Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Yay! I can't wait to see baby pics. I am not qualified to give advice, but advice given to me was don't open that bator until those chicks are all dry and fluffy-not matter what. Of course, I never listened LOL. Do as I say not as I do! Good luck!!!

I have read differing opinions on opening the bator. I have a second bator up and going for transferring chicks into after they are mostly dry. That way the new chicks leave those eggs and babies alone while they pip and unzip. That is my plan anyway.

I've heard this works well. I guess once you find a system that works for you, you've got to stick to it. I hope it works wonderfully and produces lots of chicks!!!!
My chicks are due to hatch/ship tomorrow and hopefully arrive Tuesday. All of the anxiety I didn't feel the past few months since ordering is catching up to me now
My chicks are due to hatch/ship tomorrow and hopefully arrive Tuesday. All of the anxiety I didn't feel the past few months since ordering is catching up to me now

Yay! How exciting!
What did you order?
I ordered chicks for the very first time. I decided on Meyers Hatchery because its pretty close to where I live. I have to say my chicks were hatched and shipped on a Monday. My boys and I had a lot of fun tracking them thru postal service. Then, Tues morning at 5am I received a email they were at my local post office. My post office called me at 7:30am saying I can come get my chicks. They let me in the back door ,since they were closed. (great service). My 8 chicks were all fine. I have 4 buff orps and 4 barred rocks. Chirping away. I put them in the brooder as soon as I got home. They are 1 week old today. I also talked to customer service rep about my sons NPIP cert for 4H. She was great. Overall great service. I appreciate all the great advice on this site.

When I ordered my first batch they went to my post office shipped on a Monday got them on Wednesday. But the second batch same hatchery shipped on a Monday came here on a Tuesday but went to a post office half hour away and was delivered to my door I had to sign for it. Why does that happen? Both were from Meyer.
When I ordered my first batch they went to my post office shipped on a Monday got them on Wednesday. But the second batch same hatchery shipped on a Monday came here on a Tuesday but went to a post office half hour away and was delivered to my door I had to sign for it. Why does that happen? Both were from Meyer.

Ware they both shipped Express? If not, then that might account for the difference.
My chicks are due to hatch/ship tomorrow and hopefully arrive Tuesday. All of the anxiety I didn't feel the past few months since ordering is catching up to me now

Yay! Are these your first chicks? Would love to see pictures once they are settled :)

I ordered chicks for the very first time. I decided on Meyers Hatchery because its pretty close to where I live. I have to say my chicks were hatched and shipped on a Monday. My boys and I had a lot of fun tracking them thru postal service. Then, Tues morning at 5am I received a email they were at my local post office. My post office called me at 7:30am saying I can come get my chicks. They let me in the back door ,since they were closed. (great service). My 8 chicks were all fine. I have 4 buff orps and 4 barred rocks. Chirping away. I put them in the brooder as soon as I got home. They are 1 week old today. I also talked to customer service rep about my sons NPIP cert for 4H. She was great. Overall great service. I appreciate all the great advice on this site.

Cute! Love Buff Orps! Congrats!

Our girls are 7 weeks/50 days old and have gotten so big and have stopped going under their warmer. Looking back at our chick pics from last year, at that age they were big too. Of course there is some variation:

Please excuse the fuzzy image but this illustrates the size difference between our Brahma and Welsummer. A little concerned the Brahma looks like a cockerel in this pic, really hoping that's not the case. Christine do you have pics of your Brahma's at this age?

Snow was very concerned about a sound from downstairs, she stood frozen like that for over a minute.
You could always order a Splash Marans pullet with your Silver Gray Dorking and Welsummer for 2016. You'd have to wait, of course, but then you'd be able to get your mini-Frou-Frou without having to worry as much about whether it's a boy or a girl... :D

I finaaly made it to the feed store on Saturday. Fortunately they had sold out of the Splash Marans the day before so I was forced to NOT bring home a mini-Frou Frou. Then on MPC (a.k.a. Meyer) all of the chicken breeds in my shopping cart were available for shipping on Monday, 27 April. Ack! It took every bit of my willpower to not buy them!

Actually, it was the fact that there are two mallard ducklings in my brooder right now.

Good thing, because I have no willpower.

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I know these aren't Meyer chicks, but they might show up from time to time in my photos ;) , so I wanted to introduce them: Maleficent and Maid Marian: They are Black Langshans that I made a four hour round trip yesterday to get them, from a show breeder south of Bloomington, IN.
They are beautiful! And I love their names!

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