Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Just scored 4 EE's off the overhatch list! I am done building the spring egg laying flock! Whoo Hoo! (Hubby going to kill me)!

Yay.... maybe you can hide them??? LOL
They're coming tomorrow?? What else you got coming?

Ok friends, help me out here. I could be just paranoid because the Delaware turned out to be a roo but I think I am seeing signs of maleness in a few others.. What do you think?
columbian wyandotte (not the blue is bluekote, this one got bullied a bit. she has a tendency to want to hide under others when they want nothing to do with her.)

partridge cochin

light brahma

I so hope I am wrong about these.
I'm guessing the CW is pullet and the other two are cockerels. But really, I don't know much at all and hope they are all pullets for you!! I would think you'd know real soon if they're 3.5 months!

Thank you, sorry for the late reply. I missed this somehow. I will be called Grandma or Taita (pronounced Tay ta) I am thinking boy, but we'll know for sure soon. Her next ultrasound is in a few weeks and we find out then. My mother-in-law is in Lebanon, so she never came to mine either. Oh yeah, for sure he/she will get to pick anything, plus maybe I can try hatching, use the grandchildren as excuses!
oooohhhhh.... I think you will need to order the grand baby a few Silkies!!! I still don't know if mine is a girl or a boy but they are so adorable and fluffy. I just feel bad because sometimes he/she seems so alone. I wish there was another one they could pal around with. I like Taita! I love different names for grand mom. Can't wait to hear the results of the ultrasound!!

Hey, y'all, I see I've missed a lot here! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I went through a bit of a rough patch just as the semester started and pretty much just stuck around BYC for my state thread. Anyway, I got some pictures of the flock today and thought I'd share a few pics of the Meyer girls in the bunch.

These girls are about 2 years old:

Frou-Frou, my beloved splash Marans.

Georgette the Black Copper Marans. Wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley.

Elda snuggling while Kit-kit waits her turn.
I love these Dorkings, definitely a must-have for pet flocks!

I'll probably have more pictures of the babies to post on Thursday or Friday for their 4-month-old 'hatchday'.
So cute!!! I thought Frou-Frou was much older? She's 2?

Well my Silkie gender mystery is solved. Coco declared himself a rooster quite early, but Brownie was being shy about his/her gender...until today....


My son is never picking out chickens again! I have the ad up here & on craigslist to rehome both of them. I was on the fence about 1 rooster that I can legally keep, but no way am I keeping 2! They both need to go!!!
Bummer... I hope you can rehome them easily!
Love that first pic, stunning, intense dark eyes!

Is the pullet in the foreground of the second pic the same as the third above? EE? Love the markings!

Ok friends, help me out here. I could be just paranoid because the Delaware turned out to be a roo but I think I am seeing signs of maleness in a few others.. What do you think?

columbian wyandotte (not the blue is bluekote, this one got bullied a bit. she has a tendency to want to hide under others when they want nothing to do with her.)

partridge cochin

light brahma

I so hope I am wrong about these.
Not seeing anything at all that points to male with your Light Brahma. That's quite a lovely tail on your Patridge Cochin, but looking closely the feathers are not sickle shaped so I think you're safe. Your Columbian Wyandotte is a bit trickier, since she's been picked on and/or is finishing up her last juvenile molt and has very few tail feathers, but the few there are curving suspiciously and the neck feathers are rather drapey... but looking at a pic of several CW hens with a roo, she looks more like a cockerel.
Not seeing anything at all that points to male with your Light Brahma. That's quite a lovely tail on your Patridge Cochin, but looking closely the feathers are not sickle shaped so I think you're safe. Your Columbian Wyandotte is a bit trickier, since she's been picked on and/or is finishing up her last juvenile molt and has very few tail feathers, but the few there are curving suspiciously and the neck feathers are rather drapey... but looking at a pic of several CW hens with a roo, she looks more like a cockerel.
The CW was picked on a bit. She/He had a habit of trying to hide under the others and they didn't like it one bit! Have been looking at that one curly feather too though.
I've had a response to my Craigslist posting - nice guy with a local farm & 24 hens. He promises no freezer camp & is coming tomorrow to pick the boys up. They can stay together & have the run of the ladies...

