Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Very nice! Olive Eggers are like Easter Eggers, you never know exactly what they will look like full grown. They are continually evolving. I think that makes owning them especially fun. Good luck with all of your new chicks. I hope they integrate well with your existing flock!
I am very curious to see what everyone's Olive Eggers look like grown up.

Well, all of my planning & worrying was for nothing!!!

I just logged on and there was a very limited quantity of BLRW females!!! WOOHOO!!! We snagged one!!!

Thanks everyone for all your suggestions. I think if (ok, when) we increase the flock, I will add a BA and a BO to the list! But I'm going to either have to get a lot that is bigger than 1/2 an acre, or just move to the country!
So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lost my dear Hazel last night :,( The coop will be so much quieter without her constant chitter chatter. I'm down to one red sex link hen (I got mine from Mt Healthy so I'm not sure if that's a factor or not) but I must say I don't think I will be getting any more of them in the future. They have darling personalities and they are laying machines (I've gotten darn near an egg a day from them while they are around) but they just seem to burn out so quick :,( plus I seem to have trouble with soft, shell-less, malformed eggs from them - my other girls never seem to have trouble. I think their breeding just makes them lay more eggs than their little bodies can handle. Like I said, mine were from Mt Healthy but from the research I've done it seems to be a common red sex link problem. My dad did a post-mortem (he's a vet) on her and only abnormality he found on her was a deteriorated liver. We're sending off a sample to see if they find anything, but he isn't sure they will. We had tried to treat her yesterday but she just went so fast... Guess maybe her time with me was just meant to be short. Like my DH said- she had about the best life a chicken could've wished for. I'm still heartbroken.
Sorry for the sad post, I just felt like you all would understand more than the non-chicken loving people I know.
I'd like to end on a happier note, my CCL's big girl tail feathers came in this week. Now their tails look about 2 sizes too big for their bodies
I'm so happy the little girls and the big girls seem to be getting along now, and I've noticed the two groups seem to be intermixing more and more and they graze around. I took down the babies hide away pen (only a big enough entrance the babies to sneak in) and they don't seem to miss it.

Poppy was attempting to be a weather vane this morning on the old playhouse
Oh wow, so sorry. Always hard when you lose one. That is a great picture of your new weather vane!

Ginger my golden buff lays a Jumbo egg everyday and it is just about as dark as my Cuckoo Marans eggs. It's funny my Cuckoo Maran, "Cuckoo" used to lay a lighter egg but her eggs are now as dark as the other CM. I was so happy until last night we discovered her in the nest box, she is broody for her 3rd time now. So I have 2 chickens that have gone broody 3 times and one who has 1 time. Crazy hens!
I'll try to get you a picture of my golden Buff egg beside the marans eggs, so you can see.
I am very curious to see what everyone's Olive Eggers look like grown up.

So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh wow, so sorry. Always hard when you lose one. That is a great picture of your new weather vane!
Here is one of my olive eggers from Meyer

She is all black with no leg feathers but she does have a beard. My other 2 olive eggers are more a blue/grey one with a beard and leg feathers the other with just leg feathers. I will have to get more pics tonight they are 14 weeks old now but in this pic she was about 10 weeks old.
My golden buff does lay beautiful brown eggs, not as dark as my wellies or bcm, but much darker than my barred rocks. I love my golden buff eggs!
Thanks... that's what I keep hearing... a nice dark egg but not like a wellie or bcm.

I lost my dear Hazel last night :,( The coop will be so much quieter without her constant chitter chatter. I'm down to one red sex link hen (I got mine from Mt Healthy so I'm not sure if that's a factor or not) but I must say I don't think I will be getting any more of them in the future. They have darling personalities and they are laying machines (I've gotten darn near an egg a day from them while they are around) but they just seem to burn out so quick :,( plus I seem to have trouble with soft, shell-less, malformed eggs from them - my other girls never seem to have trouble. I think their breeding just makes them lay more eggs than their little bodies can handle. Like I said, mine were from Mt Healthy but from the research I've done it seems to be a common red sex link problem. My dad did a post-mortem (he's a vet) on her and only abnormality he found on her was a deteriorated liver. We're sending off a sample to see if they find anything, but he isn't sure they will. We had tried to treat her yesterday but she just went so fast... Guess maybe her time with me was just meant to be short. Like my DH said- she had about the best life a chicken could've wished for. I'm still heartbroken.
Sorry for the sad post, I just felt like you all would understand more than the non-chicken loving people I know.
I'd like to end on a happier note, my CCL's big girl tail feathers came in this week. Now their tails look about 2 sizes too big for their bodies
I'm so happy the little girls and the big girls seem to be getting along now, and I've noticed the two groups seem to be intermixing more and more and they graze around. I took down the babies hide away pen (only a big enough entrance the babies to sneak in) and they don't seem to miss it.

Poppy was attempting to be a weather vane this morning on the old playhouse
Awww, I'm so sorry you lost Hazel. She sounds like she was very special. Sometimes these things happen and it's just out of our hands. I'm sure she had a wonderful life with you while she was here.
I'm so glad the integration is going well and Poppy is beautiful!!! I love CCL's now. Their legs are so bright yellow!! I hope mine look as pretty as yours in a few weeks!!

