Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Did I crash the Meyer's website again???

OOOHHHH - maybe that means they are updating inventory!!!
Did I crash the Meyer's website again???

OOOHHHH - maybe that means they are updating inventory!!!
Heh I just tried to look up started pullets and the site was down. I think we either need two more girls this summer a RIR and another EE perhaps, or three chicks next spring a Welsummer, Speckled Sussex and Cream Legbar?
500 Internal Server Error

Script Error
Error:Script:" /productinfo.a5w" line:31
results = conn.ResultSet.ToString()
Not currently connected to Database while getting latest result set.'
conn.ResultSet subelement not found.

Alpha Five Application Server/11.0 Build/3744-4174 at MHSW001 Port 443

Yeah....that's not good....
I'd eventaully love an Isbar as well...One of my Ameraucana's lays a green egg that seems to match the pictures of Isabar eggs tho so I might wait awhile to get one.    I think next year I plan on getting a Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rock, Heritage Buckeye (I mean I live in Ohio, I feel like its a sin not owning at least one!), and an Isabel Welsummer, and maybe an Exchelquer Leghorn or Jubilee Orp, we'll see. I'd really like to just add a couple a year so my flock is staggered age wise, but its hard to with all these breed choices :eek:  On down the line I would like some other color varieties of Cochin(Lemon Blue, Partridge), a Mottled Java, and I saw a blue laced Barnevelder that was beautiful.

Not that I've put much time into thinking this over or anything :lau

Ooooh, silver pencilled Rocks... :drool My wish list isn't getting any shorter over here! :lol:

By the way, I don't know if you meant to get one from them, but my Exchequer from Meyer is one of my sweetest birds. Such a ham! She runs to me for attention and gets jealous if I'm loving on any of her sisters. :rolleyes:


Wow, those are a lot of chickens!! Wish lists can really get long, especially in your case. ;)   My wish list is getting pretty long too. :oops:

Haha, well when I really started getting into chicken feather pattern genetics, I got in mind a few breeding projects to try, which is where a lot of my wishlist birds come from. :) And others are for the preservation factor, like the Dwarves and TRUE Spitz, or their appearance, like the Barnies, Isbars, and Dotties. :D
I'm easy - I just want birds I think are pretty. My son just wants birds he thinks are unusual, or have different eggs. We don't want to breed. Maybe eventually get some eggs to hatch, but not for a long time...
Well, I think it's in my blood. My grandparents had a farm just down the street with chickens and hogs. They sold about 30 acres or so of it to my parents, and of course it will some day belong to me. I initially wanted to build a barn just so that I could get more and more chickens, but then like I said I got into genetics and was interested in some breeding project. :) Now I'm thinking of focusing in population genetics in college. My current major is biology, so it wouldn't be far off. I hope to have my first population genetics class in the next few semesters so that I can see if I really want to go that route. :D Now, if I could figure out how to make enough money off of the chickens to get by, I'd be set for life!

But for now, I'm satisfied trying out different breeds and trying to get as many colors as possible in my egg basket. :D
Awww what's one more noisy one if you already have a few! But seriously I wanted to get a Salmon Faverolles and decided against it for now because I read the threads about the noisiness and because I didn't want her to get picked on. We live super close to our neighbors so when we move in the next 5 years to some land I'll get three Faverolles and they can have their own little group. Actually I want like three of every breed ;) My Marans which I chose instead of the SF is actually our noisiest right now, she used to sound like she was singing/whistling sweetly now she sounds like a death bird. Oh well.
In my researching I saw you asked about SF loudness and that's what made me decide to change to another breed. I know it's not set in stone whether they're loud or not but so many saying they are makes me want to change.

How about a Buff Orpington? They are sweet, quiet, good layers and their color is beautiful!

Yes, I think it's going to be a BO or a Silver Laced Wyandotte. I have always wanted one because I love the color but now my 2 new EE's seem to be turning out to be a buff color.
But the BO is supposed to be so sweet too. And no, I can't get both!! LOL, I know that's what you're about to say

Yeah, we decided that we will not get anymore SF's because of Sally. She is a sweet chicken, just complains and has that terrible cry when she needs to lay an egg, not a normal egg song like the others. I'd understand more if she laid a huge egg, but so far the biggest is 1.6 ounces. I love the color of the egg though. It is the prettiest shiny cream color. She is a riot to watch too! We call her "Crazy" all the time instead of Sally. When you mentioned noisy hens and getting a SF, I figured I better warn you.

