Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Here is a shot of what we formerly thought was a RR hen, but now believe we have two Buckeye!



RR Hen




- summer!

I don't know if it is the photos or the lack of my experience, but, to me, the first and last photos look like they are RIR hens and the middle photos look like RIR roos. What makes you think you have Buckeyes? Nice veggies, btw!

And you're not even ordering are you??  Just looking right?

I have my third hatch being shipped on the 11th I was never going to have this many chickens! I need to start selling off my older layers but they are giving me so many eggs I have to keep the supply up! Oh well as soon as more of my young ones start laying I will get rid of the older ones and then work on getting rid of all but maybe 2 or 3 breeds and work on just those..... But you have to try them all first right!?
This next order has all the remaining meyer breeds that I have been Intrested in so we will see if I settle down after this;-P

Sounds like a great plan. Do you have the space to house them all over the winter? How many will you have when you get your new hatch?
So I've heard a lot of people use azure for chicken feed. I love this idea, however the whole thing is really overwhelming for me. I guess I don't know where to start.
What do you get and how do you mix it? I'm terrified I will not feed them the right stuff.


I don't know if it is the photos or the lack of my experience, but, to me, the first and last photos look like they are RIR hens and the middle photos look like RIR roos. What makes you think you have Buckeyes? Nice veggies, btw!
Sounds like a great plan. Do you have the space to house them all over the winter? How many will you have when you get your new hatch?[/quote]Believe it or not I started last year with 9 birds and built a coop and run that will house 28. But of course when you start selling extra eggs you start seeing them pay for them selfs and you think I could make some extra money on this! So the run was expanded and breeding pens were made and now I have a place that can house 53 adult birds.
The problem is I have 26 adults 20 12 week juveniles and 1 white turkey. I have 15 coming on the 11th..... So some will have to go.
I'm lucky to live in a climate that I can let them free range for the most part all year around. I think the only time they appreciate the coop is in the summer heat! During the winter months I have to take down any out door roost to try to force them in the coop.
My plan is to only have about 25-30 layers 4-5 roosters and a few silkies by next spring. I do not need all of the 15 coming, I was just trying to get about 5 but I don't like shipping that few and shipping is cheaper when you order 15. And it seems to be easy to sell off extra pullets. So that is why my friends disown me and my wife while standing tall beside me keeps sending me dirty looks.....
I have my third hatch being shipped on the 11th I was never going to have this many chickens! I need to start selling off my older layers but they are giving me so many eggs I have to keep the supply up! Oh well as soon as more of my young ones start laying I will get rid of the older ones and then work on getting rid of all but maybe 2 or 3 breeds and work on just those..... But you have to try them all first right!?
This next order has all the remaining meyer breeds that I have been Intrested in so we will see if I settle down after this;-P
What are you getting on the 11th? I have only had 15 shipped in March and am also concerned about the heat on them. When I call to add an Exchequer Leghorn I'm going to ask about them using gro-gel in the shipping box. I will report back.

Quote: How old are they??
Sounds like a great plan. Do you have the space to house them all over the winter? How many will you have when you get your new hatch?

Believe it or not I started last year with 9 birds and built a coop and run that will house 28. But of course when you start selling extra eggs you start seeing them pay for them selfs and you think I could make some extra money on this! So the run was expanded and breeding pens were made and now I have a place that can house 53 adult birds.
The problem is I have 26 adults 20 12 week juveniles and 1 white turkey. I have 15 coming on the 11th..... So some will have to go.
I'm lucky to live in a climate that I can let them free range for the most part all year around. I think the only time they appreciate the coop is in the summer heat! During the winter months I have to take down any out door roost to try to force them in the coop.
My plan is to only have about 25-30 layers 4-5 roosters and a few silkies by next spring. I do not need all of the 15 coming, I was just trying to get about 5 but I don't like shipping that few and shipping is cheaper when you order 15. And it seems to be easy to sell off extra pullets. So that is why my friends disown me and my wife while standing tall beside me keeps sending me dirty looks.....

I envy your set up! My husband told me we should get a bigger coop than I bought but I didn't want to spend the extra money. Now, I wish I had listened to him because I want more chickens next year and will have to build or buy another coop. Not being faced with the possibility of a week long snow in definitely will make it easier for you to be temporarily overcrowded. I don't think id take down any outdoor roosts. If they feel it's warm enough to be outside and there aren't threatened with frostbite, I wouldn't argue with them! I'm very interested to see which breeds you have the best experience with and end up keeping and which ones you let go of. I hope you keep posting!
I envy your set up! My husband told me we should get a bigger coop than I bought but I didn't want to spend the extra money. Now, I wish I had listened to him because I want more chickens next year and will have to build or buy another coop. Not being faced with the possibility of a week long snow in definitely will make it easier for you to be temporarily overcrowded. I don't think id take down any outdoor roosts. If they feel it's warm enough to be outside and there aren't threatened with frostbite, I wouldn't argue with them! I'm very interested to see which breeds you have the best experience with and end up keeping and which ones you let go of. I hope you keep posting!

So far it looks like I will be focusing mostly on barred rocks, just a few Rhode Island Reds, black sex links, and blue Ameruacanas. I am still trying to figure out if I have space to do some all of olive eggers.
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I have at list a trio in Welsumers, BCM, BR, RIR, Ameruacanas, then I have lots of extras. Most of the next shipment is extras that I wanted to try. (No roosters) Sussex, whyndottes, hamburg, favarolls and a few others but if they are mostly layers to keep the costumers happy. And I figure I will be able to sell what I don't need but my purpose for this next batch was a couple Ameraucana's.
Where are you from??  I rarely have to get on 95 around here thankfully. I'm on the [COLOR=545454]Schuylkill[/COLOR] Expressway all the time but can avoid if necessary; which is quite often!!

Yikes! The schuylkill. I lived in willow grove in Montgomery county until about 8 years ago. I do not miss that traffic. When we drive up there now, I won't go through DC or Philly unless it's the middle of the night. The traffic is just unbelievable!
I have at list a trio in Welsumers, BCM, BR, RIR, Ameruacanas, then I have lots of extras. Most of the next shipment is extras that I wanted to try. (No roosters) Sussex, whyndottes, hamburg, favarolls and a few others but if they are mostly layers to keep the costumers happy. And I figure I will be able to sell what I don't need but my purpose for this next batch was a couple Ameraucana's.

I'm with you. Although I plan to keep all my birds together, I have the one AM roo, so I might hatch eggs from the other AMs or the maran or the wellie. Hmmm maybe the leghorn too- that would be a SBEL (super blue egg layer) right? Ooh the possibilities!

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