Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I am so excited our hatch date is June 3rd and since we live only 1.5 hours from the hatchery we are going to drive to pick them up!!! YESSSSSSSSS! We are getting 11 partridge Plymouth rocks females, 1 white leghorn female, 1 meal maker, and 25 of the pan fry mix. This is our first time ever at raising chicks and I just can't wait! ummm no idea what the pan fry mix will be except they all will be males, so I might need help in identifying them.
Best of luck with your babies, Fryze! Their partridge Plymouth Rocks are pretty! :)


those are some very good looking birds![FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]pipdzipdnreadytogo[/FONT]
I was hoping to get the speckled sussex but they said they wouldn't have anymore this year.
So we went with are third choice as they won't have the golden laced wyandottes until August, And we wanted the babies older before winter. But I am sooooooooo excited and I can't wait! hehehe 17 days til hatch date
Here are my Meyer babies today!

Easter-egger bantam:


Black frizzle Cochin bantam:


Rangi!! Ancona:


Light brown Leghorn:


And I couldn't get individual pics of the rest, so here are all 8. Left to right: Ancona (front) and Exchequer Leghorn; golden Campine (front) and frizzle Cochin bantam; Easter-egger bantam's butt :lol: ; Egyptian Fayoumi (front), light brown Leghorn (middle), and silver Lakenvelder (back):

Mrs Puff is more gray/white than black/white but I don't know if that makes a difference in rarity of them being female. I am always looking on here for gray/white EE's and don't see any. Maybe she will get some more color to her after a molt? But I think she's pretty and hope she's not a he because I want to see her full grown.
They love being outside. I don't free range them at all because of all the hawks but they seem happy in the big enclosure. I throw clumps of weeds/dirt/leaves in there so they can scratch around and they have a lot of things to climb on. I had the Brinsea out there for about a week but none of them ever went under it; not even Pipsqueak. They would sit on top of it so I took it out. I was all worried about them moving out there for nothing!

I don't blame you for switching to the shavings. My coop isn't all that big and since I work from home I can go out there and sift poo a few times a day. I kinda like it cause I then spend time with them a few times a day. And the bending over to scoop is a little extra exercise for me!
I hope you can post some pics soon of the little ones and big ones too! How long until you think you may get eggs?? Maybe just a few weeks?
How old are your chicks now? I hope you'll post some more pics soon. My new chicks seem really tough and boy they can fly. Right now I move them each morning and late afternoon from their brooder in the coop to their fenced in area in the run. The problem is they are not that easy to catch. I am glad there are only 6. The fastest and hardest to catch is the light brown leghorn, I hope she is a she, I am concerned. The comb is bigger then the rest already, but not by much, but leghorns get bigger combs anyway, we'll see. I wish they were a little bigger, I am still to scared to mix them with the others who look like giants now compared to them.

I work from home too, if I had less chickens and a smaller coop, I'd stick with the sand too. The chicken coop and run is attached to the garden and I have a large garden so that's our quality time when I work each day in the garden, plus my husband and I will just sit and watch them a lot. They are so much fun to watch and I am glad I got so many varieties and colors.

I plan on taking some more pics this weekend. I bought oyster shell a few days ago and I plan on giving it to them at the 16 week mark which is 2 weeks from Monday. I marked it on the calendar, "open up nest boxes and give oyster shell." So hopefully I may see an egg or two in a few weeks!!! I will for sure post a pic of it when I do!!!

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