Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Mine don't like the snow either, so I keep them shut up in the coop for now. Its large though, 8'x16' 8' high for eight hens and one roo. We had -10F this morning and they still laid three eggs with no extra light or heat.
My girls don't mind the snow as long as it's shoveled down to their level.


Some of them have developed a taste for the white plague. :lol:



I think most of them would rather be in out of the snow and doing this, though:



And, well, there are always the grumpy-grumps that will have nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:


(P.S. The red sexlinks, Easter-eggers, Barred Rocks, Sebrights, Wyandottes, and Bielefelder are not from Meyer Hatchery. There are Meyer girls in every picture, though. :) )
Mine don't like the snow either, so I keep them shut up in the coop for now. Its large though, 8'x16' 8' high for eight hens and one roo. We had -10F this morning and they still laid three eggs with no extra light or heat.

It's good that I am not alone, or, I should say that my chickens are not alone. But, I guess I need to shovel more. Hopefully, I can get some more done tomorrow before our next storm! Thanks, @pipdzipdnreadytogo for the kick in the butt! ;)
How is everyone doing with the snow? My girls don't mind subzero temps but they are afraid of the white stuff! Lol I have had to shovel portions of their run and put down hay. I even had to sweep off their ramp, otherwise, they would not come out of the coop. Even for treats! Anyone else experiencing that?

Ours will go where ever there is a path or straw, as soon as there is a path to their free range area they are out and about. They seem to find the dry patches of dirt in that area and will dirt bath their afternoons away. They don't venture to far from coop and run area when it is stormy.
Ours will go where ever there is a path or straw, as soon as there is a path to their free range area they are out and about. They seem to find the dry patches of dirt in that area and will dirt bath their afternoons away. They don't venture to far from coop and run area when it is stormy.
You have dirt?! We have over a foot of snow in Ohio, I haven't seen the ground in over a week. Lol. Ours girls don't mind the snow too much. Or at least they didn't mind the snow dustings we had in November, December and January. They love to eat it and will walk on shoveled paths for a short time. I keep laying down straw to encourage them to come out in the morning and walk over to their waterer. Last week I layed down a path of straw in the yard to encourage them to come out on a nice sunny day. But they haven't been outside the run since Sunday. Mostly they hang out under the coop or in the coop. Three of them are molting so I can't blame them. I took pics of them last week on that warm day and have been meaning to post a few.

Clara flying over her sisters. Victoria did some serious flying that afternoon across most of the yard.

Venturing past the yellow straw road. That's not deep at all, will have to snap a pic tomorrow.

And pics from hanging out in the coop- Amelia, Clara and Victoria in front

Group selfie! Oh Baby...

Poor Morgaine, she still manages to look pretty despite her frostbite :(
How is everyone doing with the snow? My girls don't mind subzero temps but they are afraid of the white stuff! Lol I have had to shovel portions of their run and put down hay. I even had to sweep off their ramp, otherwise, they would not come out of the coop. Even for treats! Anyone else experiencing that?
Ours will go where ever there is a path or straw, as soon as there is a path to their free range area they are out and about. They seem to find the dry patches of dirt in that area and will dirt bath their afternoons away. They don't venture to far from coop and run area when it is stormy.
Ours will go where ever there is a path or straw, as soon as there is a path to their free range area they are out and about. They seem to find the dry patches of dirt in that area and will dirt bath their afternoons away. They don't venture to far from coop and run area when it is stormy.
You have dirt?! We have over a foot of snow in Ohio, I haven't seen the ground in over a week. Lol. Ours girls don't mind the snow too much. Or at least they didn't mind the snow dustings we had in November, December and January. They love to eat it and will walk on shoveled paths for a short time. I keep laying down straw to encourage them to come out in the morning and walk over to their waterer. Last week I layed down a path of straw in the yard to encourage them to come out on a nice sunny day. But they haven't been outside the run since Sunday. Mostly they hang out under the coop or in the coop. Three of them are molting so I can't blame them. I took pics of them last week on that warm day and have been meaning to post a few. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Clara flying over her sisters. Victoria did some serious flying that afternoon across most of the yard. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Venturing past the yellow straw road. That's not deep at all, will have to snap a pic tomorrow. And pics from hanging out in the coop- Amelia, Clara and Victoria in front Group selfie! Oh Baby... Poor Morgaine, she still manages to look pretty despite her frostbite :(
Same! They will go where the straw is and don't venture off, at all. I haven't seen any dust bathing but I imagine they could be doing that under the coop. I blocked off the sides so that no snow would go under there and, with their scratching, I am sure the surface is not frozen. They also managed to clear snow from the area that I shoveled. I can see dirt there. So, today, I will shovel a larger area and put down more straw. The things we do for our children, I mean chickens. ;) I am sorry about morgraine's frostbite. She is still beautiful. All of your photos are awesome. I especially love the group selfie! Thanks for sharing!
I like these two:

Dolly Hot Potato

All you need is a baby doll (or any other baby-themed item) and a timer. Have the guests sit in a circle and pass the doll from one person to another. The timer should go off at sporadic intervals; when it does, whoever's holding the doll is out. The last person in the game wins a small prize.
Not really a game but cute....

Guest Graffiti

Buy a hooded bath towel in white or another light color, plus nontoxic fabric paint or markers. As each guest arrives, ask her to sign her name on the towel. Encourage guests to write personal messages or draw little pictures. The mom-to-be will take the "graffiti"-covered item home for her new baby.
Thanks for the ideas! I may use the Dolly Hot Potato one. Now to find a neat item to pass around!

