Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

One of the EE's, Ellie was checking out the nest boxes today, neither EE has squatted yet though.
That's a good sign cause they may never squat. Of my 4 EE's only 2 squat the others run away from me
Of my 13 girls all squat except those 2!

You have an open air coop don't you?? Do you do anything to cover it up against the cold?
My Black Australorp laid her first egg today! She is 22 weeks old. My Easter Egger was also in the nestboxes today scratching around.
No eggs from her so far but she is getting really close!

My Blue Andalusian is really impressing me with her laying. She is laying 4-5 eggs a week even though it is freezing outside. She is laying as well as my Barred Rock who is a month older than her. She is not very friendly but she is pretty and lays lots of white eggs so I am happy with the breed. I can't wait until they are all laying so I can have a pretty egg basket!
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My squatter this am! She did one great squat for me. 20 wks on Monday!
She does look ready. I am surprised the size of her comb and wattles. Maybe I need to look at her again but my Golden Buff does not look nearly that red or have that big of a comb or wattles. She has been squatting for the past couple of weeks though. Guess she just will have a small comb? Who knows? Think they're cross breeds so maybe that's why there is a difference. Mine is 3 weeks older. All of my older group was laying by the 24 week, so I hope these others will start up. I know what will happen, I will complain and complain and the next thing you know I will have way too many eggs!

My Black Australorp laid her first egg today! She is 22 weeks old. My Easter Egger was also in the nestboxes today scratching around.
No eggs from her so far but she is getting really close!

My Blue Andalusian is really impressing me with her laying. She is laying 4-5 eggs a week even though it is freezing outside. She is laying as well as my Barred Rock who is a month older than her. She is not very friendly but she is pretty and lays lots of white eggs so I am happy with the breed. I can't wait until they are all laying so I can have a pretty egg basket!
Congratulations!!! My BA is behind on laying, these younger chickens are beating her.

What's the size of your blue andulasions eggs? My 2 Andulasions are pretty skittish, although my Splash one is very talkative to me. They also with my Golden Campine are the escapees that keep flying into trees and away from their free range area. Such trouble makers!
These chickens were part of a Brown Egg Layer Assortment hatched around July 5th (6. months old now). I got 4 buff orpingtons, 1 buff rock (I think, she feathered in WAY faster than the orps and has yellow legs), 3 australorps, 1 jersey giant, and 6 white rocks. Most, if not all of them are laying.





Thanks for the responses. I do have tons of ventilation. I added more roosts today for my current girls to enjoy while we wait. I think I will begin thinking of a backup plan for an addition to the run just in case that becomes an issue. I will need to add a few feeders though definitely!! Thanks again.
These chickens were part of a Brown Egg Layer Assortment hatched around July 5th (6. months old now). I got 4 buff orpingtons, 1 buff rock (I think, she feathered in WAY faster than the orps and has yellow legs), 3 australorps, 1 jersey giant, and 6 white rocks. Most, if not all of them are laying.

If you bought them from Meyer, all your buffs are Orpingtons, they don't have buff Rocks. I love my buff Orps from them, they are such nice birds and so fluffy. I'm getting a few Australorps this spring, they lay so well and I love that shiny black color.
These chickens were part of a Brown Egg Layer Assortment hatched around July 5th (6. months old now). I got 4 buff orpingtons, 1 buff rock (I think, she feathered in WAY faster than the orps and has yellow legs), 3 australorps, 1 jersey giant, and 6 white rocks. Most, if not all of them are laying.

Pretty chickens!

If you bought them from Meyer, all your buffs are Orpingtons, they don't have buff Rocks. I love my buff Orps from them, they are such nice birds and so fluffy. I'm getting a few Australorps this spring, they lay so well and I love that shiny black color.
I thought Meyers got a new breed. I was a little confused about the Buff Rock too. Did you mean Barred Rock wondertwinpower? Love your BYC name by the way, reminds me of my child and of course cartoon watching on Saturday mornings!

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