Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

This has been one of the worst days of my life, I posted on the NAtural OT thread for help please read, can't retype it again
Oh Lynn... I'm so sorry. How absolutely awful to come home to.
Just looking quickly I found this thread...

And to put A+D ointment or some kind of antiseptic ointment on the bite areas. Try to clean it up first. Do you have a place to separate the hurt ones so they don't get picked on? Your brooder, bathroom? Maybe some towels in a bathtub and keep the room warm?
Obviously I haven't been through anything like this but from all I've read this is all I know.

Sending you huge hugs. I'm sure it will be a rough night. So sad for you.

My unhurt survivors are fine and in the coop, the remaining little 8 week old was actually welcomed by the bigger girls to the top roost. These 4 all got away in the woods, thank God. 3 -19 week old and 1 -9 week old, only 4
They are secured in the coop.

5 are wounded:
I have a Barred Rock, Google, with a hurt leg and missing skin on that side and puncture wounds, she seems the worse off, but the most alert and actually ate.

I have a Blue Cochin, Gizmo, that has a puncture wound on her back.

Another Barred Rock, Oreo, who had puncture wounds on her back as well. She can walk around and ate a little too.

A Buff Orpington, Big Mama, who seems in shock, she has a little blood by one ear, but I cannot find anything else.

The 8 week old Golden Laced polish, Elvis, seems in shock too, I saw some missing feathers on her back but nothing else. I put her under the Eco Glow.

They are all separate but together in the basement on towels and in or under laundry baskets depending on how well they move. I didn't want the better ones to bother the more injured. They are sleeping now.

I rinsed all the wounds with antiseptic wound wash and hydrogen peroxide and all I had on hand is regular antibiotic cream, so I applied that. They are all comfortable now. I'll access in the morning and I'll be going out to get some NuStock as well. I will also determine if some need to be put out of their misery then too, I've never done that before. I'm hoping that they pass in the night if they are really bad off, they don't seem to be in pain now and are just really tired. We'll see in the morning, I guess.

My 10 that did not make it:
(I see why people say that you shouldn't name your chickens, I think I still would be just as attached even if I didn't name them, most of these were starting to lay eggs too, Snow was my super layer, Maddie was an early layer for an EE)
Snow-White Leghorn
Maddie- Easter Egger
Dominique - Dominique
Fred- Columbian Wyandotte
Nemo - Silver Laced Wyandotte
Red- Rhode Island Red
Wilma - Welsummer (8 week old)
Izzie - Brown Leghorn (8 week old)
Lucy - Salmon Faverolle (8 week old)
Yahoo - Black Australorp (8 week old)

When we got home my husband saw the dog, we chased it away and after we were just picking up chickens from all over the place, he just ran around the garden killing them, they were scattered everywhere, none were eaten just killed, it is so senseless. The dog is still out running around somewhere. My coop and run are secured. We just went out to dinner and I left them out for not even 2 hours. I've been doing that since I got the chickens with no problems and they usually free range all day while I am home and I never leave for longer periods without putting them in the coop and run. Now it will only be supervised.

If we catch the dog, it will go to the pound, I do not know who the owner is.

Thank you everyone for your help, time to get some rest.
Oh Lynn - that's horrible to come home to! I read about things like this and it doesn't really affect me but your story hit me hard because I feel like I know your chickens through this thread.
Huge hugs for you!
In Salatin's book he had one that had a huge gaping wound and all he did was separate it and keep it warm and it survived. I hope your's pull through!

I don't want to change the subject but just wanted to update on our chicks... the little darker chipmunk wouldn't eat and started to go downhill. I've managed to keep her alive so far by feeding her egg yolk and water with some dissolved food and gave her some vit E tonight. She is doing the neck thing where any time she tries to move her head falls back and makes her flip over. From what I've read that sounds like a Vit E deficiency. I put her in a teacup like I've read and it helps her stay upright a lot. I've managed to fill her crop a couple times and it has emptied. I hope she pulls through!
coop de doo those fuzz balls are so cute, my fuzz balls are a week old yesterday and the first batch will be 4 weeks old monday, I will get pics and post later. Just wondering if you are adding acv to your water? we got pasty butts with the first batch and then I read in another thread here to add 1 tsp acv per qt of water, it cleared up pasty butts and no pasty butts with the week old babies since I added the acv along with the vita stuff from the start.
Oh, Lynn, I'm so sorry! :hugs I know it's probably way too late to be much of a help now, but I have a link in my signature entitled 'Chicken First Aid Kit', within which I have a detailed list of items in a chicken first aid kit and how to use them, if that helps. Be very careful about your birds. Now that that dog has been there, it will likely be back for more 'fun'. :mad:

Info on shock:

Helping with possible pain and discomfort: Don't give aspirin to any birds still bleeding!