They are way too adorable! Looks like they get along well too!

Love the name change, Nana!

I just went to a fun shower. The theme was "Baby, it's cold outside" and the decorations were snowflakes and lots of blue and silver. It's a boy, so, that went well. On each table was a small box wrapped in blue metallic paper and had a stuffed polar bear, snow owl or penguin on it. It was very pretty. Cute without being too cutesy. They had a bunch of small white bibs and fabric markers and asked everyone to decorate a bib, even if you just wanted to sign your name. One thing that they didn't do that I would have liked is for them to hang the finished bibs on a string with clothes pins for all to see because there were some really cute and funny ones. And, that would have added to the decorations.

We played guess the diameter of the mom's belly. They walked around with a big yellow tape measure that looks like caution tape and a scissor. We guessed on the size by making a loop in the air and then cutting the tape off the roll. We held on to our tape. Later the mom measured her belly and cut the tape to size and the friend brought it around to compare. The one closest in size won a prize. Of course, if the mom is at all self-conscious about her weight or size, that game would not be fun for her.

They also gave us blank bingo cards with a FREE space in the middle. We had to fill in the blanks with things we thought that the mom would receive as gifts and then used Hershey kisses to mark off the gifts on our cards as they were opened. They had 3 winners: first row in any direction, an X and the whole sheet. No one filled the whole sheet though. I really liked that game because it got people at my table talking and made us pay attention to the gifts being opened. The mom had soooo many gifts to open. It made the process seem to go quicker for us.

They also had these cocoa bears as a thank you gift for each guest. Very cute and delicious!
Thanks! I do need to think of little gifts too. Guess it's time to go to the party store and craft store. I love all the ideas!
How is everyone doing with the snow? My girls don't mind subzero temps but they are afraid of the white stuff! Lol I have had to shovel portions of their run and put down hay. I even had to sweep off their ramp, otherwise, they would not come out of the coop. Even for treats! Anyone else experiencing that?
We've had no snow at all this winter.
They are predicting that it will be up to 65 tomorrow!!

My girls don't mind the snow as long as it's shoveled down to their level.

Beautiful pictures!

You have dirt?! We have over a foot of snow in Ohio, I haven't seen the ground in over a week. Lol. Ours girls don't mind the snow too much. Or at least they didn't mind the snow dustings we had in November, December and January. They love to eat it and will walk on shoveled paths for a short time. I keep laying down straw to encourage them to come out in the morning and walk over to their waterer. Last week I layed down a path of straw in the yard to encourage them to come out on a nice sunny day. But they haven't been outside the run since Sunday. Mostly they hang out under the coop or in the coop. Three of them are molting so I can't blame them. I took pics of them last week on that warm day and have been meaning to post a few.

And pics from hanging out in the coop- Amelia, Clara and Victoria in front

Group selfie! Oh Baby...

Poor Morgaine, she still manages to look pretty despite her frostbite :(
Great pictures! Love the group selfie! Poor Morgaine!

Same! They will go where the straw is and don't venture off, at all. I haven't seen any dust bathing but I imagine they could be doing that under the coop. I blocked off the sides so that no snow would go under there and, with their scratching, I am sure the surface is not frozen. They also managed to clear snow from the area that I shoveled. I can see dirt there. So, today, I will shovel a larger area and put down more straw. The things we do for our children, I mean chickens.

I am sorry about morgraine's frostbite. She is still beautiful. All of your photos are awesome. I especially love the group selfie! Thanks for sharing!
We had a lot of snow the last two years before, but none this year. Although last year we did have a lot in February, so it still may happen. The flower bulbs are almost fully out of the ground, my garden plants are so confused.

I am excited with this weather and hope to get some tomato seeds started inside this weekend and plant out some more cool season veggies too. I know as soon as I get stuff in the ground though that the snow will probably arrive.

Stay warm everyone, I'll try to send some of our good weather your way!
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How is everyone doing with the snow? My girls don't mind subzero temps but they are afraid of the white stuff! Lol I have had to shovel portions of their run and put down hay. I even had to sweep off their ramp, otherwise, they would not come out of the coop. Even for treats! Anyone else experiencing that?

We've had no snow at all this winter. :oops:  They are predicting that it will be up to 65 tomorrow!! :oops:

You're right to hide. Them are fighting words! Lol

Seriously, I hope you escape this winter without snow. Why should we all suffer?

We actually had an incredible fall, and snow is good for the soil, so, I really shouldn't complain. Time goes so quickly. Spring will be here before we know it!

(Says the lady trying to convince herself...) :fl
Same! They will go where the straw is and don't venture off, at all. The things we do for our children, I mean chickens :)
You have dirt?! We have over a foot of snow in Ohio, I haven't seen the ground in over a week. Lol. Group selfie! Oh Baby... Poor Morgaine, she still manages to look pretty despite her frostbite :(
Love the shots, love the selfie! Morgaine's comb doesn't look too bad. We have had weird winter weather, we were up to 70 yesterday, of course that has melted the snow. Has been a pretty mellow winter, thus far. Yes we have dirt and the gang always seems to find it. Here is a shot of my right arm with the plate and screws. With that and the hardware I my neck, I am one step closer to being bionic ;)

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