Like @autumnhearth said too, my Cuckoo marans can be pretty noisy too when laying an egg. If we had more land I'd have a few SF's too. I don't have a problem with her being picked on though, she really does her own thing and is friends with some of the other lower level chickens.

We've been making our plans for next year and looking at our flock for the ones most like a chicken, friendly, not too noisy, not flighty, etc. So far out of our flock, we would buy any of the orpington, wyandotte, EE, polish, leghorn, RIR, BA and Golden Buff again. There may be others that would fit what we want too, not sure.

Our EE's, leghorns and polish can all be a little noisy at times, I guess they all can but it is short lived and once the egg is laid they're done. The original flock used to be noisier too but I think once they reach that year mark they get quieter too? Maybe?

Not sure about noise level on the Welsummers, but I want some of those too. I really "need" one of each of the types of wyandottes and orpingtons as well. One of each color would be good!
We've been going back and forth about bantams too. Maybe once we have grand kids, a few EE bantams would fit in here.

We will not purchase anymore andulasions or campines since they fly out too easy, we want more heavy duty chickens that are too big to fly too high.

I'll be watching your choices to help me decide too. I am living through you guys with all these chickens, it helps a lot to make my plans. It's so hard to wait though. I want more now! Once winter hits, I'll be okay because I do not want chicks in the winter. That'll be when I narrow down my plans for the Spring. Those chicken lists really grow bigger and bigger fast, decisions, decisions!
OK, I'm convinced. No SF's for a while. Maybe when I get my 20 acres when my DH retires and we move to Lancaster!! 2 out of my 3 EE's are noisy when they are about to lay and my Cochin is very loud! BA is loud too and sings the song when others lay not just when she does. Bantams when the grandkids come is a great idea. They would just love them!! I have to remember that.

What a busy weekend! We moved into our new place!

5 acres to call home now!
The girls love their new home. I need to do a little work out there but it will have to wait.
I saw a fox run across our back pasture (behind the chicken coop) this morning around 9. Definitely no free ranging for the girls unless I'm standing there with my gun! Luckily they have a large fully enclosed run.

Apricot is doing great. She just has a piece of skull showing but it should heal soon.

Here are the girls checking out their run. The view is the back half of our property, the property line is by that dark swath in front of that building down there. :)

And just because it's cute. Here's our cat in the moving truck on the way to the new house.

Our quietest bird is our cochin. If you don't have one I highly recommend them. They are sweet and so cute with their fluffyness!
I'm happy with all of our birds right now but our welsummer and bantam EE are the flightiest. They run from us and squawk up a storm if you pick them up. Our little D'Uccle has the noisiest egg song and can sometimes decide to yell out even when she isn't laying. But she's not a nuisance. I haven't even heard our cochin, polish, or partridge rock even do an egg song. I'm sure they do but it must be pretty quiet or short.

I love the chicken tunnel!
Congratulations on the move!!! Gorgeous view!! You must be so happy!!! It's a lot of work to move but so fun too!!
My cochin in one of my loudest! Funny how it's so different. I do like her fluffiness but she's the one with so many issues. I do want more later though. So cute.

Woohoo! it'll be here before you know it! I cant believe my babies are 8/9 weeks old, seems like I just got em last week. I just looked at the Meyer website, you know, in preparation for next years order..... I'd like to just get 2 or 3 next year since I am already at 17 now with the new babies but that was my plan this year and I ended up with 7 babies! geesh.

I love love love my buff orp and I would reccomend them as well. They are just such a calm, quiet, laidback breed. I am thinking of getting another orp next year- I'd love a Jubilee!