Wound care:

I am heartbroken for you--silly as it sounds, I have come to think of all of our flocks as one, what with all the updates we've been posting back and forth here.
Oh, Lynn, I'm so sorry!

I am heartbroken for you--silly as it sounds, I have come to think of all of our flocks as one, what with all the updates we've been posting back and forth here.
This is exactly what I was feeling!

My unhurt survivors are fine and in the coop, the remaining little 8 week old was actually welcomed by the bigger girls to the top roost. These 4 all got away in the woods, thank God. 3 -19 week old and 1 -9 week old, only 4
They are secured in the coop.

5 are wounded:
I have a Barred Rock, Google, with a hurt leg and missing skin on that side and puncture wounds, she seems the worse off, but the most alert and actually ate.

I have a Blue Cochin, Gizmo, that has a puncture wound on her back.

Another Barred Rock, Oreo, who had puncture wounds on her back as well. She can walk around and ate a little too.

A Buff Orpington, Big Mama, who seems in shock, she has a little blood by one ear, but I cannot find anything else.

The 8 week old Golden Laced polish, Elvis, seems in shock too, I saw some missing feathers on her back but nothing else. I put her under the Eco Glow.

They are all separate but together in the basement on towels and in or under laundry baskets depending on how well they move. I didn't want the better ones to bother the more injured. They are sleeping now.

I rinsed all the wounds with antiseptic wound wash and hydrogen peroxide and all I had on hand is regular antibiotic cream, so I applied that. They are all comfortable now. I'll access in the morning and I'll be going out to get some NuStock as well. I will also determine if some need to be put out of their misery then too, I've never done that before. I'm hoping that they pass in the night if they are really bad off, they don't seem to be in pain now and are just really tired. We'll see in the morning, I guess.

My 10 that did not make it:
(I see why people say that you shouldn't name your chickens, I think I still would be just as attached even if I didn't name them, most of these were starting to lay eggs too, Snow was my super layer, Maddie was an early layer for an EE)
Snow-White Leghorn
Maddie- Easter Egger
Dominique - Dominique
Fred- Columbian Wyandotte
Nemo - Silver Laced Wyandotte
Red- Rhode Island Red
Wilma - Welsummer (8 week old)
Izzie - Brown Leghorn (8 week old)
Lucy - Salmon Faverolle (8 week old)
Yahoo - Black Australorp (8 week old)

When we got home my husband saw the dog, we chased it away and after we were just picking up chickens from all over the place, he just ran around the garden killing them, they were scattered everywhere, none were eaten just killed, it is so senseless. The dog is still out running around somewhere. My coop and run are secured. We just went out to dinner and I left them out for not even 2 hours. I've been doing that since I got the chickens with no problems and they usually free range all day while I am home and I never leave for longer periods without putting them in the coop and run. Now it will only be supervised.

If we catch the dog, it will go to the pound, I do not know who the owner is.

Thank you everyone for your help, time to get some rest.
I'm thinking about you this morning... I'm sure you are very busy with the girls but I'm hoping the hurt ones made it through the night. Fill us in when you can.
Lynn I'm so sorry! I can't imagine what your going thru, I will keep my fingers crossed that everyone makes it. I would try and find the dogs owner cause aren't they responsible for what happened? Please keep us updated and if there is anything we can do please let us know!

Pipd is right, it's like we have one giant flock with all the updates and story's we share everyday here.
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I ordered the minimum number of Silkies and have been slowly rehoming them, since I can't keep that many. These are my last two. The top two pictures are of my "keeper chicken." Of the whole little flock, she's the one I decided to keep. The bottom one is of my roo, which I'm currently trying to rehome. (I'm in Fort Worth/Keller, Texas if anyone is interested). Honestly, his comb is pretty pitiful compared to the last little guy that left, but he has a beautiful color. He's just left because I couldn't tell what gender he was for the longest time.

Second Meyer Hatchery post (Millie Fleur, Bantam Easter Egger). These hatched from the bantam hatching eggs assortment. Out of 7 eggs, one was a dud. There were 3 that tried to hatch, but just these two hatched out. I've never seen a chick so strong as that white one, it ran around and peeped for its chicken friends to come out non-stop. I had basically decided that if one was a rooster I'd have to sell the pair, because they are the best of chicken friends. (At night I carry Millie to the garage, and white chicken follows me in, screaming for its friend). BOTH are hens!!! These were my all time favorite chicks, although the white one might be the dumbest chicken I've ever had.

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