Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Thanks for your help and advice everyone. I went out and took better pics of them, then I emailed Meyer today and included pics.
Yeah those pics do make it much more clear. Sorry about the rotten luck :(

Since Baby Buff didn't get her own pic yesterday, I took one of her this morning, when she was trying to dust bathe in the garden. The square foot she chose was empty, but the soil was most, silly girl.

Haha! We had a little Buckeye cockerel, mis-sexed this spring. We can't have roosters until we get land in a few years.

I am suspecting one in my 3 buckeye chicks... just off of behavior. Hoping she is just a bossy girl. Only 6weeks old. When were you able to tell the difference. Do you still have him?
I am suspecting one in my 3 buckeye chicks... just off of behavior. Hoping she is just a bossy girl.  Only 6weeks old.  When were you able to tell the difference.  Do you still have him?

No, I gave him away at a swap at 6 weeks. I did not have physical confirmation, just behavioral. Constant challenging, chest bumping, flying up at the others with feet out and standing tall while the others ran from sounds. I admit he could have been an overly assertive girl which is why I never contacted Meyer, I just needed the drama out of the brooder.
Brownie and Coco have been rehomed. The 1st guy flaked out on me, but the 2nd person was very nice & will give the boys an excellent home. We actually met this morning at a neutral location due to schedules. So my flock is definitely safe. He's going to email me in a few weeks and let me know how they are doing.

The girls seem to be doing better this afternoon - lots of dust baths and lounging which I haven't seen before. Only my GL Polish seems to be acting odd - might have an injury, but I can't catch her. I'm going to wait until they are roosted for the night & grab her then. I hope she is actually a SHE. Her poof is coming in quite differently than Esmerelda's poof. BUT, I think that there has been a lot of picking going on - 1/2 her poof feathers are missing, which is part of what I want to check out tonight.

Here's hoping she is ok and really a SHE!
I have to tell you all about my day yesterday. I received my shipment of 4 EE I scored from the OVERHATCH list on Tursday. They arrived yesterday.




One of the chipmunk marked chicks, the one sitting in the pic was not doing well at all. Within an hour it was flat on the floor if the brooder gasping for air. By 7pm it was on his back, legs up in the air. Head all the way back as if it was trying to gas for air. The other three were all ready eating and drinking. I would try to put her on her feet and she would fall over and go straight to her back. I couldn't bring myself to kill her myself as long as she was breathing. Her girlfriends stood over her curious and sometimes pecking at her feet, I swear almost as if to tell her to get up. I remembered some advice from a dear friend far more knowledgeable than I who had helped me with a weak chick I had hatched on my own. She told me to put some Poly Vi Sol on the side of its beak and it should help it to respond. I figured what the heck, and did so. I also went and got a little glass cup and out some sheepskin in it so she wouldn't get pecked by the other three. I figured at least she'd be safe and comfortable while she passed away. I fully expected this morning to find him dead and I would take the photo and send off to Meyer for a credit. Here a some bad pics if h
Last night. I mean she was very close to death.


Well when I woke up this morning, look what I came to see in the brooder! She has responded a bit and is out if the little cup and standing w the others! She's still quite weak and doing the distress chirping and very wobbly, but I'm so encouraged the little fighter might make it! I am hoping she will. I'll fell better when I see her eating and drinking but one step at a time!

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I have to tell you all about my day yesterday. I received my shipment of 4 EE I scored from the OVERHATCH list on Tursday. They arrived yesterday.

One of the chipmunk marked chicks, the one sitting in the pic was not doing well at all. Within an hour it was flat on the floor if the brooder gasping for air. By 7pm it was on his back, legs up in the air. Head all the way back as if it was trying to gas for air. The other three were all ready eating and drinking. I would try to out him on his feet and he would fall over and go straight to his back. I couldn't bring myself to kill him myself as long as he was breathing. His friends stood over him curious Nd sometimes pecking at his feet, I swear almost as if to tell him to get up. I remembered some advice from a dear friend far more knowledgeable than I who had helped me with a weak chick I had hatched on my own. She told me to put some Poly Vi Sol on the side of its beak and it should help it to respond. I figured what the heck, and did so. I also went and got a little glass cup and out some sheepskin in it so he wouldn't get pecked by the other three. I figured at least he'd be safe and comfortable while he passed away. I fully expected this morning to find him dead and I would take the photo and send off to Meyer for a credit. Here a some bad pics if h
Last night. I mean he was very close to death.

Well when I woke up this morning, look what I came to see in the brooder! She has responded a bit and is out if the little cup and standing w the others! He's still quite weak and doing the distress chirping and very wobbly, but I'm so encouraged the little fighter might make it! I am hoping she will. I'll fell better when I see her eating and drinking but one step at a time!


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