Nancy, you asked about egg colors. (Your quote didn't carry over for some reason). My Golden Buffs are not laying, yet, so I can't help you there. But, I thought I'd share a few photos. 3 of my 4 golden buffs look basically like this:

But, Jessica has a beautiful lighter color and laced feathers

I just love her coloring! At 14 1/2 weeks, these girls don't look like they are ready to lay but, "Jed/Jem" has been trying out the nest boxes and is getting redder each day. She is a much darker red than she appears In this photo. Could she lay this early?

Oh, they're cute!! That lacing is really pretty. The last pic looks like my RIR?? Is that a Buff too??

I am very curious to see what everyone's Olive Eggers look like grown up.

So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ginger my golden buff lays a Jumbo egg everyday and it is just about as dark as my Cuckoo Marans eggs. It's funny my Cuckoo Maran, "Cuckoo" used to lay a lighter egg but her eggs are now as dark as the other CM. I was so happy until last night we discovered her in the nest box, she is broody for her 3rd time now. So I have 2 chickens that have gone broody 3 times and one who has 1 time. Crazy hens!
I'll try to get you a picture of my golden Buff egg beside the marans eggs, so you can see.

Interesting, usually they say the eggs get lighter. Glad yours darkened up!! OMG, broody again!! What a pain. I put a really cold washcloth on my EE's belly last night and again this morning to help cool her down. She is still broody but not as crazy trying to get into the locked coop this afternoon. I may try putting a fan on her underside tonight to move things along. We're going on night 4 and its a huge PIA dragging her up to the garage every night. I may dunk her completely in cool water tomorrow.

I'd love to see pics when you get a chance. No rush/

Here is one of my olive eggers from Meyer

She is all black with no leg feathers but she does have a beard. My other 2 olive eggers are more a blue/grey one with a beard and leg feathers the other with just leg feathers. I will have to get more pics tonight they are 14 weeks old now but in this pic she was about 10 weeks old.
Pretty!! Can't wait to see her egg!!!!!

Very cute... what do you have? I think I see a bunch of Buff Brahma?? Is that an OE in the first pic??

Nancy, you asked about egg colors. (Your quote didn't carry over for some reason). My Golden Buffs are not laying, yet, so I can't help you there. But, I thought I'd share a few photos. 3 of my 4 golden buffs look basically like this:


But, Jessica has a beautiful lighter color and laced feathers



I just love her coloring! At 14 1/2 weeks, these girls don't look like they are ready to lay but, "Jed/Jem" has been trying out the nest boxes and is getting redder each day. She is a much darker red than she appears In this photo. Could she lay this early?


It won't be long now! Mine started at 20 weeks.
Quote: we have seventy layers 7 buff brahma 5 welsummers 6 buff orpingtons 5 australorps 6 buff orpingtons 10 Leanns adopt me bargain 3 Easter eggers lots of barred rocks and one dominique
first pic is a black Australorp in all 70 and 250 meat birds from tsc so 320 in all!!

I'll quote myself to say that after googling BLRW chicks and looking at other people's photos, I'm not concerned anymore. My chick just looks different than the ones on Meyer's website. Phew!
I was going to say - remember that blue doesn't breed could end up with blue, black, or splash...which will end up affecting how the chick will look. Glad you alleviated your concern!
That's awesome!!!!! You've got some great breeds! All that hard work paid off!!
Do you have any pics of your Silkies??? Even though they're not Meyer we can still show off our other birds... IMO. I'd love to see them :)

I do have some pics of my babies! I posted on the silkie thread - I know they are a little young for sexing guesses yet, but if anyone wants to guess go ahead!

Brownie up front from the back - Coco in the back.

Coco up front now

Side by side profiles - Coco up front; Brownie is the bigger (probable boy) in the back
I lost my dear Hazel last night :,( The coop will be so much quieter without her constant chitter chatter. I'm down to one red sex link hen (I got mine from Mt Healthy so I'm not sure if that's a factor or not) but I must say I don't think I will be getting any more of them in the future. They have darling personalities and they are laying machines (I've gotten darn near an egg a day from them while they are around) but they just seem to burn out so quick :,( plus I seem to have trouble with soft, shell-less, malformed eggs from them - my other girls never seem to have trouble. I think their breeding just makes them lay more eggs than their little bodies can handle. Like I said, mine were from Mt Healthy but from the research I've done it seems to be a common red sex link problem. My dad did a post-mortem (he's a vet) on her and only abnormality he found on her was a deteriorated liver. We're sending off a sample to see if they find anything, but he isn't sure they will. We had tried to treat her yesterday but she just went so fast... Guess maybe her time with me was just meant to be short. Like my DH said- she had about the best life a chicken could've wished for. I'm still heartbroken.
Sorry for the sad post, I just felt like you all would understand more than the non-chicken loving people I know.
I'd like to end on a happier note, my CCL's big girl tail feathers came in this week. Now their tails look about 2 sizes too big for their bodies
I'm so happy the little girls and the big girls seem to be getting along now, and I've noticed the two groups seem to be intermixing more and more and they graze around. I took down the babies hide away pen (only a big enough entrance the babies to sneak in) and they don't seem to miss it.

Poppy was attempting to be a weather vane this morning on the old playhouse
I'm sorry for your loss :(

I love your CCL! Can't wait to pick up my 2 girls on Sunday!!!

I think we all need a weather vane like that!

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