I love the surprise as far as what color you will get with the EE's! (When I say I love the surprise, I mean it drives me crazy til I know, but I still enjoy it lol) I have 3 grown EE hens and I got one EE chick this year. They all have such different but darling personalities
I almost ordered an Excheleur (spelling?) Leghorn this year but got the EE instead... Now I wish I woulda just gotten both! guess theres always next year.....

on the topic of next year and wishlists- have you all seen these beauties? On Greenfire's website:

It's are a silver Barnevelder. I think if I were rich (they are $99 a piece) and lucky (they are straight run only) and they came in large fowl version not just bantam I would have some already! For now I'll just oogle over the photo
I guess our babies are about the same age... mine just turned 8 weeks on Sunday. I wanted and Exchequer Leghorn too but they're not available my week. They're so pretty! That silver barnevelder is gorgeous... I love the black and white that's why I may get the silver laced wyandotte. Ugh... or the BO. Arghhh I can't decide.

500 Internal Server Error

Script Error
Error:Script:" /productinfo.a5w" line:31
results = conn.ResultSet.ToString()
Not currently connected to Database while getting latest result set.'
conn.ResultSet subelement not found.

Alpha Five Application Server/11.0 Build/3744-4174 at MHSW001 Port 443

Yeah....that's not good....

It's ok now!!!!

I'm easy - I just want birds I think are pretty. My son just wants birds he thinks are unusual, or have different eggs. We don't want to breed. Maybe eventually get some eggs to hatch, but not for a long time...
I want pretty, unusual and different eggs all at the same time... LOL... that's why I will be up to about 18 chicks by mid september! eek.

Well, I think it's in my blood. My grandparents had a farm just down the street with chickens and hogs. They sold about 30 acres or so of it to my parents, and of course it will some day belong to me. I initially wanted to build a barn just so that I could get more and more chickens, but then like I said I got into genetics and was interested in some breeding project.
Now I'm thinking of focusing in population genetics in college. My current major is biology, so it wouldn't be far off. I hope to have my first population genetics class in the next few semesters so that I can see if I really want to go that route.
Now, if I could figure out how to make enough money off of the chickens to get by, I'd be set for life!

But for now, I'm satisfied trying out different breeds and trying to get as many colors as possible in my egg basket.
Population genetics sounds really interesting but my head starts spinning trying to keep all that straight. That wasn't my strong suit in college. I was a bio major as well but ended up managing restaurants (I had worked in them my whole life so I just fell back into it) LOL but now I get to be around animals all the time and I'm loving it. The barn where I work just got 12 chickens today and she may get a few Alpaca next spring!! They are absolutely precious. Good luck to you... I'm sure there are so many fields you can get into with bio/genetics major!
I skipped over the chick stage for discovering what my EEs would look like but the wait for them to arrive and see the colors chosen for me and now the wait to see what color egg the all white EE will lay is killing me! But, that is part of the fun at the same time! And, there is the fun of planning for next year ... I can definitely relate!
Aaaaand there's another to add to my "one day..." wishlist- all white EE. They are so pretty! have you added a picture of her? I may have missed it....

Ooooh, silver pencilled Rocks...
My wish list isn't getting any shorter over here!

By the way, I don't know if you meant to get one from them, but my Exchequer from Meyer is one of my sweetest birds. Such a ham! She runs to me for attention and gets jealous if I'm loving on any of her sisters.

Haha, well when I really started getting into chicken feather pattern genetics, I got in mind a few breeding projects to try, which is where a lot of my wishlist birds come from.
And others are for the preservation factor, like the Dwarves and TRUE Spitz, or their appearance, like the Barnies, Isbars, and Dotties.
I was going to get one with my Meyer order this year but ended up choosing an EE instead. I kinda wish I would've gotten the Exchequer since I already had 3 EE's, but I love little Ophelia the EE chick too much to regret it, so next year I probably will get one! Yours is a beauty, love that perky tail! I like that they lay white eggs, because I don't have a white egg layer yet.

I guess our babies are about the same age... mine just turned 8 weeks on Sunday. I wanted and Exchequer Leghorn too but they're not available my week. They're so pretty! That silver barnevelder is gorgeous... I love the black and white that's why I may get the silver laced wyandotte. Ugh... or the BO. Arghhh I can't decide.
Yes they must be the same age :) I picked mine up April 21st. What breeds are your 8 week olds? Maybe some of ours could be sisters lol. I got a blue cochin, 2 wellies, a speckled sussex and and EE.

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