Hopefully he will show up. I've had some other people respond, but they want 1 not both. I'm ok splitting them up, but it sure would be nice to keep the brothers together.
Hey, y'all, I see I've missed a lot here! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I went through a bit of a rough patch just as the semester started and pretty much just stuck around BYC for my state thread. Anyway, I got some pictures of the flock today and thought I'd share a few pics of the Meyer girls in the bunch.

Poggy the Speckled Sussex:

Elda the Silver Gray Dorking, such a pretty young lady!

I love your little pullets, especially the Dorkings but also love seeing the older girls :) Your Speckled Sussexes are lovely. Are the flocks integrated now? If so how did that go?
These girls are about 2 years old: Frou-Frou, my beloved splash Marans. :love
So cute!!! I thought Frou-Frou was much older? She's 2?
I know, it seems like it's been years since she joined the flock! Her hatch date is June 11, 2012. :)
I love your little pullets, especially the Dorkings but also love seeing the older girls :) Your Speckled Sussexes are lovely. Are the flocks integrated now? If so how did that go?
Yup, the babies integrated pretty smoothly. We're one big happy flock now! :D The little Legbar that I brooded with the Meyer babies this year is even sleeping on the perches with the big girls now!
Ok friends, help me out here. I could be just paranoid because the Delaware turned out to be a roo but I think I am seeing signs of maleness in a few others.. What do you think? columbian wyandotte (not the blue is bluekote, this one got bullied a bit. she has a tendency to want to hide under others when they want nothing to do with her.) partridge cochin light brahma I so hope I am wrong about these.
I had to go back and look at these. Your partridge Cochin and Brahma are definitely boys. Mr. Cochin's color is a dead giveaway. The hens are the same color as partridge Plymouth Rock hens like the girl I posted not too long ago. And the Brahma, when you zoom in that first picture, has pointed saddle feathers. Hens do not grow pointed saddle feathers. :/ The Columbian Wyandotte, honestly, is probably a boy as well with that comb. However, I have heard that some Wyandotte females mature quickly and I don't see any definite masculine traits like with the other two, so fingers crossed it's a fast-to-mature female. :fl ETA: To be clear, both partridge Cochins and partridge Plymouth Rocks are a pattern called 'double-laced partridge'. Here is a double-laced partridge female to compare:
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The CW was picked on a bit. She/He had a habit of trying to hide under the others and they didn't like it one bit! Have been looking at that one curly feather too though.
Sadly after searching pics for Patridge Cochins I have to agree with everyone else, yours is colored like a cockerel :( I'm still thinking pullets for the other two but apparently I'm not very good at sexing from pics.
I've had a response to my Craigslist posting - nice guy with a local farm & 24 hens. He promises no freezer camp & is coming tomorrow to pick the boys up. They can stay together & have the run of the ladies...

Hopefully he will show up. I've had some other people respond, but they want 1 not both. I'm ok splitting them up, but it sure would be nice to keep the brothers together.

hi rnchick,

So happy for you, I will be in your shoes soon enough with some of the hatches I have done. Just a suggestion... can you plan to meet this man somewhere, and bring the birds in a cage? I have heard some very unfortunate sad stories of people having other chicken owners to their places with disastrous results in relation to bio security breaches. Even if this new prospective owners flock is heallthy, with no seeming health just never know if what he brings on the bottom of his shoes to your place,, is something your birds have never been exposed to. Also ask him if he plans to quarentine them properly first. I recently rehomed one of my lavender ameraucana roosters to a woman at a tractor supply swap. My bird was in excellent condition at 12 weeks old. Not realizing that I should have asked her if she intended to quarantine him properly, she arrived home with him and put him straight in with her other birds. Within 10 days he wasn't eating, and then he died after 14 days of having him. She called me of course, and told me I sold her a sick bird. I informed her that certainly was not the case, as the two pullets and one roo that were his hatchmates were fine. The other roo I rehomed to a friend the same day, and her bird is alive, and well after a 30 day quarantine stay away from her other birds. I am petrified to have anyone over to my place that has birds. I just don't want to risk it.

just a suggestion,
Good Luck!

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