefully Izzy starts laying again and I have 2 green layers.
Now I just need a couple white layers and a blue and olive would be nice but I won't get to picky.

That's good news!!!
My fault there. I thought you meant started pullets to jump start your egg laying. Chicks are a lot of fun! I wonder if you'll stick to your number of chicks especially once you get there.
I wish I could see Meyers from the inside.
Well since i already added one chick just calling to split our order, I probably don't stand a chance at only coming home with 5
My egg count hasn't been too great from my girls.
I have 9 hens. One is old and will most likely never lay an egg again. So I have 8 layers. Sunni hasn't laid an egg since the day after our dog attacked her (the 18th of December). My egg count has only been 1-3 eggs every day. Annie and Alice my Leghorns lay about 4-5 eggs per week each, Daffodil (Buff Orp) lays 2-3 eggs per week, and Lilly my Black Australorp lays 2-3 eggs per week as well.

Amber (EE), Ellie (EE), Chicken Little (not from Meyer) haven't layed any eggs in weeks. My girls are really slacking! But on a good note, Sunni has been pretty interested in the nest box today, so hopefully I'll be seeing some eggs from her again shortly. I miss seeing her tiny cream colored eggs. Her eggs added a nice color to the egg carton.

I thought I would make a little chart to show you which egg color each of my Meyer girls lays.


Ellie (EE): Green

Amber (EE): Brown with dark brown spots and speckles (she has only ever layed one egg.

Annie (WL): White

Alice (WL): White

Sunni (BO): Creamy brown

Daffodil (BO): Dark/Medium brown

Lilly (BA): Brown


When they were all laying eggs, my egg cartons looked beautiful with all of those colors. Now I just get mostly white eggs and a few browns...
This cold winter has been really hard on the girls. I noticed yesterday that the tips of Alice's comb are really pale/white. I'm not sure if it's frostbite, but it worries me. I don't understand why she would be getting frostbite. My coop is really ventilated (but not too ventilated) and there are no drafts. I supposed I'll just have to watch her close and make sure it isn't frostbite. Now that it is supposed to start warming up this week, she should be okay. My old rooster got frostbite on all of the tips of his comb, and they all turned black. But we got some warm weather and it healed right up. Alice's isn't nearly as bad as his was, so she should be fine you would think.
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I live only 20 minutes from Meyer hatchery. It's neat inside, everything you see online is in the store there. They also have their own feed store which they mill everything themselves. I will be going over again in March to pick up my chicks I have ordered.
I wish I lived that close! Especially since they have a feed mill... I am having trouble finding an organic feed I like that's available nearby me

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