Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Bright chicks!!! Sorry for the link, I just went thru the whole thread for that link and I saw that you posted there already. My EcoGlow just arrived in the mail and I am reading all up about it.

That is a very nice postal employee.
I think you will LOVE the ecoglow. Even though it was dark outside the lights were on in the room they were in so they were active. Then I slowly lowered the dimmer on the lights and when I made it completely dark they all settled in and ... not a peep! It's great. They must be very happy (anything has to be better than their 1st 3 nights of life. from hatching to living in a cold dark box) and I think getting a full nights sleep has to be good for them. No pasty butt so far either which from what I hear the ecoglow helps with. No idea if that's true or not. And if I never need it again I can re-sell it!
I just now got caught up in the drama and even told farmguy that you didn't get your chicks, he's like no we already looked at them earlier, and I realized I had two more pages left to read! I don't really get on the internet all the time. I'm so so so happy for you NN I would be devastated if something were to happen to the chickies we got coming in. I think it will be alright though. I might have to be the one to pick them up from local post office. Crazy thing - my mother is a retired postal worker of some 39 years, and she said that we would have to pick them up downtown. We called our post office just down the way and they said we could get them there! How convenient! And much safer for the chicks. I'm so freaking excited!!!


(Can you tell I found the smiley button??? HAHA)
Thanks for all the support (FROM EVERYONE!!) It was a roller coaster morning but ended up great.
I know your excitement and we'll be right here to celebrate with you when the chicks arrive!!

BTW: LOVE the smiley button too -
I think you will LOVE the ecoglow. Even though it was dark outside the lights were on in the room they were in so they were active. Then I slowly lowered the dimmer on the lights and when I made it completely dark they all settled in and ... not a peep! It's great. They must be very happy (anything has to be better than their 1st 3 nights of life. from hatching to living in a cold dark box) and I think getting a full nights sleep has to be good for them. No pasty butt so far either which from what I hear the ecoglow helps with. No idea if that's true or not. And if I never need it again I can re-sell it!
I think I will love the EcoGlow too, I wish a had it with these 1st chicks. I lost so much sleep worrying about a fire and then they would stay up all night eating and chirping too. Maybe they got the pasty butt from eating all the time and got backed up? Who knows? The true test will be in May when the new ones arrive and I'll be able to compare the two experiences. Of course, I cannot control the shipping problems, I hope all of my next 8 make it to me safely.

I'll still use my clamp light but just with a regular bulb for our viewing pleasure and to give them a little more light during the day.

So you have 15 chicks total? Oh I doubt you'll sell your EcoGlow, you'll want to have more little chicks in the future. I want to get an incubator in a few years too and hatch some eggs. One step at a time though.
So you have 15 chicks total? Oh I doubt you'll sell your EcoGlow, you'll want to have more little chicks in the future. I want to get an incubator in a few years too and hatch some eggs. One step at a time though.

The most my coop can hold is 12 so I will already have to give a few away. I was thinking I would lose a few in shipping/first few days and then maybe a roo in there.
I really never even found out how many I am allowed to have in my township (shhhh...) so I may be done. BUT you never know. So I will certainly hold on to it for a while!

Speaking of losing a few... I think my Columbian Wyandotte may not make it. She always was a bit wobbly but seemed to eat and drink. Today it looks like her vent is protruding?? She is not eating or drinking. I did everything (I think) I'm supposed to do. ACV in one of the waterers, made a mash of yogurt/water/crumbles (they all hate it), ground the crumbles even smaller (WHICH they all love by the way) and I'm giving her droppers of water but I really can't even tell if she's drinking it. I have probiotics so I will mix some of that with water and try to give her droppers of that. She wanders out from under the heater and just goes and leans against another chick or the wall with her eyes half closed.
It happens so fast. She was eating ok this morning. We'll see what happens. She's such a sweetie... but I guess they all are.

I feel like all I did today was chick stuff! Boy they take a lot of time - I'm not complaining - I love it but I think because this is all so new I dote on them a lot. My son comes home for Spring Break tomorrow, he is about 4 hours away, and I'm making him take the train ... I didn't want to leave the chicks for that long!

Everyone else is really thriving; as far as this newbie can tell.
I'll keep you posted.
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I have a question for everyone. What is Eco Glow? Is it a different way to heat the brooder or something?

Yes. You are correct. It is a different way to give the chicks heat in the brooder other than a heat lamp. I think they're great for so many reasons. They're cheaper to run than a heat lamp, no risk of them starting a fire like a heat lamp, the chicks can self-regulate their own heat needs and go under the EcoGlow when they need to be warm, and there's no light on 24 hours a day, so the chicks can develop a natural day/night rhythm which I think is healthier for them both mentally and physically. It's more like a natural hen in many ways, since they can huddle underneath it when they want to be warm. And if they get too hot, they can simply walk away.

It comes in two sizes; 20 chick and 50 chick. But from what I can tell they really hold less than that. Great product, though.
The most my coop can hold is 12 so I will already have to give a few away. I was thinking I would lose a few in shipping/first few days and then maybe a roo in there.
I really never even found out how many I am allowed to have in my township (shhhh...) so I may be done. BUT you never know. So I will certainly hold on to it for a while!

Speaking of losing a few... I think my Columbian Wyandotte may not make it. She always was a bit wobbly but seemed to eat and drink. Today it looks like her vent is protruding?? She is not eating or drinking. I did everything (I think) I'm supposed to do. ACV in one of the waterers, made a mash of yogurt/water/crumbles (they all hate it), ground the crumbles even smaller (WHICH they all love by the way) and I'm giving her droppers of water but I really can't even tell if she's drinking it. I have probiotics so I will mix some of that with water and try to give her droppers of that. She wanders out from under the heater and just goes and leans against another chick or the wall with her eyes half closed.
It happens so fast. She was eating ok this morning. We'll see what happens. She's such a sweetie... but I guess they all are.

I feel like all I did today was chick stuff! Boy they take a lot of time - I'm not complaining - I love it but I think because this is all so new I dote on them a lot. My son comes home for Spring Break tomorrow, he is about 4 hours away, and I'm making him take the train ... I didn't want to leave the chicks for that long!

Everyone else is really thriving; as far as this newbie can tell.
I'll keep you posted.
They do keep you busy. You may want to try running a little warm water over the Columbian Wyandotte's vent area over the bathroom sink, maybe there is a little build up of poop in there and that might help release it. Just use gloves and rub the area a little under the water, a tiny dab of natural soap would help too. My White leghorn had a build up and her vent protruded out, she started releasing her bowels when I washed her vent (which was pretty nasty) and she still had the protruding vent for a few days, she seemed to do a lot better soon after and is one of the biggest ones now. May not work, but might.

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