Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I'm not 100% positive since I'm not home to check, but I think they have single combs. They shouldn't be Buff Orpingtons because they have yellow legs, not white. I guess they're probably going to darken up more red than buff and end up being Golden Buffs or New Hampshire Reds. I have not heard good things about hatchery New Hampshires, or hatchery sex links, so those would have been on the very bottom of my list..... Maybe someone else can give me some uplifting stories about their NHR's or Golden Buffs from Meyer?

Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts!

Originally Posted by pipdzipdnreadytogo

Can you tell what kind of comb the buffs have yet? If they have single combs, they're buff Orpingtons. I believe Chanteclers have pea combs, so a flat area where the comb should be, or maybe small bumps in the comb area would mean Chanteclers. Those are the only clean-legged buff-colored brown egg layers that they have, so they've got to be one or the other (or both).
Good to hear Amber is hanging in there.
Now that you know who is laying what... is your BR's egg light in color? I thought mine would be laying by now but I've never seen her in the nest box yet. Her comb is so big and red it flops over. She is by far my favorite girl... love her personality!!

Yes, we always knew her egg was light in color, but the BA threw us because they seemed to lay on different days instead of 2 in one day. Now they are both laying almost every day. The BR egg is slender and very light creamy color. The BA egg is short and fat and a slightly darker brown.

I'm not 100% positive since I'm not home to check, but I think they have single combs. They shouldn't be Buff Orpingtons because they have yellow legs, not white. I guess they're probably going to darken up more red than buff and end up being Golden Buffs or New Hampshire Reds. I have not heard good things about hatchery New Hampshires, or hatchery sex links, so those would have been on the very bottom of my list..... Maybe someone else can give me some uplifting stories about their NHR's or Golden Buffs from Meyer?

Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts!

Our BO had yellow legs as a chick. They got lighter the older she got. Here's a pic of her at 1 1/2 weeks old. So those might still be BO. If you google BO chicks you'll see really yellow legs.
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YOU'RE RIGHT! Goodie goodie goodie. I have two ~10 week old Buff Orpingtons and I adore them. Now I'm holding out hope that my 3 weeks old are BO's (except that one that has full-blown wings and tail, it must be something else).
Nancy we are only getting 2 silkies in the order but with the ones we already have we will have 6 total. I feel ya on the st run cause 3 of my 4 are males, we are prob gonna have to rehome our white roo cause him and my blue one keep fighting and we already have a white hen. And yes they are my first ducks! I've wanted ducks since I was really young but my parents would never let me keep any of the ducklings I found (we lived on a lake with a ton of Muscovys so we ended up with lost ducklings every year) but almost 20 years later I finally get to have my ducklings! Hubby got me a iPhone 5 today so hopefully ill have better luck getting photos on here than with my ipad.

Lynn sorry about your lakenvelder. Isn't this like the 3rd time you've tried to order one?!
One of my girls just did the egg song!! I was outside sitting with one of my cats in the yard and I heard a very young sounding egg song. I'm not sure who it was because they stopped as soon as I got to the coop. My adult girls do the egg song so many times every day that it must've rubbed off on one of the little girls. It was either Amber or Ellie the two EE's, because they were the only two who weren't resting up on the roosts before bed. Maybe they'll be early layers?

I also have a question about Amber for those of you who have adult Easter Eggers. Do female EE's ever get dark green iridescent tail feathers? Amber looks nothing like a cockerel, but her tail feathers are the same color as my two RIR boys. The rest of her coloring looks like a pullets would, and she doesn't have hardly any comb or wattles. I'll try and get some pictures posted tomorrow to show you what I mean about the tail.
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I've noticed that many of my hens with black feathers have an iridescent sheen to them. This is not an indicator of manliness, so don't worry. :)

Also, check out Rangi. She's a mostly black bird and so she's iridescent overall:

I've noticed that many of my hens with black feathers have an iridescent sheen to them. This is not an indicator of manliness, so don't worry. :)

Also, check out Rangi. She's a mostly black bird and so she's iridescent overall:


Okay good. Another thing that worries me is that Ambers tail fathers are pointed on the ends. :/ The very ends (maybe the last quarter to half inch) curve down and are pointed on the tips. Like I said before, I'll have to get some photos.
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Nancy we are only getting 2 silkies in the order but with the ones we already have we will have 6 total. I feel ya on the st run cause 3 of my 4 are males, we are prob gonna have to rehome our white roo cause him and my blue one keep fighting and we already have a white hen. And yes they are my first ducks! I've wanted ducks since I was really young but my parents would never let me keep any of the ducklings I found (we lived on a lake with a ton of Muscovys so we ended up with lost ducklings every year) but almost 20 years later I finally get to have my ducklings! Hubby got me a iPhone 5 today so hopefully ill have better luck getting photos on here than with my ipad.

Lynn sorry about your lakenvelder. Isn't this like the 3rd time you've tried to order one?!
This is just the 2nd time for the Golden Lakenvelder. The one I ordered for the 3rd time is the Golden Laced Wyandotte. I knew for sure when I received the call they would say that it wasn't available too, but so far so good. I hope I get one and she survives and also is a "she".

I was really surprised that they didn't have enough female White Leghorns, I figured they would always have a ton of those. I guess no one get predict how many females and males end up hatching out, not even a hatchery.

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