Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

@NotableNancy this is our first time ordering. We got two Ameraucana mixes from a local gal that are 6 weeks old so we've only been chicken owners for less then a week. I'm a bit scared because the Meyer chicks are flying from Ohio all the way to us on the big island of Hawaii. I really hope they are all alive and ok when they get here.
@NotableNancy this is our first time ordering. We got two Ameraucana mixes from a local gal that are 6 weeks old so we've only been chicken owners for less then a week. I'm a bit scared because the Meyer chicks are flying from Ohio all the way to us on the big island of Hawaii. I really hope they are all alive and ok when they get here.
I've heard of people ordering from Alaska and they got to them quicker than me and I'm only 7 hrs. from Meyer! It really depends on your PO. Just make sure to let your local PO know they're coming and have them contact you as soon as they arrive. Hopefully they arrive by Wed!!
Can't wait to see pics! And of course post pics and we'll help you figure out what you have.
Yes I called to let them know and the call service from Oahu (different island) answered. I gave her my info and that I'd like them to call me when they arrive (NOT TO TRY DELIVER) and she said they'd let them know :fl I am still going to go in tomorrow to make sure they got the message lol
I'm thankfully off wed/thurs so hopefully they will show up then. I'll definitely post pics and most likely need help on breed identification lol
Yes I called to let them know and the call service from Oahu (different island) answered. I gave her my info and that I'd like them to call me when they arrive (NOT TO TRY DELIVER) and she said they'd let them know :fl I am still going to go in tomorrow to make sure they got the message lol
I'm thankfully off wed/thurs so hopefully they will show up then. I'll definitely post pics and most likely need help on breed identification lol

How exciting! I can't wait to see pics of them ;)
Yay! 12 week update.

Persimmon-RIR-My meal maker who is finally laying again

Apricot-buff brahma-Peppy's favorite and getting picked on a little. Still monitoring the situation before I do anything. You can see some comb damage here, but she was taking refuge in the coop.
Such sweet girls! Did Persimmon's feathers come in lighter? I also get the sense that the Meyer Brahma's aren't are large as the ones I've seen at shows, which are huge, the ones on here always seem, so cute.

The only Wyandotte I had was a Columbian Wyandotte...
here is a pic of her... I'm loving your DH... let him pick one or two or three...

Pretty girls... and Peppy too! I love Apricot!!

My Cuckoo Marans egg wasn't that dark but it was the absolutely prettiest egg ever... sadly we had to put her down so I don't get her eggs anymore. They were brown but the bloom made them a shade of purple and each end was darker than the center... I could never capture it in a photo no matter what light I used. Silly me, I never thought to blow one out to save it.
Oh.... I just found this pic of the purple egg but still not great...

I'm not sure why but I'm not a big fan of the Columbian patterning, but then again, I didn't think I liked the looks of EEs or SSs and they are now on my must have list.

Have you guys seen the video of the sneezing chicken?
Wait for it, wait for it, adorable!

I just broke my little egg blower yesterday, ordered another yesterday as I need to blow out Morgaine's first three eggs!

I know what you mean about not being able to capture the purple bloom.

First egg at the top, washed and polished, second bottom left unwashed, third, bottom right washed.
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Aloha! I just got the shipping notice my chicks have left Ohio (Meyer's)
I got one Blue Ameraucana, 2 assorted brown layer and on meal maker. All pullets :) was wondering if anyone got the assorted, what breeds they got? All links I could find were quite old :(

Hi Konachicks, welcome to the board. We ordered the assorted cold hardy pack of 25 from Meyer, with a meal maker as well. We lost one from shipping and we got the following breeds - RIR (4), Dark Cornish (5), Barred Rock (4), Delaware (5), Easter Egger (5) and Welsummer (2). I am happy with the variety, it was fun getting all of them and not knowing what they were and seeing them develop. Enjoy your birds and keep us posted.

Also for the gang, I almost hate posting this as everyone else seems to be molting and getting less eggs. WE got 23 eggs yesterday! First day that everyone laid. Doew anyone have an EE that lays brown eggs? I ask because while we had 23 eggs we didn't have 5 blue eggs yesterday, we had 3. So I was thinking 2 of the brown eggs in the nest boxes in am were really from the night before and not everyone laid yesterday, if that makes sense. :rolleyes:
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Hi Konachicks, welcome to the board. We ordered the assorted cold hardy pack of 25 from Meyer, with a meal maker as well. We lost one from shipping and we got the following breeds - RIR (4), Dark Cornish (5), Barred Rock (4), Delaware (5), Easter Egger (5) and Welsummer (2). I am happy with the variety, it was fun getting all of them and not knowing what they were and seeing them develop. Enjoy your birds and keep us posted.

Also for the gang, I almost hate posting this as everyone else seems to be molting and getting less eggs. WE got 23 eggs yesterday! First day that everyone laid. Doew anyone have an EE that lays brown eggs? I ask because while we had 23 eggs we didn't have 5 blue eggs yesterday, we had 3. So I was thinking 2 of the brown eggs in the nest boxes in am were really from the night before and not everyone laid yesterday, if that makes sense.
Alas I as well have 5 Easter Eggers and only 4 lay colored eggs. 3 green and 1 blue my 5th lays a brown egg
. But I am happy that she is happy and healthy
Alas I as well have 5 Easter Eggers and only 4 lay colored eggs. 3 green and 1 blue my 5th lays a brown egg :( . But I am happy that she is happy and healthy :D
funny thing is that we have gotten 5 blue eggs before, so is it possible for one to be laying blue eggs but then pop out a brown one?
Aloha! I just got the shipping notice my chicks have left Ohio (Meyer's)
I got one Blue Ameraucana, 2 assorted brown layer and on meal maker. All pullets :) was wondering if anyone got the assorted, what breeds they got? All links I could find were quite old :(

Hi Konachicks, welcome to the board. We ordered the assorted cold hardy pack of 25 from Meyer, with a meal maker as well. We lost one from shipping and we got the following breeds - RIR (4), Dark Cornish (5), Barred Rock (4), Delaware (5), Easter Egger (5) and Welsummer (2). I am happy with the variety, it was fun getting all of them and not knowing what they were and seeing them develop. Enjoy your birds and keep us posted.

Also for the gang, I almost hate posting this as everyone else seems to be molting and getting less eggs. WE got 23 eggs yesterday! First day that everyone laid. Doew anyone have an EE that lays brown eggs? I ask because while we had 23 eggs we didn't have 5 blue eggs yesterday, we had 3. So I was thinking 2 of the brown eggs in the nest boxes in am were really from the night before and not everyone laid yesterday, if that makes sense. :rolleyes:

Wow! How great you are getting so many eggs. I definitely think you are right about the eggs being from the night before. There's no way a chicken would change egg color that drastically.
Ok folks. It's time to get serious. We have less than one month before we can put in our orders for next year! I need to know everyone's favorite white egg layer. I'd like to see pics of the OE eggs and some BLRW! I need to narrow down my selection and I need your help! I WILL NOT be building or expanding in 2015 (maybe '16).

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