Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I got four chickens from Meyer's four years ago! They all turned out great
and three are still alive.

Pretty birds. Is the first one a EE hen? If so her coloring seems similar to one of my chicks. It's good to hear they are doing well still.
Pretty birds. Is the first one a EE hen? If so her coloring seems similar to one of my chicks. It's good to hear they are doing well still.
Yes, the first one is an EE hen or Americana. We ordered her as Americana so....
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Yeah, that doesn't have anything to do with chickens, don't feel bad. That's a head band!
And here I was trying to figure out what it could be, feeling naive the whole time! That's funny
And here I was trying to figure out what it could be, feeling naive the whole time! That's funny
Almost a week old already... how are the chicks??

My smallest, the Columbian Wyandotte, Sweet Pea, still has issues with her vent. I looked at her yesterday and it was protruding horribly. I soaked her bum in very warm water and she
poo-ed a little while later and began eating and drinking again with a vengeance. She is so cute and small still I have to really look after her.

I had to move my chicks into a larger box when my son came down for breakfast and found one of the EE's on top of the netting covering the box. I have no idea how she got out but she is a crazy one. They are now in a huge, almost 4X4, box with a roost and lots of stuff to climb on and play around in. I hope that keeps my crazy EE's out of trouble. I have 2 that are real dare devils and they are only 2 weeks old!
Almost a week old already... how are the chicks??

My smallest, the Columbian Wyandotte, Sweet Pea, still has issues with her vent. I looked at her yesterday and it was protruding horribly. I soaked her bum in very warm water and she
poo-ed a little while later and began eating and drinking again with a vengeance. She is so cute and small still I have to really look after her.

I had to move my chicks into a larger box when my son came down for breakfast and found one of the EE's on top of the netting covering the box. I have no idea how she got out but she is a crazy one. They are now in a huge, almost 4X4, box with a roost and lots of stuff to climb on and play around in. I hope that keeps my crazy EE's out of trouble. I have 2 that are real dare devils and they are only 2 weeks old!
I've been really enjoying hearing all the updates on your babies! I'm rooting for sweat pea that she hangs on and her health issues clear up!
Almost a week old already... how are the chicks??
Well it has been a ride to say the least. We had a lot of pasty bums so it was very stressful. I have raised chicks multiple times but I have never really ran into pasty like this. It was more severe than Im used to. Either way it doesn't matter as I have nursed them along..mainly a lil silkie named lucky!!!
He or she was rough but has really came to be one of the feisty funny ones. Pics to follow tomorrow so watch for those(im off work so kinda a play day with the chicks) But anywho they are all healthy and I don't see any weak ones really at this point they always feather quicker than I think, they are growing in there wing tips so funny looking on some!! Happy chickening everyone I have been away from the forum hope I can keep up with this post its been nice seeing everyones posts!

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